Chapter 212 Unexpected
After coming out of the gate of Xia's house, Mrs. Lu looked at Lu Yanche's back with a complicated expression, as if she sensed something was wrong with Mrs. Lu, Lu Yanche turned her head, looked at Mrs. Lu and said, "Mom, do you have something to say?"

Madam Lu, I do have something I want to say to Lu Yanche.

On the one hand, it is an apology to Mu Niange, on the other hand, it is a heartache to Mu Niange.

Madam Lu sighed again: "Ache, I didn't know before that Xia Minmin bullied Nian Ge so badly, how desperate is a person who wants to commit suicide by himself?"

Knowing that Mu Niange committed suicide, Mrs. Lu was not only shocked, but also shocked...

Looking at Mu Niange's gentle manner, I didn't expect that her mind was filled with such thoughts. However, I really can't blame Mu Niange. Sometimes, when a person is pushed into a hurry, it is inevitable to act extreme. thing.

Mu Niange's words kept echoing in Lu Yanche's mind.

He didn't forget, and he didn't dare to forget...

Lu Yanche never knew that Mu Niange's mental illness had reached such a level.

When Lu Meiqi fell ill, Lu Yanche was always by his side to accompany Lu Meiqi. Apart from getting a little emotional, Lu Meiqi would not do anything extreme. With the addition of medication, her mood gradually improved.

Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu don't need to worry about Lu Meiqi, as long as they watch Lu Meiqi more closely, nothing will happen over there.

But Mu Niange is different from Lu Meiqi, but Lu Yanche treats Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi as the same person, so that Lu Yanche doesn't take Mu Niange's mental illness so much to heart.

Plus, after six years...

The more Lu Yanche thought about it, the more irritable he felt. He wished he could bear all the pain for Mu Niange. Would Mu Niange now suffer from illness like the past six years? I couldn't take it anymore, I was so uncomfortable that I wanted to commit suicide, watching the blood flow from my wrist, I felt a kind of pleasure, which made Mu Niange couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yanche couldn't imagine that such a Mu Nian song, and he didn't even want to see it. He knew that such a Mu Nian song, but such a Mu Nian song existed.

"Mom, don't talk about reciting songs anymore, reciting songs will not hope, we are talking about her behind the scenes..." Lu Yanche did not respond to Madam Lu, but interrupted Madam Lu, talking about Mu Niange behind her back, Lu Yanche really couldn't do it.

After hearing the words, Madam Lu felt that what Lu Yanche said made sense...

No matter how you say it, you can't talk about others behind their backs.

"You recite the song for me, apologize..." Mrs. Lu said this to Lu Yanche after a long time: "Recite the song because I want Meiqi to be well with all my heart, but I don't believe in the recite song, and even doubt it. Listening to what Xia Minmin said, when I was in the hospital, I treated Nian Ge like that, no matter whether Nian Ge was anxious or not, it was all my fault, I need to apologize to Nian Ge."


Mrs. Lu's eyes became hesitant: "What's the relationship between you and Nian Ge now?"

From Mu Niange's words, Mrs. Lu could easily tell that there was a severe estrangement between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, which could not be relieved in a short while, and Xia Minmin was destroying it, making it even more difficult for Lu Yanche to get close.

When mentioning the relationship between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, a bitter smile rose from the corner of Lu Yanche's lips...

In front of Xia Minmin, Mu Niange made it so clear that she was real and didn't want to have anything to do with him. If Xia Minmin hadn't been a hindrance, there might not have been so many ties between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche. communication……

Lu Yanche was silent.

Madam Lu reached out and patted Lu Yanche's shoulder.

As soon as Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu got home, Lu Meiqi immediately ran down from the second floor. She anxiously took Mrs. Lu's hand and asked, "Mom, did you and brother go to Xia's house together? Are you going to question Xia Minmin? Or to Xia Minmin?" What did you do, I was in the room, I heard Xia Minmin's screams, I couldn't see inside..."

When Lu Meiqi said this, she obviously felt a little pity.

It would be a pity for anyone not to see Xia Minmin being abused by Lu Yanche...

Mrs. Lu touched Lu Meiqi's hair and said, "Meiqi, Xia Minmin will not dare to do anything to you in the future. If she dares to do anything to you again, you must tell mom as soon as possible, and mom will take care of you." Out of anger."

Lu Meiqi expected that Mrs. Lu would settle accounts with Xia Minmin, but she didn't want to make Mrs. Lu worry even more because of herself.

Lu Meiqi nodded heavily and said: "Mom, don't worry, even if you don't take action against Xia Minmin, sister Niange will never let Xia Minmin bully me again. With sister Niange around, I feel completely safe... ..."

Seeing Lu Meiqi's swearing, Mrs. Lu smiled, but Lu Yanche felt uncomfortable.

Mu Niange changed a little bit, changed a little bit, not afraid of Xia Minmin, even, in order to protect Lu Meiqi, Mu Niange used methods to deal with Xia Minmin...

Such a Mu Niange, what else does Lu Yanche need?
Lu Yanche's mood was low.

For several days in a row, he did not appear in front of Mu Niange...

Mu Niange's self-revealed deeds shocked Mu Yuanling. His apology to Mu Niange became more and more intense. He even questioned Mu Niange, why didn't he tell him such an important matter?
Mu Niange looked at Mu Yuanling with a troubled expression.

Should she tell Mu Yuanling?

From Mu Niange's point of view, this is Mu Niange's black history. Everyone's black history is afraid of being known. Could it be that Mu Yuanling's black history is not afraid of being known?

Mu Niange smiled, looked at Mu Yuanling playfully, and teased, "Brother, if you have a dark history, would you tell me without reservation?"

Mu Yuanling frowned, a little confused about the meaning of Mu Niange's words. When Mu Niange said the next thing, Mu Yuanling understood instantly. Mu Niange had Mu Niange's thoughts, and everything she did There is a reason for her in everything.

"The past, it's over, I don't want to talk about it, because I don't want to remember it, and I don't want you to be sad for me, sad for me..."

So, did Lu Yanche really become Mu Niange's past?

Occasionally think of it, stored in memory, don't want to do it again, take it out to talk about things.

Mu Yuanling was aggrieved for Lu Yanche, and at the same time hated Lu Yanche. There were thousands of mistakes, all of which were Lu Yanche's fault. Mu Yuanling didn't dare to mention things about Lu Yanche in front of Mu Niange, but Mu Niange , I don't care about it very much, and when I mention it, I even talk to Lu Yanche a few words.

in fact……

Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu's appearance at Xia's house surprised Mu Niange.

(End of this chapter)

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