Chapter 166 I Don't Like You

This is Xia Minmin's last advice to Mo Yunhao...

Xia Minmin turned around and bumped into a figure. She took a few steps back, frowned, looked up, and met Ji Jingchen's smiling eyes...

Ji Jingchen clasped his hands in front of his chest, raised his eyebrows, and walked towards the position where Xia Minmin was standing just now with great interest. The place he was looking at was the direction Mo Yunhao left. Xia Minmin looked at what Ji Jingchen was observing. It looked like I was inexplicably nervous.

She cared about teaching Mo Yunhao just now, but she forgot that this is the gate of the compound, and people in the compound may appear at any time...

Ji Jingchen ran into Xia Minmin. According to the usual practice, Xia Minmin would humiliate Ji Jingchen. However, Xia Minmin didn't. She didn't say a word, which made Ji Jingchen feel weird. Admiringly said: "Xia Minmin, I didn't expect you to find a boyfriend so quickly. Giving up Ah Che is really a good choice."

Ji Jingchen's words made Xia Minmin's nervousness relax instantly. It seems that Ji Jingchen didn't hear the conversation between her and Mo Yunhao. What he saw was the scene where she watched Mo Yunhao leave.

Since he thought Mo Yunhao was Xia Minmin's boyfriend?
Should Xia Minmin say that Ji Jingchen has poor eyesight, or should he say that Ji Jingchen is actually blind?
Anything casual is worthy of Xia Minmin?

Xia Minmin sneered, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes: "Ji Jingchen, do you think that I would like someone like you?"

The smile on Ji Jingchen's lips froze, she was very upset by Xia Minmin's contemptuous eyes, what kind of guy is he, can someone like Xia Minmin say that?More importantly, Xia Minmin doesn't like Ji Jingchen, so does Ji Jingchen like Xia Minmin?
Ji Jingchen rolled his eyes wide and laughed 'hehe' twice: "Xia Minmin, what do you think you are in high demand? I need you to take a look at me?"

Does Ji Jingchen want to have a war of words with Xia Minmin?

It's a pity that Xia Minmin is not in the mood to quarrel with Ji Jingchen. In Xia Minmin's eyes, Ji Jingchen is standing next to Lu Yanche to set off Lu Yanche's green leaves...

"Ji Jingchen, has anyone ever told you that you are really disgusting..." Ji Jingchen's retort made Xia Minmin's complexion turn gloomy, because of Mo Yunhao's relationship, Xia Minmin's good mood was overwhelmed Destroyed, now, Mo Yunhao is gone, and Ji Jingchen rams her gun directly, if she doesn't show Ji Jingchen a little color, wouldn't she be sorry for Ji Jingchen's accusation?

"What I said is that I don't like you. It's the person you just saw. It's on the same level as you. If you have problems with your comprehension, I don't mind if you go back to elementary school and re-read."

Ji Jingchen seemed to have heard a big joke...

He looked up and smiled, but he didn't laugh out loud. He never thought that Xia Minmin was such a thick-skinned person. After the relationship broke up, Xia Minmin really showed his true nature. In the past, he wronged Xia Youyou, thinking that Xia Youyou , is the most hateful one, in fact, only more hateful, not the most hateful.

"Well, you look at me disgustingly, so you look at Ah Che, don't you feel disgusting as well?"

"Ache and I are brothers who have played together since childhood. I represent Ache, and Ache represents me. Did you know that you insulted me like this? If Ache knew, how would he think of you? Xia Minmin, I think you are really going all out, and you almost forget who you are..." Ji Jingchen felt that it would take a lot of effort to say a word to Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin is simply a lunatic.

An unreasonable lunatic would bite anyone he catches without even looking at him, especially those who are blocking Xia Minmin's path, they will only be repaired by Xia Minmin even worse, and Ji Jingchen is one of them blocking Xia Minmin's path people.

Xia Minmin ignores Ji Jingchen, ignores Ji Jingchen because he thinks it's unnecessary. Who would have thought that Ji Jingchen, an ignorant person, would appear in front of Xia Minmin himself and ridicule Xia Minmin, how could Xia Minmin let him go so easily?

"So I said, there is a problem with your comprehension ability, I am too lazy to continue talking nonsense with you, anyway, no matter how you climb, no matter how high you are, you are just an ant on the ground, I just need to step on it lightly, your Life is over..." Xia Min raised her chin and said with a proud smile.

Her smile is not only contemptuous, but also disdainful, and even looks down on Ji Jingchen...

As soon as Xia Minmin finished speaking, before Ji Jingchen could respond, he turned around and walked towards the courtyard. Ji Jingchen stared at Xia Minmin's back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and an unpredictable look flashed across his pupils. When Xia Minmin was about to leave Ji Jingchen's sight, Xia Minmin seemed to think of something, she turned her head: "Oh, by the way, there is one thing I forgot to say, the more you cling to Mu Niange, the lower your class will be." It will be lowered, because one day, Mu Niange will be trampled under my feet..."

It was not the first time Xia Minmin said such words.

In the past, Xia Minmin's words might have been somewhat convincing...

But now, Mu Niange is not the former Mu Niange, and it is even more impossible for Lu Yanche to watch Xia Minmin bullying Mu Niange without caring about it. Ji Jingchen can guarantee that Xia Minmin can't hurt Mu Niange in terms of means. However, there was one thing that made Ji Jingchen very concerned.

That's what Xia Minmin and Mo Yunhao said about the time bomb...

What is the secret between them?If this secret is known, what kind of consequences will it cause?
Does Mu Niange know the truth?

Or, for Mu Niange who was hurt by others, he didn't even know who the murderer who hurt him was, that was really unfair to Mu Niange...

For three days in a row, Mu Niange asked for leave from the college, and went in and out of Lu's house. Mu Yuanling didn't understand the truth of it, and always felt that there was a reason for Mu Niange to do this. On the fourth day at home, Mu Yuanling couldn't bear it and stepped forward, blocking Mu Niange's way.

Mu Niange stepped forward and almost bumped into Mu Yuanling. Mu Niange raised his head, looked at Mu Yuanling suspiciously and said, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah Che and you, is there something new?" Looking at Mu Niange's innocent expression, Mu Yuanling was angry and speechless. She wanted to question Mu Niange, but she was also worried. It frightened Mu Niange.

After all that day...

It was Mu Yuanling who took Mu Niange away from Lu Yanche. The problem between them has not been resolved yet.

(End of this chapter)

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