Chapter 164

"Lu Yanche, you really need to go to the hospital to have your ears checked!" Mu Niange didn't bother arguing with Lu Yanche any longer. She released Lu Yanche's hand and continued to walk towards the backyard door.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange's back, and said with thin lips, "Even if you don't tell me, I know that Meiqi became like this because of Xia Minmin..."

When Mu Niange heard this, his steps stopped.

Her hand holding the medicine box tightened slightly. She didn't look back at Lu Yanche. The expression on her face betrayed herself. How did Lu Yanche know that Lu Meiqi became like this because of Xia Minmin?
Lu Yanche regarded Mu Niange's silence as tacit consent.

Lu Yanche picked up his steps, and slowly approached Mu Niange: "I don't want to know the secret between you and Meiqi, nor will I guess, but, about Xia Minmin, why are you hiding it from me? Could it be that I You don't even have the right to know about your own sister?"

"Xia Minmin, what did you do to Meiqi?"

Lu Yanche first questioned Mu Niange, and then asked Mu Niange very firmly what Xia Minmin did to Lu Meiqi.

Lu Yanche has the right to know...

Lu Meiqi's affairs cannot be left to Mu Niange's responsibility. Mu Niange has no such obligation, let alone that responsibility.

"Although I don't know what hobbies you have, but your habit of eavesdropping is really not a good habit. You just heard the word 'Xia Minmin' and concluded that it was Xia Minmin who did something to Meiqi. In my heart, what kind of position is Xia Minmin, isn't it very unbearable?"

Mu Niange curled his lips and smiled contemptuously.

She expected that Lu Yanche would come back to eavesdrop after she entered the room...

Lu Meiqi spoke loudly, which was not controlled by Mu Niange, but Lu Meiqi did not say anything else. If Lu Yanche hadn't come to question Mu Niange, Mu Niange even suspected that Lu Yanche had heard it all. However, now Lu Yanche Questioning meant that what he heard was Xia Minmin, and he wanted to come to Mu Niange to make sure.

But, what obligation does Mu Niange have to tell Lu Yanche this?

Lu Yanche can't even handle her affairs, but now that it's Lu Meiqi, can Lu Yanche really handle it?
Mu Niange sent a big greeting in his heart.

Is Mu Niange trying to defend Xia Minmin?
Lu Yanche was taken aback by Mu Niange's question. He didn't know how to respond to Mu Niange. No matter how Lu Yanche responded, Mu Niange could find good words to deal with Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche was afraid that he might say something wrong. Which sentence will anger Mu Niange.

He chose to remain silent, waiting for Mu Niange's next words...

"But yes, Xia Minmin is unbearable in your heart, that's normal. Since you know that Xia Minmin is unbearable, when Meiqi locked herself in the room, you should think that it was Xia Minmin who did something to Meiqi. Instead of coming to find me and help you, it turns out that you are not sure, so you want to seek answers from me."

"And it's impossible for me to tell you the answer. What do you want to know and what you want to do, you can ask Meiqi, or ask Xia Minmin in person. I have nothing to say, and I will not follow You meant to do it."

Mu Niange went in and out of Lu's house for several days, asking for leave from the academy...

False, it was Mu Niange who called Yang Zhishuang to invite her. On the phone, Mu Niange didn't explain the reason to Yang Zhishuang. For such Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang was angry and speechless. It was like this every time, and she didn't explain things. When she knew it, she left, and when she got to the back, Yang Zhishuang, who learned the truth, almost shed tears.

Either being entangled by Lu Yanche, being bullied by Xia Minmin, or even being pushed into the water, whatever...

Yang Zhishuang was alone, bored in every possible way, it had been a week since Mo Yunhao came here last time, Mo Yunhao really didn't plan to come and explain to Mu Niange about the shitty thing between Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin?

While Yang Zhishuang was meditating, the phone rang with a 'ding', which frightened Yang Zhishuang. When Yang Zhishuang picked up the phone and saw the caller displayed on the screen, her eyes lit up, and she immediately picked it up and said, "Hi , are you finally willing to show up?"

Mo Yunhao on the other end of the phone, when he heard Yang Zhishuang's words, he smiled helplessly: "Why am I reluctant to show up?"

Yang Zhishuang rolled her eyes to herself, did Mo Yunhao make up his mind to play dumb?
"Last time, at the gate of our academy, you... were flirting with Xia Minmin. Could it be that you want to renege on your debt?"

The word 'Xia Minmin' came out from the mobile phone, making the atmosphere inexplicably solemn. Mo Yunhao didn't respond to Yang Zhishuang immediately. He remained silent. His silence, in Yang Zhishuang's view, was terrifying.

Yang Zhishuang's hand holding the phone slightly tightened: "Senior, don't tell me what really happened between you and Xia Minmin, between Xia Minmin and Nian Ge..."

Halfway through Yang Zhishuang's words, she realized that she had said something wrong, and immediately closed her mouth. At this moment, Mo Yunhao responded: "It's impossible for Xia Minmin and I to have anything. As for the relationship between her and Nian Ge, I don't know what happened, but from Nian Ge's appearance, it seems that she doesn't like Xia Minmin very much, what's going on between them?"

Mo Yunhao chuckled, and after explaining to Yang Zhishuang, he tested Yang Zhishuang again.

Mo Yunhao wanted to know the details...

He didn't know anything about Mu Niange and Xia Minmin. The only thing he knew was that Xia Minmin made him do something that hurt Mu Niange. In his heart, he felt guilty towards Mu Niange, so, He transformed his guilt into strength, and accompanied Mu Niange by Mu Niange's side, making Mu Niange walk out of the shadows day by day and become a lively and cheerful person. He didn't want to, because of his own mistakes, It ruined Mu Niange's life.

And when Mo Yunhao got along with Mu Niange for real, he realized what kind of girl Mu Niange was.

His mistake was not just wrong, but very wrong...

What's going on between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin?

Mo Yunhao wants to know?
Yang Zhishuang frowned, unexpectedly, Mo Yunhao would take the initiative to ask such a question, did he want to be a middleman, match Mu Niange and Xia Minmin, make their relationship closer and become friends?

Yang Zhishuang was speechless just thinking of Mu Niange and Xia Minmin becoming friends, her goosebumps came up, she shook her head, and said solemnly into the phone: "Senior, it's better not to ask about the matter between Niange and Xia Minmin .”

(End of this chapter)

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