Chapter 184 The Injustice of the World
Xia Minmin stepped back abruptly, fell straight to the ground, and made a loud 'bang'. At this moment, Madam Lu was completely angry. She looked at Mu Niange and became unfriendly: "Recite the song, thank you for your hard work, you can go back and rest."

Mrs. Lu was naked, and gave Mu Niange the order to evict guests.

Thinking about it just now, it was Mu Niange who stabilized Lu Meiqi's mood, and it was Mu Niange who took care of Lu Meiqi. If it weren't for Mu Niange, it would be even more impossible for Mrs. Lu to know where Lu Meiqi is.

Now, for the sake of Xia Minmin, Mrs. Lu is driving her away?
Mu Niange said she wasn't surprised, it was a lie, she stared blankly at Madam Lu, she didn't realize it for a while, when she did, she turned around and walked directly towards the door of the ward without saying a word.

Things were developing so fast that Ji Jingchen was dumbfounded.

When Mu Niange walked out, he could clearly see that Xia Minmin, who had fallen to the ground, had a smug smile on her lips...

Because of what Mrs. Lu did, Lu Yanche's face turned black. He looked at Mrs. Lu, watching her help Lu Meiqi with this and that, but he didn't have the slightest reaction to Mu Niange's going out. He wanted to say What, finally gave up, he turned around, followed behind Mu Niange, about to walk out of the ward.

At this moment, Xia Minmin stood up, grabbed Lu Yanche's hand, looked at Lu Yanche with pitiful eyes and said, "Brother Che, are leaving?"

Xia Minmin said 'me' for a long time, with a look of hesitation, and after talking for a long time, she asked Lu Yanche if he was leaving.

Being touched by Xia Minmin was an insult to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche shook off Xia Minmin's hand with a force far stronger than Mu Niange's, but Xia Minmin only took a few steps back and did not fall to the ground. Lu Yanche It was instantly clear that Xia Minmin wanted to frame Xia Minmin in front of Mrs. Lu.

Lu Yanche didn't have time to find out why Xia Minmin appeared here.

But what Xia Minmin said to Mrs. Lu, Lu Yanche needs to know...

Lu Yanche's face darkened, he stepped forward and grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, and strode towards the door of the ward. Xia Minmin was startled by Lu Yanche's sudden action. She just wanted to resist, but when she saw that the target was Lu Yanche, she followed Lu Yanche again. move, went out.

Lu Yanche, as soon as Xia Minmin left, the ward fell silent...

Ji Jingchen stood there alone, neither leaving nor staying, and looking at Mrs. Lu's face, it was still so ugly, without any improvement, Ji Jingchen laughed twice: "I'll go out and see them, what happened."

When Ji Jingchen came out of the ward, he breathed a sigh of relief...

The atmosphere inside was too depressing, it really wasn't suitable for Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen saw Lu Yanche pulling Xia Minmin and walking upstairs.

Ji Jingchen was not interested in watching the scene where Lu Yanche questioned Xia Minmin. Besides, Xia Minmin might not be able to tell the truth in front of Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche had to show some sincerity to Xia Minmin, so that Xia Minmin would be afraid.

Thinking of Mu Niange walking out of the ward without saying a word, Ji Jingchen felt distressed when he saw that thin figure...

Mu Niange cares so much about Lu Meiqi, treats Lu Meiqi as a younger sister, and treats Lu Meiqi with all her heart. When Madam Lu says this, everyone will be angry, and I don't know where Mu Niange is aggrieved now.

While thinking, Ji Jingchen looked for Mu Niange in the hospital...

After searching around, he couldn't find Mu Niange, so he walked out and walked in the garden.

The breeze was blowing gently, and Mu Niange felt the coolness, but why, her heart was far cooler than this gust of wind?It makes people feel like shivering uncontrollably...

Sitting on the stone bench, Mu Niange looked at the figures of people coming and going, his eyes seemed a little hollow.

When Ji Jingchen approached, what he saw was Mu Niange's curled up body. Inexplicably, Ji Jingchen felt a little distressed towards Mu Niange. The temperature in the ward was completely incomparable with the temperature here. Seeing Mu Niange wearing a thin coat, Ji Jingchen's heart moved, he took off his coat and put it on Mu Niange's body.

Ji Jingchen's actions brought back Mu Niange's thoughts...

Mu Niange reached out and grabbed the coat with disbelief, looked up, and met Ji Jingchen's smiling eyes, Mu Niange looked away, pulled Ji Jingchen's coat, and wrapped himself up more tightly...

Ji Jingchen was waiting for Mu Niange to thank him. After waiting for a long time, he only waited for Mu Niange to look at him. Ji Jingchen became unhappy instantly. He sat down beside Mu Niange and complained: "Niange, I I gave you clothes to wear, shouldn't you thank me?"

When Mu Niange heard this, he glanced at Ji Jingchen: "Did I beg you to give me the clothes? Didn't you bring them to me?"

Ji Jingchen was choked by Mu Niange's words. Mu Niange was really not polite to Ji Jingchen at all. However, it was precisely because of Mu Niange's rudeness that Ji Jingchen felt that the distance between him and Mu Niange was closer...

Thinking back to the past, when Mu Niange saw Ji Jingchen, he either walked away or ignored him, which made Ji Jingchen very hurt.

Ji Jingchen actually likes it, the current Mu Niange...

At the very least, Ji Jingchen doesn't need to talk about Mu Niange's feelings. He owes Mu Niange a debt, and this debt has gradually turned into a friendship during the relationship...

"Niange, your skin is getting thicker day by day." Ji Jingchen sighed helplessly, stepped Mu Niange on the ground, and belittled him...

Mu Niange gave Ji Jingchen a blank look, and responded not to be outdone: "No matter how thick my skin is, I can't compare to yours, can I?"

Ji Jingchen: "..."

He never knew that Mu Niange's eloquence is so good. If he continues to talk to Mu Niange, he will definitely be severely abused by Mu Niange. Mom said that, feeling uncomfortable?"

Mu Niange felt uncomfortable, but she didn't even know...

It's just a feeling that Mrs. Lu is helping Xia Minmin, and I don't know what tricks Xia Minmin used against Mrs. Lu.

"What does it matter if I feel comfortable or not? I'm just the most subtle one in the crowd. Sometimes, no matter what I do, in the end, I will be the one who gets driven out, and those who should be driven out The people who are driven out stay where they are. This world is so unfair. I have learned it a long time ago. If you ask me such a question, I really don’t know how to respond to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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