Chapter 173 I Will Hurt

Ji Jingchen stood there in a daze, and only when Lu Yanche's figure completely disappeared in front of his eyes did he realize that he had been swayed by Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange went to the academy to attend class, it doesn't mean that Xia Minmin will go, and Xia Minmin doesn't necessarily have to follow Mu Niange's rhythm in order to deal with Mu Niange and take Lu Yanche back...

The matter of Lu Meiqi has always been a knot in Xia Minmin's heart. Mu Niange left the Lu family and never came again, which means that Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche did not find out that she pinched Lu Meiqi. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if I saw a glimmer of hope.

She watched Lu Yanche with her own eyes, Mrs. Lu left, walked out of the compound, walked from the compound to Lu's house, and rang the doorbell of Lu's house. She waited at the door of Lu's house, and when Lu Meiqi came out to open the door, she wanted to follow Lu Meiqi explained the matter clearly. She must know whether what Lu Meiqi said and what she saw was what Xia Minmin thought...

If she doesn't get an answer for a day, Xia Minmin will pester Lu Meiqi for a day until Lu Meiqi clarifies the matter.

Xia Minmin stood at the door of Lu's house for half an hour, but she didn't see Lu Meiqi coming out to open the door. Xia Minmin's face was not only ugly, but also gloomy...

Seeing that it was almost noon, the sun was getting hotter and hotter. Although it was winter, Xia Minmin couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable when she stood in the sun for a long time. She rang the doorbell but no one answered, and she slapped the door of Lu's house directly. Her force was very heavy. There was a 'popping' sound...

Lu Meiqi was in Lu Yanche. After Mrs. Lu left, she came down from the room and ate in the kitchen. After eating, she nestled on the sofa and watched Korean dramas with her mobile phone. When the doorbell rang, Lu Meiqi walked towards the door, through the peephole, He saw Xia Minmin standing at the door.

When Lu Meiqi saw Xia Minmin, she felt lingering fear. After the lingering fear, all that remained was a sneer. She ignored Xia Minmin, went back to the sofa, continued to watch Korean dramas, put on her earphones, and let Xia Minmin press the door, Lu Meiqi ignored...

Lu Meiqi knew in her heart that Xia Minmin was looking for her reasons.

Last time, Xia Minmin asked Lu Meiqi a question, but Lu Meiqi didn't have time to respond to Xia Minmin. More importantly, Xia Minmin wanted to know whether Lu Meiqi told Mu Niange what she did to Lu Meiqi.

Mu Niange is Xia Minmin's deadly enemy, let no one know, let Mu Niange know, otherwise, it will become Mu Niange's trick to catch Xia Minmin...

"Lu Meiqi, do you think that if you hide at home, I won't be able to run into you? Let me tell you, as long as it's what I, Xia Minmin thinks, there's nothing I can't do. I want to see what you can do by hiding at home." When you come out and I catch you, you will know how powerful I am..."

The harder Xia Minmin knocked on the door, the more painful her palm was...

Xia Minmin's patience was worn out by Lu Meiqi, she yelled at the closed door, she lost her mind, and even forgot that even if Lu Yanche and Madam Lu went out, they might come back again.

When Xia Minmin turned around and wanted to go back to her home, this accident met the eyes that Xia Minmin least wanted to meet now...

Xia Minmin's gloomy expression froze. She looked at Lu Yanche with her eyes wide open, with an expression of disbelief. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something to Lu Yanche, but in the end she couldn't say it...

Xia Minmin needs to defend and explain.

But Lu Yanche might not listen to her excuses, her explanations, keeping silent is Xia Minmin's best choice...

Lu Yanche picked up his steps and approached Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin was nervous and at a loss. Her eyes were looking around, trying to avoid Lu Yanche's persuasive eyes. How should she describe her mood, as if she had done something wrong and felt guilty? He didn't dare to face Lu Yanche, for fear that Lu Yanche would teach him a lesson after hearing what he said just now.

The person she insulted and warned was none other than Lu Yanche's biological sister, Lu Meiqi...

Compared with Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi's position in Lu Yanche's heart is probably more important.

"Che...Brother Che..." Xia Minmin bit the bullet and forced a smile at Lu Yanche. She looked behind Lu Yanche and said, "Aren't you with Niange? Today isn't Monday? Shouldn't you be sending it off?" Going to school for reciting songs?"

Xia Minmin understood clearly, she even knew when Lu Yanche should send Mu Niange off and when he should not show up in the compound.

Therefore, Lu Yanche can understand that Xia Minmin specially picked him to attack Lu Meiqi when he was not in the compound?

"You're disappointed that I didn't go to deliver the song?" Lu Yanche pursed his lips and smiled sarcastically. He met Xia Minmin's eyes coldly and asked Xia Minmin...

"Of course not..." Xia Minmin wanted to say 'Of course not', Lu Yanche didn't pick up Mu Niange, this was a great thing for Xia Minmin, it was a lack of consideration for her to ask Lu Yanche and respond to Lu Yanche like this.

Xia Minmin lowered her eyes, avoiding Lu Yanche's gaze, she pressed her lower lip tightly, her eyes rolled, thinking about how to respond to Lu Yanche...

When Xia Minmin looked up at Lu Yanche again, the nervousness and bewilderment just now were all suppressed by Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin chuckled lightly, stretched out her hand to straighten the collar of Lu Yanche's suit and said, "Of course it's impossible, I can't wait for Brother Che You, never see Mu Niange again, never talk to Mu Niange again..."

"I just watched Brother Che appear here suddenly. I was overly surprised, overly surprised. For a moment, I didn't know how to deal with it. You know, I haven't been alone with Brother Che for a long time. "

Xia Minmin's outstretched hand was photographed by Lu Yanche without any trace...

Lu Yanche didn't take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade, he patted hard, with a 'pop' sound, the back of Xia Minmin's hands turned red, the palms were red, the quilt was also red, the double layer of pain stimulated Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin became emotional, she questioned Lu Yanche: "Brother Che feels so cruel when I touch you? Don't you know that I will be hurt if you slap my hand off so hard?"

Xia Minmin is a human being, made of meat...

She has the same structure as Mu Niange, when Lu Yanche felt sorry for Mu Niange, why didn't he think about it, Xia Minmin is the same, need Lu Yanche to feel sorry for?
Such a harsh word.

Xia Minmin actually said that she would hurt in front of Lu Yanche. Is Xia Minmin ridiculous, or Lu Yanche seems suitable for Xia Minmin to say such ridiculous things...

(End of this chapter)

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