Chapter 201 Trading Relationship
"Why did I notice you? This question really caught me." Mo Yunhao stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, with a look of endless headache.

Mu Niange stared at Mo Yunhao closely without blinking her eyes. What she wanted was the answer Mo Yunhao gave, not Mo Yunhao's perfunctory. Why couldn't Mo Yunhao see it? Mu Niange asked At the same time, the point is to test him.

The more he evaded, the more Mu Niange questioned...

Mo Yunhao thought about it carefully, and after thinking about it, a casual smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Maybe it's because you are special, you are different..."

What is this special, what is this different, Mu Niange knows in his heart.

Mu Niange laughed at himself: "It's also because you think I'm fat and ugly, so you want to bully me? Who would have thought that if you were not careful, you would end up being bullied by me, and in the end, you would even have sex with me?" friend."

and fat...


It is a thorn in Mu Niange's heart, a thorn that is difficult to remove. At this moment, Mu Niange can talk about the past so casually, which proves that Mu Niange has really stepped out of the shadow of the past. As long as Mu Niange is not being stimulated anymore, Mu Niange's mental illness is likely to recover.

However, in the compound, there is an eternal enemy of Mu Niange, waiting for Mu Niange, either Mu Niange was born, or Xia Minmin died, this is Mu Niange and Xia Minmin, long ago, they only knew thing.

"You are ugly, you are fat, I want to bully you?" Mo Yunhao tilted his head, held Mu Niange's face in his hands, and looked at Mu Niange carefully. After looking at it, Mo Yunhao shook his head , with a look of disapproval of what Mu Niange said: "The way you looked before gave me the idea that you are very cute, but now you give me the feeling that in addition to being cute, you have added a bit of temperament. I How can you be willing to bully you? Also, isn’t there Shuangshuang by your side? If I really bully you, don’t you want Shuangshuang to torture you to death? I believe that if something happens to you, Shuangshuang will be the first to stand up and help you. yours!"

This is, there is no doubt about it, Mo Yunhao doesn't need to say it, Mu Niange knows it
However, from Mo Yunhao's mouth, it seems that Mu Niange couldn't help being moved...

"It's as if you don't dislike me at all. I know what I look like. I know it in my heart. I don't need you to remind me or comfort me, because even if you comfort me, it will be a blessing to me." It won't do anything." Mu Niange shrugged and responded disapprovingly.

"Facts have proved that every fat man is a potential stock." Mo Yunhao didn't argue with Mu Niange anymore, he reached out and rubbed Mu Niange's head again, speaking from the bottom of his heart.

Mu Niange withdrew her gaze from Mo Yunhao, and looked at the scenery outside the window. In the end, the question she asked still didn't get a reasonable response. The corresponding answer was that Mo Yunhao was changing the subject, It was because Mu Niange's determination was not obvious enough, so he didn't continue and asked Mo Yunhao.

After arriving at the station, Mo Yunhao got out of the car first, and Mu Niange got off next...

Mo Yunhao hugged Mu Niange's shoulders habitually, when crossing the road, Mo Yunhao kept protecting Mu Niange even more, loving Mu Niange as if he was a sweetheart.

Like many years ago, Mo Yunhao hasn't changed in any way.

But why did Mo Yunhao meet Mu Niange and Xia Minmin by such a coincidence?Even after meeting Xia Minmin, ask her out?
Mu Niange decided that if Mo Yunhao had something to say to Mu Niange, if Mu Niange opened his mouth, there would be no response from Mo Yunhao, so Mu Niange could only wait for Mo Yunhao to speak on his own initiative.

As usual, they first watched a movie, went shopping, and then went to eat. Mu Niange's favorite food is Korean food. Mo Yunhao didn't even need to ask what Mu Niange meant, just took Mu Niange went.

Mo Yunhao is in charge of roasting, and Mu Niange is in charge of eating...

The meat wrapped by Mu Niange would even be fed to Mo Yunhao. The scene looked very warm, and people who didn't know would think that Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao were a couple.

In fact, these are the first time Mu Niange has done this, and Mo Yunhao is the first time Mu Niange has treated someone like this. Together with Lu Yanche, they have never been treated like this before, and they do not dislike Mo Yunhao, even I really like to be close to Mo Yunhao, this is Mu Niange's most sincere thoughts towards Mo Yunhao.

I don't know if Mo Yunhao saw it.

When the food was almost finished, Mu Niange took out his phone and took a photo with Mo Yunhao...

Mu Niange lowered his head and stared at the phone, processing pictures, Mo Yunhao stared at Mu Niange, he hesitated for a while, took a deep breath, and lightly opened his thin lips and said: "Niange, I have something to do. Let me tell you..."

Hearing this, Mu Niange continued to fiddle with the photos without the slightest emotion. She gave a 'hmm' as a response to Mo Yunhao. Mo Yunhao looked at Mu Niange's calmness, and it seemed that he had expected it In the middle, he continued: "Last time, at the gate of the college, you saw that I knew Xia Minmin and you turned around and walked away. I thought that you cared about the relationship between Xia Minmin and me. I didn't know how to explain it to you. Later, Seeing you forgive me so easily, I feel an indescribable unhappiness in my heart..."

"It's not that you don't like being forgiven by you, but that you never tell me the people and things you don't like."

"Shuangshuang knows your past like the back of the palm of her hand. She is also very clear about the grievances between you and Xia Minmin, but without your permission, she dared not tell me easily. She just told me simply. , with you without Xia Minmin, with Xia Minmin, without you..."

"This is a multiple-choice question. A fool knows who to choose, but it's not that I want to choose one side, and the other side will let go. Xia Minmin and I met before I met you. To be precise, we were in A The city knows."

Once Mo Yunhao's 'A City' came out, Mu Niange couldn't keep her composure, she stopped what she was doing, raised her eyes to look at Mo Yunhao, Mo Yunhao accepted Mu Niange's gaze, He said even more vigorously: "I have done things for Xia Minmin, we have a transactional relationship, if she gives me money, that's my reward..."

"So?" Mu Niange didn't rush to ask Mo Yunhao, but let Mo Yunhao continue to finish the following words...

"So, Xia Minmin and I know each other. We can't even talk about friends, but I can't get rid of the relationship between me and Xia Minmin. Recite songs, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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