Chapter 213

When Madam Lu said that Xia Minmin pinched Lu Meiqi's neck, Mu Niange was even more surprised...

From Mu Niange's point of view, Lu Meiqi was afraid of Xia Minmin, and would not easily reveal Xia Minmin's crimes, but unexpectedly, while speaking, Lu Meiqi also told Mrs. Lu about her kindness.

After that incident, every time Madam Lu saw Mu Niange, she greeted Mu Niange with a smile. Mu Niange was not good at dealing with elders, so Madam Lu smiled, and she followed suit.

Some people appear more frequently in front of Mu Niange, and some people appear less and less in front of Mu Niange. If they didn't think of it unintentionally, Mu Niange wouldn't know that Lu Yanche is enough For two full weeks, she did not appear in front of Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche didn't even come to pick up and drop off Mu Niange...

Not to mention loss, but, there is an inexplicable emotion in my heart, like my own things being stolen, a little uncomfortable, a little upset, but I have no choice but to accept the facts in front of me.

Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange who looked innocent, and couldn't help poking Mu Niange's waist. Mu Niange was startled by Yang Zhishuang's sudden action, she jumped up from the chair, stared fiercely at Yang Zhishuang and said, : "Shuangshuang, what are you doing?"

Yang Zhishuang took advantage of the opportunity and sat on Mu Niange's chair, with her hands folded around her chest, she looked at Mu Niange carefully and said, "Niange, you seem to have no problem, but I always feel that there is something wrong in your heart... ..."

Yang Zhishuang's simple words caused a trace of unnaturalness to flash across Mu Niange's face.

Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange have been together for a long time, and Yang Zhishuang understands every movement and look of Mu Niange, so why should Mu Niange tell Yang Zhishuang word by word?
But sometimes, this kind of understanding really troubles Mu Niange. She really doesn't want her inner world to be seen or seen clearly by anyone, because even he himself doesn't know. I know what is going on with me, and what is hidden in my heart.

Mu Niange didn't respond to Yang Zhishuang, so he found a seat, sat down, took out his mobile phone, lit up the screen of the mobile phone, and swiped Weibo...

Yang Zhishuang was very speechless towards such Mu Niange.

She doesn't tell you anything, you hold it in your heart, you can't figure out her mind, so you can only stare at her, trying to find a flaw in her face, but this flaw is not as big as you imagined. easy to find.

Yang Zhishuang stared at Mu Niange for a while, then sighed and said, "Niange, sometimes it's good not to say something, but if you hold it in your heart, it's really not uncomfortable at all? If I, I'm going to go crazy."

Unfortunately, Mu Niange is not Yang Zhishuang, and Yang Zhishuang is not Mu Niange.

Mu Niange let out an 'um', as a response to Mu Niange...

Mu Niange flicked through the phone in boredom, clicked on it, and clicked on the message. Mu Niange's friends are very few. When he just clicked on the message, what he saw was Lu Meiqi's number pretending to be Lu Meiqi with Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange was stunned, clicked on it unexpectedly, Mu Niange pulled it to the top, and slowly read down the record from a long time ago.

After reading it, Mu Niange pointed his finger on the screen, and sent a message of 'what are you doing' in a mysterious way. In fact, Mu Niange could vaguely guess in his heart that the owner behind this number was not Lu Meiqi, She doesn't expose it, it doesn't mean she doesn't know.

Everything is in place, no one has moved.

Lu Yanche was gloomy, Ji Jingchen saw it, and tried his best to untie Lu Yanche's knot, but, relying on Ji Jingchen alone, how could he help Lu Yanche?
Ji Jingchen dragged Mu Yuanling out of the house without saying a word, and drove all the way to the bar where Lu Yanche was.

Seeing Lu Yanche sitting there, Mu Yuanling's eyes turned cold, and he didn't give him a good look.

It's normal for Mu Yuanling not to show a good face, as long as Mu Yuanling doesn't leave, Ji Jingchen won't stop him whatever Mu Yuanling wants to do.

Ji Jingchen took care of Mu Yuanling first, and then made himself a glass of wine. Seeing that Lu Yanche drank a lot, and his mind was a little unclear, Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows, looked at Lu Yanche, and pursed his lips: " Ah Che, do you know where you are now?"

Ji Jingchen's IQ is really worrying...

Mu Yuanling glanced at Ji Jingchen and ignored it...

Lu Yanche directly gave Ji Jingchen a supercilious look, which was regarded as contempt.

Ji Jingchen: "..."

Ji Jingchen didn't find anything to say, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Lu Yanche drank his, Mu Yuanling drank his, and Ji Jingchen was caught in the middle, really uncomfortable.

Thinking of the last time, when he came to the bar, Lu Yanche would ask Mu Yuanling about Mu Niange, but after a while, Lu Yanche really put Mu Niange down, he didn't even bother to ask.

The more Mu Yuanling thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He dropped the wine glass heavily on the table and made a 'bang'...

Ji Jingchen had no doubts, and was frightened by Mu Yuanling. Seeing Mu Yuanling like this, Ji Jingchen became anxious, thinking that he wanted to leave. He just wanted to persuade Mu Yuanling, but he heard Mu Yuanling say : "Lu Yanche, don't you want to worry about reciting songs?"

Mu Yuanling called Lu Yanche by his full name...

Ji Jingchen swallowed back the words that hit his throat. He looked at Lu Yanche, then at Mu Yuanling, and finally his eyes fell on Lu Yanche. In fact, Ji Jingchen was also very curious. The matter of Mu Niange, Lu Yanche Are you really not going to take care of it?


How could Lu Yanche have the time to come out here to drink, drink, drink all the time, obviously in a bad mood.

"Ache, I'm also curious, are you going to give up on Mu Niange?" Ji Jingchen helped Mu Yuanling at the right time.

Lu Yanche's hand holding the wine glass paused slightly, his blurred eyes stared at the wine glass, and after a while, he put the wine glass on the table. Unlike Mu Yuanling, his movements were very light, without making a sound. little movement.

Lu Yanche was silent...

Mu Yuanling's patience was almost worn out by Lu Yanche.

Seeing it in Ji Jingchen's eyes, anxious in his heart, he broke into a cold sweat secretly. Just as he was about to speak again, Lu Yanche's deep voice rang out: "My giving up and not giving up, isn't it... the same?"

In Mu Niange's eyes, there is no difference.

Lu Yanche knew this, always knew it, but he didn't want to admit it, not at all.


Can giving up be the same as not giving up?
(End of this chapter)

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