Chapter 167 I thought

Mu Niange was taken aback by Mu Yuanling's question...

Mu Yuanling would think this way, Mu Niange is not surprising, except for Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu, Mu Niange alone knows about Lu Meiqi's affairs, and no one else in the compound knows at all. Those who go in and out of Lu's house are indeed easy to attract criticism...

It is common to associate Mu Niange with Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange's failure to explain does not mean acquiescence, and Lu Yanche's failure to explain is tantamount to acquiescence. He wished that everyone in the compound would tie him and Mu Niange together, so that Lu Yanche could feel at ease.

Mu Niange sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face: "In your opinion, what's new between me and Lu Yanche?"

Mu Niange comes in and out of Lu Yanche, every time Lu Yanche picks it up and sends it out, let Mu Yuanling associate it, Mu Yuanling must associate it with bad things, for example, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche have reached an agreement , Mu Niange specially asked for leave, went to Lu's house, and increased his relationship with Lu Yanche...

If Mu Yuanling wanted to know, why did he need to ask Mu Niange?
Mu Yuanling had no other intentions, but felt that the matter between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche should not affect Mu Niange's daily life. When it was time to go to college, Mu Niange would still go...

Mu Niange looked at Mu Yuanling's hesitant expression, sighed again, reached out and patted Mu Yuanling's shoulder and said, "Brother, it turns out that you were overthinking, the relationship between Lu Yanche and me If there is anything, I will be the first to report it to you. These days, I have been in and out of Lu's house because of Lu Meiqi's relationship..."

Lu Meiqi?
Mu Yuanling frowned, somewhat incomprehensible.

The relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi is seen by Mu Yuanling, but their relationship is not such that Mu Niange will accommodate Lu Yanche and reconcile with Lu Yanche for Lu Meiqi's sake. Mu Yuanling thinks about it carefully Fan: "What happened to Meiqi?"

"Her condition is serious..." Mu Niange said casually. The matter about Xia Minmin is a secret between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi. Before it is completely resolved, Mu Niange doesn't want anyone to know, because , as long as one of them knows, things will become serious.

On the one hand, they will go to Xia Minmin to settle accounts. On the other hand, Xia Minmin's methods of dealing with Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange will be even more sinister, no longer upright, but behind the scenes...

Lu Meiqi's condition worsened, which was beyond Mu Yuanling's surprise.

Although Lu Meiqi is Lu Yanche's younger sister, he and Lu Meiqi seldom interact with each other. Mu Yuanling doesn't know anything about Lu Meiqi, but only vaguely knows that Lu Meiqi's mental illness is the same as that of Mu Niange's. The bullying by everyone led to...

"So, you didn't go to the academy to help see Meiqi?"

Mu Niange let out a 'huh', and nodded heavily: "A week, when there are a few days left, brother, you can't let me give up halfway, can you? More importantly, you can't just look at me, you have the ability , but don’t help others?”

Such a thing, Mu Niange can't do it, and doesn't want to do it...

Thinking of being bullied by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou caused a psychological shadow. When she was seriously ill, it was Yang Zhishuang who was by Mu Niange's side and never left Mu Niange. That's why Mu Niange is today...

In the past few days, Mu Niange went in and out of Lu's house, and was picked up by Lu Yanche, but no matter what Lu Yanche said to Mu Niange, Mu Niange ignored Lu Yanche. In front of Mrs. Lu, Lu Yanche asked a few words of concern for Lu Meiqi Before Mu Niange could respond, Lu Yanche became a cloud in Mu Niange's eyes out of Mrs. Lu's sight.

The feeling of being ignored, Lu Yanche tried again and again on Mu Niange's body. Each time, it brought different feelings to Lu Yanche, but the only difference was that Lu Yanche felt depressed and uncomfortable.

What Mu Niange said last time, Lu Yanche remembered in his heart, thinking about it later, what Mu Niange said was unreasonable...

When Lu Yanche heard that Mu Niange said the word "Xia Minmin" to Lu Meiqi, the first thought in his mind was to wait for Mu Niange to come out and ask what happened to Mu Niange. If Xia Minmin really did something, Lu Yanche would definitely He won't let Xia Minmin go easily.

Lu Yanche never thought about asking himself to find out the truth of the matter...

He has a pair of eyes and a pair of ears. What he sees and hears is the real thing in front of him, not the real thing he can't see. What is the difference between this kind of Lu Yanche and the Lu Yanche six years ago?
"Niange." Unable to control his emotions, Lu Yanche called out Mu Niange's name.

When Mu Niange heard the words, she didn't move in the slightest, and she didn't even look at Lu Yanche. She continued to walk forward, walked out of the backyard of Lu's house, and walked towards Mu's house.

Lu Yanche followed closely behind Mu Niange without any slack. He walked beside Mu Niange, looking at Mu Niange's profile, his face was expressionless and extremely calm, but for Lu Yanche The words are all the same, as long as you can look at Mu Niange like this, that's enough.

"I've worked hard for you these past few days..." Lu Yanche pursed his lips, thanking Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche's thanks made Mu Niange's calm face flash a little moved, she gave a light 'hmm' as a response to Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche got Mu Niange's response, and continued: "What happened last time, I my apologies."

After Lu Yanche thanked him, he apologized to Mu Niange...

Mu Niange couldn't understand such a nonsensical move...

It was impossible for Mu Niange to ask Lu Yanche, so she gave another 'hmm' as a response to Lu Yanche.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche explained: "My apology includes these two points. On the one hand, last time, on the street, I shouldn't have asked you such a question, and I shouldn't have done anything to you..."

"You are you, I am me, you have your freedom, I have no right, I have no right to restrict your freedom, and I have no right to control what kind of friends you make, but just listening to your conversation with Xia Minmin, I envy you , I'm jealous, I hate..."

"I feel that my position in your heart has plummeted. If I don't restore it, I will regret it when I can't restore it..."

"Recite the song, you can feel how unconfident I am in you. I used to think that in your world, only I existed and appeared. Now it seems that I was wrong, and I was wrong. It's outrageous..."

"Are you really just outrageously wrong?" Mu Niange refuted Lu Yanche impatiently when he heard Lu Yanche say such words.

(End of this chapter)

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