Chapter 165 Time Bomb
"As for Nian Ge and Xia Minmin, you can only choose one side. Nian Ge and Xia Minmin will never be friends..."

Let Mo Yunhao choose between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin, there is no need to think about it, Mo Yunhao will choose Mu Niange, but if Mo Yunhao chooses Mu Niange, he can really choose Mu Niange Yes, there is a threat between Mo Yunhao and Mu Niange, and that threat is Xia Minmin...

If Mu Niange knew what happened back then, he would definitely hate him.

Mo Yunhao looked down at the phone in his hand, and smiled bitterly...

The reason why he chose to call Yang Zhishuang instead of calling Mu Niange was undoubtedly that he was escaping. From Yang Zhishuang, Mo Yunhao could not get comfort and peace of mind. It's a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment.

Xia Minmin was in the compound, looking at the door from a distance, and felt that the figure standing at the door was somewhat familiar...

She walked in with a surprised expression, and after looking at it, she saw clearly that it was Mo Yunhao. Xia Minmin became interested, folded her arms around her chest, and walked closer to Mo Yunhao: "I saw who it was, it turned out to be you, What? Knowing that Mu Niange is not in the academy, but at home, you couldn't help it, and ran into the compound?"

Xia Minmin's voice pulled back Mo Yunhao's thoughts...

He looked up, and saw Xia Minmin's disdainful expression, Mo Yunhao's face was cold, he didn't bother to pay attention to Xia Minmin, turned around and walked towards the bus stop...

Mo Yunhao dared to ignore himself, who else would dare to ignore himself?
Xia Minmin stomped her feet and shouted at Mo Yunhao's back: "Mo Yunhao, I really underestimated you. Now you not only dare to contradict my words, but also dare to ignore me. I've always held grudges. If I accidentally miss something in front of Mu Niange, don't blame me, I didn't warn you in advance."

blatant threat...

Mo Yunhao turned his head, looked at Xia Minmin with a gloomy face, and said, "You are really disgusting..."

Threatening Mo Yunhao is disgusting, so if Xia Minmin told Mu Niange the truth, what would she be in Mo Yunhao's eyes?
No matter what it is, it doesn't matter to Xia Minmin. The most important thing right now is that she wants to control Mo Yunhao. Mo Yunhao is her trump card. She wants to attack Mu Niange and let Lu Yanche gradually let go of Mu Niange , Mo Yunhao, is an indispensable key figure.

"I can disgust you, that's my skill, you bite me?" Xia Minmin brushed her hair, curled her lips and smiled sarcastically...

Xia Minmin's face made Mo Yunhao want to spit on Xia Minmin's face, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and responded with a smile: "You have your ability, I have mine, I want to take that matter Come and threaten me, you are not qualified."

"Oh? So, are you really not worried about me telling Mu Niange?"

"Speaking out, what good will it do you? Xia Minmin, don't forget, you are the mastermind of this matter. Everything I did was arranged by you..." Mo Yunhao's eyes turned red, and he stared at Xia Minmin , Word by word, said fiercely.

How could Xia Minmin forget?
She remembers everything about Mu Niange more clearly than anyone else, truly...

"But, Mo Yunhao, you forgot..."

"It's not a matter of a day or two for me to bully Mu Niange, let her know, it just makes her hate me even more, and makes her wish for me to die even more, but you are different, you approached Mu Niange with a purpose , playing the role of a confidant senior beside Mu Niange, you have ghosts in your heart, do you want to atone for your sins? But no matter how you atone for your sins, it is impossible to undo the harm you have done to Mu Niange. There is a scar, a scar that will never disappear."

"Xia Minmin!"

"Are you angry? It doesn't matter, you can get angry even if you become angry, or speak louder, maybe you can call out Mu Niange inside..." Xia Minmin turned her head and glanced behind her, she shrugged He shrugged and said very fearlessly.

"You may not know that Mu Niange asked the academy for a week's leave, the reason is..." Xia Minmin said this, deliberately prolonging her voice, and did not continue, she wanted to arouse Mo Yunhao's curiosity .

Sure enough, when he heard that Mu Niange asked for leave from the academy for a week, Mo Yunhao's expression changed, and he stared at Xia Minmin especially. Xia Minmin was not at all uncomfortable being looked at by Mo Yunhao, on the contrary, he burst out laughing with a 'puchi'. Taunting Mo Yunhao, he said, "You don't think that Mu Niange asked for leave because of you?"

"Because I know you and my relationship with you made Mu Niange feel bad and avoid you?"

"Mo Yunhao, you really can't take yourself too seriously as a human being, otherwise, if you get hurt, it will be very deep. Do you remember that there is a man named Lu Yanche in our compound? That's Mu Niange's First love, Mu Niange is now at his house, taking care of his younger sister, look, other people's younger sister, Mu Niange takes special care of her..."

Who is Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin really thinks that Mo Yunhao doesn't know?
Xia Minmin's sarcasm did not have any effect on Mo Yunhao, on the contrary, it attracted Mo Yunhao's ridicule: "Nian Ge takes care of Lu Yanche's sister at Lu Yanche's house, people who feel bad, It should be you, Xia Minmin, otherwise, why don't you even go to the academy and stay in this compound?"

"Why did you target Niange, and why did you suddenly transfer to Niange's academy? Do you really think I don't know? Xia Minmin, you and I are just the same. I let Niange know. Niange will hate me. Lu Yanche knows you , he will kill you."

kill you!
kill you!
kill you!
How could Xia Minmin not know that Lu Yanche would kill her?
Mo Yunhao's words were spinning in Xia Minmin's mind like a repeater, she stared at Mo Yunhao fiercely, her eyes were full of hatred...

After Mo Yunhao left, Xia Minmin looked at the street where Mo Yunhao left, and couldn't recover for a long time...

After six years, Mo Yunhao was no longer under Xia Minmin's control, and he knew everything about Xia Minmin like the palm of his hand. Xia Minmin wanted to take some advantage from Mo Yunhao, but he was asking for trouble.

After glaring at Mo Yunhao, Xia Minmin burst out laughing with a 'huh': "Mo Yunhao, you are so kind, I almost forgot what you looked like six years ago, but, counting I don't want to remember either."

"It's better to maintain a friendly relationship between us, otherwise, I don't know who will detonate this bomb first..."

(End of this chapter)

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