Chapter 206 Lessons
Xia Minmin was disturbed by Xia Youyou's yelling, she turned up the music impatiently, and the deafening music spread to the living room in an instant, Madam Xia looked at Madam Lu's face again, it was far worse than when she just came here Sometimes it's even uglier.

Madam Xia cursed Xia Minmin in her heart.

She was just about to go up and call Xia Minmin herself, when Lu Yanche flashed and walked in front of Mrs. Xia, Xia Youyou kept knocking on the door, asking Xia Minmin to come out.

The reason why Xia Youyou wants Xia Minmin to come out is because she is afraid that Xia Minmin will completely irritate Lu Yanche, and there will be no good fruit to eat later. Unfortunately, Xia Minmin does not accept Xia Youyou's kindness, and treats Xia Youyou as air, and continues to work in the room her business.

Xia Youyou sighed, and turned around to get the spare key, but as soon as she turned around, she bumped into Lu Yanche's figure, without saying a word, Lu Yanche kicked Xia Minmin's room door, making a loud 'bang' ring.

Xia Minmin in the room was startled by the loud noise...

She walked to the door and was about to yell at the door when another loud noise rang in Xia Minmin's ears.

Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Xia heard the movement, and hurried up. Lu Yanche kicked one foot after another, not showing any affection to Mrs. Xia. When Lu Yanche was about to kick the door open, Xia Minmin, who was inside, opened the door on her own initiative. .

When Xia Minmin saw Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she stepped forward, reaching out to hold Mrs. Lu's wrist, and explained: "Auntie, brother Che, I was listening to music just now, I don't know if someone is there Knock on the door, keep you waiting, I..."


Before Xia Minmin finished speaking, Mrs. Lu raised her hand and slapped Xia Minmin across the face.

Xia Minmin was stunned by Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Xia, Xia Youyou never expected...

Mrs. Lu's slap was not the end, but just the beginning. Lu Yanche grabbed Xia Minmin's hand and walked towards the bathroom in the room. Lu Yanche turned on the faucet, filled the bathtub with water, and then slapped Xia Minmin hard. He pulled her over and pressed her head into the water.

Lu Yanche said again and again, very rhythmically...

He was not in a hurry to kill Xia Minmin.

It was the first time Xia Minmin tried it. She felt like she was about to suffocate. She wanted to break free from Lu Yanche, but she couldn't match Lu Yanche's strength. Why did Lu Yanche treat Xia Minmin so unreasonably? Xia Minmin felt extremely wronged.

She opened her mouth, wanting to speak, but just as she opened her mouth, Xia Minmin drank a big mouthful of water.

When Lu Yanche pulled Xia Minmin into the bathroom, he locked the bathroom. Mrs. Xia and others were at the door, they couldn't see the scene inside, they could only hear the sound of movement, Xia Minmin was shouting 'help', Mrs. Lu heard In a panic, he patted on the door and said to Lu Yanche, "Ah Che, open the door and speak up if you have something to say, don't do anything stupid..."

When Mrs. Lu saw the video of Xia Minmin hurting Lu Meiqi, she really wanted to kill Lu Meiqi, but after she calmed down, she thought that violence would not solve the problem.

They have to take it step by step to let Xia Minmin get the punishment he deserves...

Lu Yanche lost his mind, how could he listen to Mrs. Lu's words, what echoed in his head was Xia Minmin's words of tearing off Mu Niange's clothes in winter, and pressing Mu Niange in the snow, he deeply remembered , That time, Mu Niange had a high fever and was about to die.

Lu Yanche couldn't get in touch with Mu Niange...

He could only go to Mu's house to look for it. When he and Mu Yuanling came to Mu Niange's room, Mu Niange fainted on the ground, her whole body was burning hot. After sending her to the hospital, she fell asleep for three days and three nights. After staying in the hospital for six days, the fever on Mu Niange's body gradually subsided.

Lu Yanche couldn't imagine...

If Lu Yanche hadn't looked for Mu Niange, wouldn't he have found that Mu Niange had a fever and passed out in the room?
The [-]-degree fever is really not a joke. Mu Niange can be killed every minute, or Mu Niange can be killed directly. Xia Minmin hates it so much, and Mu Niange is so simple. Xia Minmin's injury.

Since this is the case, Lu Yanche also wants Xia Minmin to try it out, how does it feel like dying.

"Xia Minmin, how do you feel? Are you almost out of breath? What I want is this kind of effect. I want you to know that all the methods you use to hurt others will come back to you one day! "Lu Yanche pressed Xia Minmin's hand without the slightest mercy.

His cold voice fell into Xia Minmin's ears and penetrated Xia Minmin's eardrums.

She doesn't know that her body is cold, even her heart is cold. What kind of experience is this?
Is it retribution, or what?
Lu Yanche came here without saying a word, and treated her like this without saying a word. What did Lu Yanche think of her? How could he be like this?

Xia Minmin's heart was filled with anger. When Lu Yanche raised her head, she looked at Lu Yanche fiercely, and said with a smile, "My method? Are you sure it's really my method, not yours? Means? Brother Che, you are really cruel, you want me to die so much, you can shoot me dead at worst, why make me suffer such pain?"

Xia Minmin is right...

He hated Xia Minmin and shot Xia Minmin.

But, let Xia Minmin die so easily, is it really okay?
The harm she caused to Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi cannot be erased by time.

It is said that time is the most precious thing, and the only way to get revenge on Xia Minmin is to let Xia Minmin bear the pain that others have endured...

"How could I let you die so easily? I can see what you did to Niange and Meiqi. If you don't still have a little bit of it on your body, am I worthy of being a human being? That time, in the swimming pool, I slapped you, I am afraid that you will not be able to remember. I pressed you in the water, which made you uncomfortable and painful. Do you recall anything? The day in your swimming pool , do you also treat Mu Niange like this?"

When Lu Yanche thought of Mu Niange's body dripping wet, sleeping on the ground with a pale face, Lu Yanche's heart ached as much as it wanted.

Lu Yanche didn't give Xia Minmin a chance to refute at all. As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed Xia Minmin's head down again. This time, Lu Yanche not only pressed down, but also took the nozzle and sprayed Xia Minmin's head vigorously. What came out was cold water. , the current weather is winter.

Xia Minmin shivered from the cold, her lips turned purple.

Lu Yanche turned a blind eye and ignored everything...

Xia Minmin finally couldn't hold back and screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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