Chapter 200 We in memory
Yang Zhishuang's shoulder slammed towards Xia Minmin fiercely. Xia Minmin didn't pay attention, and fell to the ground after being hit by Yang Zhishuang. Looking at Xia Minmin who fell to the ground, Yang Zhishuang pretended to be surprised and said, "When you read a song, there is a dog Blocking my way, I accidentally knocked her into the air."

The extent to which Yang Zhishuang dislikes Xia Minmin cannot be expressed with verbal insults...

Apart from abusing Xia Minmin, Yang Zhishuang couldn't think of any other way to punish Xia Minmin.

Most of the people in the class were there, Xia Minmin fell badly, while they were laughing at Xia Minmin, listening to Yang Zhishuang's sarcasm, they laughed louder...

Xia Minmin's expression was ugly, she clenched her hands into fists, and stared fiercely at Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang didn't take Xia Minmin's eyes seriously at all. She took Mu Niange's hand and walked towards the door of the classroom.

This was the first time that Xia Minmin made such a fool of herself in front of her classmates.

Mu Niange recalled the past, being bullied by Xia Minmin in front of the whole class, and other people were laughing at him, inexplicably, Mu Niange felt a tinge of pleasure in his heart, is this the rhythm of feng shui rotation?

It's not that Xia Minmin didn't report the crimes he committed, it's just that the time hasn't come yet.

Mu Niange was thinking about Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin. On the weekend, Mo Yunhao asked Mu Niange out. After calculation, Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao have been together for nearly two weeks since Xia Minmin's time. There is no practice in the time spent, although we have made it clear to each other, but estrangement is inevitable.

Mo Yunhao took the initiative to invite, but Mu Niange had no reason to refuse...

Lu Yanche didn't know what exactly Mu Niange was going to do when he took that video, but in the past few days, he paid special attention to Mu Niange's safety, and Lu Yanche would inquire about wherever Mu Niange went, Or let Ji Jingchen go there to see if Xia Minmin is where he should be, otherwise, Qi Liuao can't feel at ease.

Seeing Mu Niange walk out from the gate of Mu's house, Lu Yanche subconsciously wanted to follow behind Mu Niange. He had an idea in his mind to chase after him and ask where Mu Niange was going. In a blink of an eye, Lu Yanche saw the Xia Minmin, who was walking in the courtyard, followed closely.

Xia Minmin is here, Mu Niange is out...

In Lu Yanche's opinion, the extent to which Xia Minmin hurt Mu Niange was zero.

When Mu Niange walked to the bus stop in the compound, he was surprised to see the figure of Mo Yunhao standing there. Mu Niange was stunned for a moment, then he walked up quickly: "Senior, why are you here?" here?"

Mu Niange's question made Mo Yunhao chuckle.

I haven't seen Mu Niange for a few days. From Mo Yunhao's point of view, Mu Niange is getting more and more radiant. He habitually reached out and rubbed Mu Niange's head, and said in a doting voice: " I made an appointment with you, of course I have to come to pick you up, but I have to wrong you and take the bus with me."

When Mo Yunhao said that he was wronged or not, Mu Niange angrily rolled his eyes at Mo Yunhao...

She and Mo Yunhao got on the bus together. The moment the bus opened, Mu Niange didn't notice that Lu Yanche was standing not far from the bus stop. He looked at Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao. Such an intimate move by Yunho made him go crazy with jealousy, and his eyes were red like crazy.

Mo Yunhao has Mo Yunhao's purpose...

Mu Niange has the purpose of Mu Niange...

Sitting on the bus all the way, Mu Niange chatted with Mo Yunhao about the past. From the time when they first met to when they got acquainted, some people even mistakenly thought that Mu Niange was Mo Yunhao's girlfriend. Song came to vent his anger, and after being found out by Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang severely punished him.

"Senior, at that time, other girls who liked you knew about this, and they didn't dare to provoke me anymore, and even secretly gave up on you. It can be said that Shuangshuang and I have ruined many of your peach blossoms. Whether it's good or bad..."

Mu Niange smiled and rolled her eyes. Her eyes, twinkling, fell into Mo Yunhao's eyes, which were extraordinarily dazzling.

Mo Yunhao looked at Mu Niange, and was a little lost in thought. Realizing that Mo Yunhao was lost in thought, Mu Niange shook his hand in front of Mo Yunhao twice: "Senior, are you blaming me and Shuang? Frost?"

In a word, Mo Yunhao's thoughts were pulled back, how could Mo Yunhao blame Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang?

Mo Yunhao's purpose of getting close to Mu Niange, only he knows in his heart, no one knows, it is a kind of guilt, guilt to a certain extent, wishing to dedicate all the best to Mu Niange, to make up for Mu Niange The pain in the heart of reciting songs...

"How come? I also want to thank you and Shuangshuang for saving me unnecessary trouble..." Mo Yunhao touched his nose and responded with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Niange curled his lips, looked at Mo Yunhao with a face that you don't need to lie to me, I understand, and continued: "Really? But, I'm really surprised that at that time, there were so many of you in school. Why did you notice me, and you noticed me on the first day I just transferred to another school, where did you meet me before?"

Mu Niange circled around, and finally brought the topic to the main thread...

Mu Niange asked Mo Yunhao very casually, Mo Yunhao's expression inadvertently flashed a little moved.

He indeed noticed Mu Niange on the first day when he transferred to another school. To be precise, it was Mo Yunhao who went after Mu Niange. Mu Niange struck up a conversation, they entered the school together on the same day...

When I saw Mu Niange for the first time, she was timid, afraid of people, and afraid of getting into trouble. His accusation scared Mu Niange into hiding behind Yang Zhishuang. It was Yang Zhishuang who came forward and drove him away...

He worked hard again and again, and finally, let Mu Niange no longer be afraid of him, and worked hard, so that Mu Niange could talk to him, and then, their relationship made progress little by little, until today, such an intimate relationship the point.

He asked himself, is he really kind to Mu Niange...

Mu Niange treated Mo Yunhao with genuine affection.

It was Mo Yunhao who witnessed Mu Niange's change. After Mu Niange's change, Mo Yunhao gradually disappeared from Mu Niange's sight, and then left, because Mo Yunhao felt that Mu Niange didn't need him No, what he did to Mu Niange cannot be undone by anything.

He thought, if this continues, Mu Niange will know sooner or later, instead of doing this, Mo Yunhao should take the initiative.

Let Mu Niange remember that there was once a person named Mo Yunhao who appeared in Mu Niange's life.

(End of this chapter)

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