Chapter 172 Staring at Xia Minmin

But, what can Lu Yanche do?
Lu Yanche didn't know the meaning of Mo Yunhao in Mu Niange's heart, and he couldn't judge whether it was right for Mu Niange to let Mo Yunhao treat him like this. However, from the relationship between Mo Yunhao and Mu Niange Lu Yanche can see the attitude, it is not an easy task to drive Mo Yunhao away from Mu Niange's heart...

This is not the first time Mo Yunhao met Lu Yanche...

Turning around to meet Lu Yanche's gaze, Mo Yunhao was slightly surprised, but his surprise quickly subsided. Lu Yanche looked into his eyes, wishing he could see through him. Yunho saw it even more clearly.

Mo Yunhao put his hands in his belt, raised his eyebrows, and responded to Lu Yanche's eyes not to be outdone...

The Lu Yanche in Mo Yunhao's memory was a high-ranking prince. Not only Xia Minmin, but also Xia Youyou who surrounded Lu Yanche, together with Mu Niange, were all bewitched. Thinking back to the past, Mo Yunhao was even a little jealous of Lu Yanche, now thinking back Get up, feel a little ridiculous...

Mo Yunhao will not become like Lu Yanche, let alone become Lu Yanche...

He will only be himself, the Mo Yunhao that Mu Niange needs.

Mo Yunhao's eyes, to Lu Yanche, are naked provocations, thinking of himself, getting close to Mu Niange, and only by picking up Mu Niange's reason to get close, Mo Yunhao doesn't need any reason, he can do it anytime, anywhere Appear in front of Mu Niange and say anything to Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche was jealous, crazy jealous...

He wanted to get out of the car, pulled Mo Yunhao's collar, and warned Mo Yunhao not to get close to Mu Niange, otherwise, he would give Mo Yunhao a look, but unfortunately, Lu Yanche was not qualified to treat Mo Yunhao When Yunhao said that, Mu Niange's friend, Mu Niange made the decision, and Lu Yanche once again realized how much he had failed.

With a cold face, Lu Yanche looked away, closed the car window, and disappeared in front of Mo Yunhao's eyes.

Lu Yanche's mood was depressed all the way. Lu Yanche was too lazy to go to the company, and went straight back to the compound. He happened to meet Ji Jingchen who was about to go out. Ji Jingchen hadn't seen Lu Yanche for a week. When he met him, he saw Lu Yanche's expression was wrong.

Ji Jingchen stepped forward with a surprised expression, put his arm around Lu Yanche's shoulder, stretched out his other hand to pat Lu Yanche's chest, and said, "Where did you come back from? You look so ugly?"

Ji Jingchen always likes to be lively. Whenever there is anything about Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen always likes to get in the way. In addition, the matter about Lu Yanche is about Mu Niange. Ji Jingchen feels guilty about Mu Niange in his heart. Of course, he hopes that he can help busy.

Besides Mu Niange, the person who can make Lu Yanche feel bad and look ugly is Mu Niange...

Ji Jingchen asked the question knowingly, and Lu Yanche gave him a cold look: "Let go of your dirty hands."

I haven't seen you for a week, and Ji Jingchen's hands are dirty. Ji Jingchen laughed twice, he didn't care about Lu Yanche, he patted Lu Yanche's chest harder and said, "What did you say? Say it again?"

After Ji Jingchen finished taking pictures of Lu Yanche, he changed the subject very sensibly: "During this time, Xia Minmin hasn't bothered you anymore, why do you still act like someone owes you millions?"

Ji Jingchen thought of Xia Minmin's contemptuous eyes and the disdainful sarcasm towards him at the gate of the compound, and he was glad that during the six years since Mu Niange left, Lu Yanche had not been subdued by Xia Minmin, otherwise, Lu Yanche would face a big disaster...

One wave is not over, another wave rises again...

Xia Minmin is a problem, and Mo Yunhao is even more of a problem. After solving one problem, another problem needs to be solved. It is hard for Lu Yanche to imagine when he and Mu Niange will be on the same page.

Mentioning Xia Minmin, Lu Yanche took advantage of the situation and asked Ji Jingchen a question: "What's Xia Minmin doing these past few days?"

It was the first time that Lu Yanche took the initiative to ask Xia Minmin, and Ji Jingchen couldn't get used to it for a while. He was stunned, and after realizing it, he said, "She's been in the compound for the past few days, and hasn't gone anywhere..."

Ji Jingchen didn't deliberately observe Xia Minmin, but he saw Xia Minmin at the gate of the compound last time, but from time to time, he could see it. The strange thing is that when he saw Xia Minmin, he saw Mu Niange at the same time. Ji Jingchen was a little suspicious, Xia Minmin It was because of Mu Niange that he didn't go to the academy...

"Niange is also in the compound these few days. Xia Minmin probably didn't go to the academy because of Niange, and he didn't go to the academy either..." Ji Jingchen deduced, Lu Yanche slowed down, and he also slowed down.

Ji Jingchen was hesitating whether to tell Lu Yanche what he saw and heard at the gate of the compound that day, he looked at Lu Yanche with hesitation flashing across his eyes.

Xia Minmin is in the compound?
Lu Yanche straightened his feet and grasped the point...

That day at the door of Lu Meiqi's room, after hearing the conversation between Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange, he suspected Xia Minmin in his heart, and went to Mu Niange to seek answers, but in the end, he still didn't go to Xia Minmin to question Xia Minmin's truth...

Now, after hearing what Ji Jingchen said, Lu Yanche can say with certainty that the matter of Lu Meiqi has something to do with Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin couldn't get any more benefits from Mu Niange, so she transferred the object to Lu Meiqi, and Lu Yanche's body gradually gave off a chill. In fact, Lu Yanche could tolerate Xia Minmin like this?
Lu Yanche's pensive look made Ji Jingchen feel more and more terrifying. He seemed to have thought of something, and the chill emanating from his body froze to Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen sighed and said, "I was at the gate of the compound that day and saw Xia Minmin with a man. together."

No matter which man Xia Minmin is with, she doesn't care about Lu Yanche's affairs...

What Ji Jingchen said was completely nonsense, Lu Yanche gave Ji Jingchen a sideways look, and didn't give him any good looks.

Ji Jingchen continued to focus on the main point without hesitation: "When I approached, the man left. I vaguely heard their conversation, which was about reciting songs. As for what it was, I didn't hear it clearly. It's..."

Ji Jingchen shrugged his shoulders, as if I've told you everything I know, and you can explore the rest by yourself.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes. He was with a man and talked about Mu Niange. I'm afraid it wasn't a good thing. Lu Yanche lightly opened his thin lips, not giving Ji Jingchen the slightest rebuttal Taking the opportunity, he said: "Whether you are free or not, during this time, give me a good look at Xia Minmin..."

After Lu Yanche finished explaining, he picked up his steps and walked towards Lu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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