Chapter 163 Can't fool me

Lu Yanche stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob, his face was very gloomy, and he had the urge to open the door and ask what happened to Lu Meiqi...

However, this impulse was instantly suppressed by Lu Yanche. Lu Meiqi was confiding to Mu Niange that the reason she locked herself in the room was because of Xia Minmin, and what did Xia Minmin do to Lu Meiqi?
Lu Yanche underestimated Xia Minmin. Her long hand stretched out in front of Lu Meiqi, which caught Lu Yanche off guard. If it wasn't for the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi, Lu Yanche might not know what Xia Minmin did. for……

Lu Yanche stayed at the door of Lu Meiqi's room for a while, then turned around and walked downstairs.

Mu Niange looked at Lu Meiqi who was in pain. Apart from patting Lu Meiqi on the back to comfort Lu Meiqi, she couldn't think of what words to use to comfort Lu Meiqi...

Lu Meiqi was innocent from the very beginning, and it was Mu Niange's miscalculation to let Lu Meiqi encounter such a thing.

Lu Meiqi's crying gradually became quieter. Mu Niange took a tissue and handed it to Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi took it and wiped the tears on her cheeks fiercely: "Sister Niange, I can't be completely treated by Xia Minmin like this." Blame you."

Lu Meiqi recalled what happened that day...

It was Lu Meiqi who said something that made Xia Minmin sensitive.

"I told Xia Minmin that I saw what she did to you. She pressed me and pressed me, but I wouldn't answer, so she did it..." Lu Meiqi looked sideways at Mu Nian with red and swollen eyes Song, she explained to Mu Niange again, she didn't want Mu Niange to blame herself too much.

It's a pity, no matter whether Lu Meiqi said such a thing or not, in Mu Niange's view, the trigger for Xia Minmin's confrontation with Lu Meiqi was Mu Niange...

Mu Niange nodded, as a response to Lu Meiqi, her hand was still patting on Lu Meiqi's back: "Then how do you need me to help you now?"

Xia Minmin's most taboo is that Lu Meiqi sued in front of Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche. Therefore, Lu Meiqi will not do the complaint for the time being. She wants to hide it from Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche, and the only way to hide it from them is to wait on her neck. The red seal disappeared, and appeared in front of them...

"I don't want to worry about my mother and brother..." Lu Meiqi lowered her eyes, her words were full of sadness.

She was bullied, it was beyond her control, her mind was damaged, leaving a shadow, it was beyond her control, but Madam Lu and Lu Yanche were worried, but Lu Meiqi could control it, if she could be stronger, Work hard and nothing will happen next.

Her improvement, Mrs. Lu, Lu Yanche is happier than anyone else.

Because of Xia Minmin, let her be locked in the room again, Mrs. Lu, what Lu Yanche will think in his heart, Lu Meiqi doesn't know, and doesn't know...

"Well, you won't worry them. These few days, I will visit you in the morning, at noon, and at night. You can lock yourself in the room without seeing anyone. I will explain the rest for you. ..." After Mu Niange explained some things to Lu Meiqi, he opened the door of the room and walked out.

There was silence in the corridor. She looked towards the first floor, but unfortunately, she met Lu Yanche's gaze.

Mu Niange's expression changed, he immediately looked away, and walked towards the first floor. As soon as Mu Niange came down, Mrs. Lu immediately went up to meet him: "Niange, how is Meiqi?"

Mu Niange looked at Mrs. Lu's anxious and worried look, and understood somewhat. Lu Meiqi's difficulties had made Mrs. Lu worry for the first half of her life, and for the rest of her life, Lu Meiqi didn't want to make Mrs. Lu worry anymore, but some things are often beyond her ability to do. decided.

"Meiqi is fine. She told me that she has been dreaming for the past two days. She dreamed of some scenes from the past. She was so nervous that she locked herself in the room. She doesn't want you to worry about Auntie." Mu Niange looked directly at Landing Madam, explained to Madam Lu.

As soon as she heard Lu Meiqi dreaming, Mrs. Lu became even more anxious: "Then what should I do? Meiqi finally got better..."

"Mom, listen to the song first." Lu Yanche spoke at the right time.

Hearing this, Mrs. Lu fell silent, Mu Niange glanced at Lu Yanche, and continued: "Meiqi will stay in the room for the next few days, and I will come to see Meiqi on a regular basis. After a week, She'll be back to normal."

Mu Niange said very firmly...

Mrs. Lu felt a little more at ease when she heard Mu Niange's words. However, she thought that Mu Niange was still studying as an undergraduate. She looked at Mu Niange and hesitated to speak...

Mu Niange didn't hide it at all: "I've asked for leave from the academy. It won't affect me for a few days..."

Mrs. Lu smiled at Mu Niange, stretched out her hand to take Mu Niange's hand, patted the back of Mu Niange's hand and said, "Okay, I've troubled you these few days, thank you for your hard work."

When Mu Niange came out from the gate of Lu's house, Xia Minmin subconsciously wanted to step forward, dragged Mu Niange over, asked what Mu Niange was doing inside, and what he said in front of Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu .

As soon as Xia Minmin stepped out, she hurriedly took her back. Behind Mu Niange, the person who came out was actually Lu Yanche...

Xia Minmin's face turned ugly. She hid inside and observed quietly, but she couldn't hear what was said between them.

Mu Niange said that he wanted to leave, Mrs. Lu tried to persuade her to stay, but she couldn't, she asked Lu Yanche to send Mu Niange out, but Mu Niange politely refused, Lu Yanche followed behind Mu Niange regardless of Mu Niange's refusal Mu Niange walked very fast. When he walked out of the door and walked towards the door of the backyard, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's wrist.

Mu Niange turned to look at Lu Yanche, and said calmly, "If you want to ask Meiqi about something, I've made it very clear just now..."

It's easy to guess Lu Yanche's thoughts...

The people Lu Yanche cares about can be counted on five fingers, Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi has two of them, and his finger is injured, how could Lu Yanche not care?
Lu Yanche laughed 'hehe', he ignored Mu Niange's words, and asked, "What happened to Meiqi to become like this?"

When Lu Yanche came out, she probably lost her ears in the room. An impatient look flashed across Mu Niange's face, and she broke away from Lu Yanche's hand: "I'll say it again, I've made it very clear, you If you don't understand, you can ask Mrs. Lu."

"You can fool my mother with your words, but you can't fool me. Let me ask you, what happened to Meiqi?"

(End of this chapter)

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