Chapter 171 The Best of Both Worlds

Lu Meiqi was choked by Mu Niange's words. She looked at the back of Mu Niange packing up her things, and a trace of annoyance flashed in her eyes. What should she do to find a way to let Mu Niange continue to be in the fixed room every day? During the time, they all came to Lu's house...

In the past few days, she stayed in the room. Mrs. Lu, Lu Yanche would ask her about her situation from time to time, and she responded one by one. Lu Yanche, in addition to asking about her own situation, also asked about Mu Niange's situation. He even asked Lu Meiqi, if she could find a way to let Mu Niange continue to come to Lu's house when she recovered from her illness?

This time, if it wasn't for Lu Meiqi's sake, it would be impossible for Mu Niange to enter and leave Lu's house...

In the past, Mu Niange had never been to Lu's house in the courtyard. No matter what Lu Yanche said, if Mu Niange didn't come, he wouldn't come. Maybe it was because of his low self-esteem that he was afraid of seeing Mrs. Lu. Mrs. Lu looked at herself with strange eyes, and said something about herself in front of Lu Yanche. At that time, Mu Niange would have no way to deal with it, and would only be hurt.

If it was destined to be hurt at the beginning, then Mu Niange would rather not start.

Lu Meiqi racked her brains and couldn't think of a reason to keep Mu Niange. When Mu Niange walked out of the room, she turned to Lu Meiqi and said, "Well, you can come out and tell your mother that your illness has recovered. For a while, it made her worry."

What to do, Mu Niange needs to remind Lu Meiqi, so that Lu Meiqi will not show her feet...

Regarding Mrs. Lu, Lu Meiqi is not worried. No matter what she does, Mrs. Lu will believe it. With the testimony of Mu Niange, Mrs. Lu will not doubt it. The person who worries Lu Meiqi is Xia Minmin.

Xia's house is opposite to Lu's house, Xia Minmin clearly watched Mu Niange's movements, but Lu Meiqi hadn't appeared for a week, it was impossible for Xia Minmin not to have doubts, Lu Meiqi needed to think of a countermeasure, to deal with it Xia Minmin, instead of being hurt by Xia Minmin again, let Mu Niange appear to clean up the mess for herself.

Lu Yanche really likes the feeling of staying under the same roof with Mu Niange...

Where Mu Niange is, what Lu Yanche sees is sunshine, so dazzling, so warm, time blinks and disappears. When Mu Niange said that he would never come to Lu's house again, Lu Yanche's heart ached. Yes, apart from being lost, she is still lost, unable to describe her feelings in words, and with her eyes that never forget, she is telling Mu Niange her reluctance.

After Xia Minmin was spat by Mu Yuanling and looked down upon by Mrs. Xia, after a long pause, she attacked again...

Xia Minmin only thought of it after being stimulated by Mrs. Xia. Mu Niange suddenly appeared at Lu Yanche's house. Lu Meiqi was not coming out of the house. Mu Niange went there at a specified time. Apart from visiting Lu Meiqi, Xia Minmin couldn't find any reason up...

Lu Meiqi found Mu Niange, which meant that Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche didn't know what she did to Lu Meiqi. As long as Mu Niange shut up, everything would be easy.

But how can Mu Niange shut up?
Mu Niange's shutting up doesn't mean that Lu Meiqi won't hold Xia Minmin accountable. The more Xia Minmin thinks about it, the more irritable she feels. She was really too impulsive about this matter. She should thank Xia Youyou. Before things got more serious, Xia Youyou came out to stop...

She had to think of a way to get the best of both worlds to solve this matter...

After Xia Minmin made up her mind, she didn't show up in front of Mu Niange, causing harm to Mu Niange. When Mu Niange was going to college on Monday, Lu Yanche's car appeared at the door of Mu's house again. Mu Niange guessed that , the reason why Lu Yanche will continue to help Lu Meiqi is to thank Mu Niange, pick up Mu Niange, and it becomes the sincerity of thanks...

Mu Niange glanced at Lu Yanche, without Lu Yanche saying anything, opened the door of the rear compartment and walked in.

Lu Yanche was stunned by Mu Niange's actions. After being stunned, he quickly got into the car and sent Mu Niange to the academy. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the academy, he saw Mo Yunhao standing at the entrance of the academy from a distance. The figure and Lu Yanche's face sank immediately.

Mu Niange got out of the car calmly, and walked towards Mo Yunhao...

After a week, when I saw Mu Niange again, Mo Yunhao felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time. The last time Mu Niange left, he didn't give Mo Yunhao a chance to explain. He didn't understand what Mu Niange was thinking, but never How did Yang Zhishuang know that Mu Niange actually cared about Xia Minmin's existence, his circle of friends, and there was someone like Xia Minmin.

As usual, Mo Yunhao stepped forward and rubbed Mu Niange's head, looked at Mu Niange with a smile, and said softly, "Niange."

Mu Niange allowed Mo Yunhao's actions, and responded to Mo Yunhao with a smile: "Well, good morning..."

For some reason, seeing Mu Niange's smile, Mo Yunhao felt a little relieved, he handed the bag in his hand to Mu Niange and said, "This is your favorite breakfast, it's for you apologize."

Mo Yunhao didn't beat around the bush, and directly cut to the point...

What he wants to say to Mu Niange, and the meaning he wants to express to Mu Niange, must be said and acted out immediately, otherwise, Mo Yunhao will be afraid, afraid that he will never have another such an opportunity.

Mo Yunhao's apology, in the eyes of Mu Niange, was a little inexplicable, she took the bag from Mo Yunhao's hand without refusing, and said: "Well, I will take care of things first, as for the apology you said, I am not Very clear, if you have time, you can explain to me..."

The meaning of Mu Niange is very obvious...

She didn't care about Mo Yunhao any more, everything was Xia Minmin's fault.

Seeing such a frank Mu Niange, Mo Yunhao's heart flashed a trace of guilt, he was really sorry for Mu Niange, let alone let Mu Niange know what he had done, otherwise, will evolve to an irreversible point.

Mo Yunhao pondered for a while, then rubbed Mu Niange's head behind him again, he nodded, and said heavily: "Okay."

Watching Mu Niange leave, Mo Yunhao turned around and met Lu Yanche's gaze. He was sitting in the car, staring at Mu Niange. Mo Yunhao's every move towards Mu Niange deeply angered Lu Lu Yan Che, Lu Yanche suppressed the emotions in his heart and did not go forward.

The movement of rubbing and poking Mu Niange's head was Lu Yanche's exclusive movement for Mu Niange. When did Mo Yunhao do this movement?

Lu Yanche's position was gradually replaced by Mo Yunhao, and it was not without a sense of crisis...

(End of this chapter)

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