Chapter 183
Sometimes, Lu Meiqi is more difficult to deal with than Mu Niange. When Lu Yanche asks questions, the person who ignores Lu Yanche the most is Lu Meiqi, especially Lu Meiqi. When he hears something that doesn't suit him, he will directly give Lu Yanche a face, turn around and leave... …

"Recite the song, there are some things, if you don't say anything, and Meiqi doesn't say it, I understand it in my heart." Lu Yanche sighed, expressing the thoughts in his heart.

Lu Yanche knows, so what?
what's the effect?
Those who shouldn't be hurt, who shouldn't be hurt, aren't all hurt, are they hurt?
No matter what Lu Yanche does, it can't be changed. Inexplicably, Mu Niange felt a little ridiculous. She laughed twice, looked up at Lu Yanche, and dared to ask: "You know clearly, then, What are you going to do?"

"Meiqi's spiritual injury can be repaired by you? Everything she has experienced can be changed by you? Where do you have the confidence to say so swearingly, you know it in your heart, you understand..."

Mu Niange's complaint was not only for Lu Meiqi, but also for himself.

Mu Niange's pain spread to Lu Meiqi's body, didn't Lu Yanche notice this?
If this continues, Lu Meiqi will definitely experience more painful things than Mu Niange, and those are exactly what Mu Niange doesn't want to see, she can change, she will do her best to change, there is no need Lu Yanche is helping Mu Niange from the side, or he wants to pull Mu Niange behind him to solve things and solve problems alone...

"Recite the song, I said it, I'm not just talking, I will use my actions to prove it to you, but you never give me a chance to prove it, what do you want me to do? I work so hard, so hopeful , you can relax a little bit with me, let me walk into your heart a little bit, see clearly, see through your heart, and then make preparations for the next step, plan..."

"I understand, I understand, because I understand that self-confidence does not come from somewhere, but is inherent in itself."

"You can ignore me, ignore me, or even hate me, but you must not, erase my desire to know the truth, and even more want to protect you..."

"I will definitely find out about Meiqi, and then I will give you an explanation. I will not let such a thing happen again, and I will not let you and Meiqi be hurt again. You can believe it, no Believe it or not, I didn't expect you to believe me, but I just want to tell you, just tell you, let you know, that's enough."

The anger in Lu Yanche's heart was gradually stirred up by Mu Niange...

At first, Lu Yanche thought that Mu Niange had started to change, but in fact, it didn't. Mu Niange was more defensive towards Lu Yanche. She tried not to let Lu Yanche know. As long as Lu Yanche intervened, she would be cold. Treating Lu Yanche with an open face, even warning Lu Yanche, treating Lu Yanche with sarcasm.

Mu Niange has his own reasons and principles...

Lu Yanche understands all this. Lu Yanche can stand in Mu Niange's perspective and think for Mu Niange, so why can't Mu Niange stand in Lu Yanche's perspective and think for Lu Yanche?

Blindly blaming, blindly blaming, what did you get in return?
Let the distance between each other get farther and farther, and then let the trace of hatred in my heart gradually become stronger. In the end, it ended in tragedy. Mu Niange lived Mu Niange's life, Lu Yanche lived Lu Yanche's life, and the relationship between them They have nothing to do with each other, and never know each other again...

If this is what Mu Niange wants, maybe Lu Yanche will satisfy Mu Niange, but why is he so reluctant, so reluctant...

Mu Niange stood up from his seat with a 'squeak' and made a big noise. Lu Yanche stood there, motionless, and when Mu Niange opened his mouth to say something to Lu Yanche, he closed his mouth tightly. The wards were pushed away.

Ji Jingchen walked in front, Madam Lu was behind, and Xia Minmin followed behind Madam Lu...

When Mu Niange saw Ji Jingchen, she swallowed back the words that reached her throat. She stepped aside to make room for Mrs. Lu. When she saw Xia Minmin following Mrs. Lu, her face turned cold, like a hedgehog , Spread out the thorns all over the body.

Mu Niange didn't give Xia Minmin the slightest sympathy, looked at Xia Minmin and said directly: "What are you doing here?"

Mu Niange's words caught Lu Yanche's attention...

Lu Yanche turned his head and saw Xia Minmin who looked embarrassed. His face darkened and his brows were furrowed. Xia Minmin's appearance at this time did not mean that he was causing trouble for Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche said coldly, "Get out."

When Xia Minmin was asked such a question by Mu Niange, she was already annoyed, but when Lu Yanche drove her away so directly, she instantly became very sad...

She was full of emotions, her eyes turned red, and seeing Lu Yanche's expression of grievance, she pressed her lower lip tightly: "I... I'm here to see Meiqi."

Ha ha……

Xia Minmin wanted to see Lu Meiqi, whether she was dead or alive.

Mu Niange stepped forward quickly, grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, and wanted to drag Xia Minmin out. As soon as Mu Niange touched Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin resisted and wanted to shake off Mu Niange's hand, but Mrs. Lu was here, Xia Minmin had to Forbearance, she blinked her eyes, and tears instantly fell down: "Niange, don't do this, my hand is hurt, you hurt me, I just want to see Meiqi, seeing that Meiqi is fine, I Just leave, you don't want to see me, and you can't treat me like this, you have no right to stop me from coming..."

Xia Minmin first spoke out about her injuries, attracting Mrs. Lu's idea, and then said the purpose of coming here, and then, accused Mu Niange, what kind of master is she acting here?
Mrs. Lu hasn't spoken yet, what kind of thing is Mu Niange?
Xia Minmin's ability to pretend is first-class, how could Mu Niange be deceived by Xia Minmin, Mu Niange's strength in pulling Xia Minmin became more and more serious, and even really scratched Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin frowned, showing pain The expression on her face: "Recite the song, I'll go out, I'll go out, let go, let go, okay..."

Xia Minmin's second strategy is to beg for mercy from Mu Niange, begging very loudly, making the silent ward so quiet...

Lu Meiqi, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to be disturbed by Xia Minmin's voice. She moved her eyelids, as if she was about to wake up. Madam Lu saw it, her face darkened, and she reprimanded: "You all stop!"

Madam Lu is an elder, so Mu Niange wanted to listen to her words, but Mu Niange shook Xia Minmin's hand away.

(End of this chapter)

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