Chapter 207 Lessons
Xia Minmin's scream scared Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Xia, and Xia Youyou who were standing at the door. Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Xia slammed on the door even harder, calling for Lu Yanche. He took out his phone and called Mu Niange.

After receiving the call, Mu Niange was about to go out and go to the clinic...

There is Xia Youyou's mobile phone number, but it was at that time that Xia Youyou deposited it on her own initiative, and it has been deposited for so many years.

Mu Niange has changed his mind towards Xia Youyou, so he will not refuse to answer Xia Youyou's call, so Mu Niange answered it naturally, and said naturally, "Hello?"

Xia Youyou's voice was very urgent, she didn't say any nonsense to Mu Niange, she directly cut to the point: "Niange, come to my house quickly, Ah Che is here, Xia Minmin is about to be killed."

Hearing this, Mu Niange was slightly taken aback...

She couldn't react, what was the killing that Xia Youyou said, Mu Niange held the phone tightly and said, "Please explain the matter clearly."

"I don't know exactly what happened. After Ah Che and her mother came to my house, they wanted to find Xia Minmin without saying a word, but Xia Minmin refused to open the door. Ah Che kicked the door of Xia Minmin's room directly, and then dragged Xia Minmin into the room. We stood outside and heard the movement inside. Ah Che pressed Xia Minmin into the water again and again. Maybe Xia Minmin couldn't take it anymore, and shouted for help, recited a song, hurry up Come on, I think Ah Che is really crazy, he might kill Xia Minmin in a minute."

Mu Niange hung up the phone and stood in the living room, unable to recover for a long time...

Mu Yuanling saw that something was wrong with Mu Niange, stepped forward, stretched out his hand in front of Mu Niange and said, "Whose call? What did you say? After listening to it, you look so bad?"

Mu Niange looked at Mu Yuanling, grabbed Mu Yuanling's hand and said, "Brother, come with me to Xia's house, Xia Minmin is about to be killed by Lu Yanche."

Mu Yuanling frowned, and just about to speak, saw Mu Niange's face turn pale, and swallowed back what he wanted to say instantly, he let Mu Niange pull him, and in the blink of an eye, they came to Xia At the door of the house, Xia Youyou opened the door, and said to Mu Niange: "Hurry up and go up, or else it will be too late."

Lu Yanche didn't know how many times he pressed Xia Minmin into the water. He only knew that Xia Minmin didn't even have the strength to shout, but the fire in Lu Yanche's heart didn't dissipate. He wanted to continue, but now he wanted to press Xia Minmin again. when going down.

The door of the bathroom was slammed again, this time the person who spoke was not Mrs. Lu or Mrs. Xia, but Mu Niange.

Mu Niange's voice was very soft and gentle: "Lu Yanche, let Xia Minmin out, what's the matter, do it face to face, violence like yours won't solve the problem..."

In Mu Niange's eyes, Lu Yanche's behavior is violence. Lu Yanche loosened his hand holding Xia Minmin's hair. Xia Minmin took the opportunity to shake off Lu Yanche, opened the bathroom door, and rushed out...

Lu Yanche, when Mrs. Lu came, she saw the glamorous Xia Minmin. She blinked and saw Xia Minmin in a panic. Her clothes were soaked, her hair was soaked, and she looked like, Like the female ghost, she panted heavily, as if she would lose her breath if she didn't pant.

Seeing so many people looking at Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin felt that she lost all of her face...

She pointed at Mu Niange, took Mu Niange to open the knife and said, "Mu Niange, are you happy to see me like this, because of you, I was almost killed by brother Che, and sure enough, he did it for you. I can do anything, I'm going crazy, when I go crazy, the first person I want to kill is you!"

Xia Minmin didn't hide the slightest bit like this, and said it blatantly, so that the faces of the people present all had the same expression when they heard the words...

Mu Yuanling was afraid that Xia Minmin, a lunatic, would rush out and attack Mu Niange, so he protected Mu Niange behind his back, raised his hand, and slapped Xia Minmin: "You **** dare to touch a single hair of Niange!" , I want you to die!"

Mu Yuanling has been enduring Xia Minmin.

When a person's patience reaches a limit, if he doesn't break out, it would be too sorry for himself.

Another slap, Xia Minmin endured it, her face hurt and her heart became numb, she covered her face, looked at Mu Yuanling's eyes, and became resentful: "If I say something casually, just give me a slap, If I really understand Mu Niange, are you going to give me a series of slaps?"

What kind of logic is Xia Minmin?

A series of slaps, only Xia Minmin can think and say it...

Mu Yuanling looked at Xia Minmin coldly, but didn't respond, he was acquiescing to Xia Minmin's words.

When Lu Yanche came out of the bathroom, he saw the scene where Mu Niange was being protected by Mu Yuanling, his eyes turned red, he strode forward, grabbed Xia Minmin's hand and said, "Do you still want to do something to Niange?" What? I think you are really a dog who can't change it!"

Lu Yanche was bound to take from Xia Minmin the harm that Mu Niange had suffered.

As long as Lu Yanche thinks about it, when he thinks about Mu Niange's high fever of forty degrees, he will feel very uncomfortable.

"What can I do to Mu Niange? Lu Yanche, open your eyes and see clearly. There are so many of you staring at me. How dare I do it? Can I do it? Maybe if I do it, you will kill me immediately. I want to do it, and I do it in a place that you can't see and hear, I... want Mu Niange to remember clearly what kind of harm I caused her."

Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange viciously, and spoke word by word, as if she was afraid that Mu Niange would not be able to hear, deliberately speaking loudly.

Lu Yanche threw Xia Minmin viciously, and Xia Minmin fell to the ground unprepared, her head hit the foot of the bed, and there was a 'bang' sound. She lay on the ground as if she was about to die, and no one stepped forward to help her. her.

Mrs. Xia really thinks that Xia Minmin is crazy...

To whom to use means, of course, secretly, how can you say it so blatantly?

Looking at Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu's expression, Mrs. Xia knew that it was impossible for Xia Minmin to marry Lu Yanche and step into the Lu family's gate.

Mrs. Xia stepped forward and grabbed Xia Minmin, she also slapped Xia Minmin and said: "Minmin, you make me sad, how can you say such a thing? Isn't Niange your friend?" ?you really are……"

Mrs. Xia's slap was far worse than Lu Yanche's, and Mu Yuanling's.

(End of this chapter)

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