Chapter 214 What are you doing?

Mu Yuanling's anger was suddenly provoked by Lu Yanche. He stood up, stretched out his long arms, and pulled Lu Yanche over.

Mu Yuanling's actions without warning startled Ji Jingchen. What he was most afraid of was that Mu Yuanling and Lu Yanche would have sex. At that time, he didn't know which side he should stand on. However, no matter it was On either side, they all want Mu Niange to be good and for Mu Niange's sake wholeheartedly.

Ji Jingchen sighed in his heart, he also stood up, grabbed Mu Yuanling's hand, and persuaded him: "Yuan Ling, impulsiveness is a devil, and it can't solve the problem. If you treat Ah Che like this, if you let Nian Ge know, read it The song will blame you."

Whether Mu Niange would blame Mu Yuanling, Mu Yuanling didn't know, and didn't want to know.

What he knows now is that if he doesn't beat Lu Yanche severely, the hatred in his heart will be hard to resolve. Even a fool can see that although Mu Yuanling didn't give Lu Yanche a good face, and even prevented Lu Yanche from approaching Mu Niange, But Mu Yuanling gave Lu Yanche enough opportunities.

Other people, in Mu Yuanling's place, do not have such a privilege at all...

Facing Mu Yuanling's tugging, Lu Yanche was indifferent, he didn't even look at Mu Yuanling, and Ji Jingchen's persuasion was ignored by him...

What Lu Yanche was thinking about was Mu Niange's appearance. When she laughed, when she was sad, when she was shy, and when she cried in front of him, every aspect was familiar to Lu Yanche. She let Lu Yanche Feeling distressed, Lu Yanche wished he could hold her in his arms and love her fiercely.

Then, Mu Niange in Lu Yanche's memory disappeared...

What turned out was Lu Yanche's unfamiliar Mu Niange, her indifference, her indifference, her disdain, her indifference, all of which made Lu Yanche not know how to deal with it, and Lu Yanche's words made Lu Yanche bitter With Yu Huai in mind, Lu Yanche became even more convinced that he really lost his chance with Mu Niange.

Otherwise, how could Mu Niange use such a calm tone in front of everyone...

It wasn't Xia Minmin who provoked her, she would no longer have anything to do with Lu Yanche, everything was Lu Yanche's obstruction, but Mu Niange seemed to have forgotten, without Xia Minmin, Lu Yanche's entanglement with Mu Niange would only become more severe , when necessary, Lu Yanche will use force on Mu Niange.

Mu Yuanling pulled Lu Yanche over, wanting to question Lu Yanche, but Mu Yuanling didn't like what Lu Yanche said, so Mu Yuanling would do something to Lu Yanche.

But when Mu Yuanling looked at Lu Yanche's dying and unmoved look, he suddenly realized that his anger was in vain, Lu Yanche didn't care, what's the use of him caring?

Mu Niange is his younger sister. He didn't take good care of Mu Niange before. Now, he wanted to make up for his mistakes and let Mu Niange live a better life. Mu Yuanling asked Mu Niange again and again. , What kind of position does Lu Yanche have in Mu Niange's heart, and how does she feel about Lu Yanche?
Every response of Mu Niange is uncertain...

Because of Mu Niange's uncertainty, Mu Yuanling knew that she had nostalgia for Lu Yanche, but this nostalgia was gradually destroyed bit by bit by Lu Yanche's hands. up.

What to say?
More expectation, more disappointment……

At a certain point, naturally, you will choose to let go.

Mu Yuanling threw Lu Yanche away fiercely, and Lu Yanche fell down on the chair. Ji Jingchen's heart sank, and when Ji Jingchen looked at Mu Yuanling again, his face was so ugly.

Ji Jingchen opened his mouth, wanting to persuade Mu Yuanling, but Mu Yuanling pursed his lips and said with a disdainful smile: "Jingchen, Ah Che's appearance is worthy of singing?"

"In my opinion, reciting songs deserves something better. Being entangled by Ah Che will only be implicated by Ah Che. Ask him if he really plans to give up reciting songs. Really, if you say it, you will laugh out loud If you want to ask, you should also ask, Ah Che, are you planning to let go of the song and let the song live a normal life?"

Mu Yuanling sarcastically said every word...

Mu Yuanling was talking while grabbing Lu Yanche's sore spot.

There was a trace of coldness in Lu Yanche's eyes, he slowly raised his head and looked at Mu Yuanling...

Now, Ji Jingchen was even more anxious. Did Mu Yuanling want to provoke Lu Yanche and have a fight with Lu Yanche?
Mrs. Lu, when Lu Yanche went to Xia's house to clean up Xia Minmin, Ji Jingchen happened to be not in the compound, so he couldn't see the wonderful side. Ji Jingchen felt very sorry, but... Mu Niange saw Xia Minmin being taken care of by Lu Yanche, he shouldn't have felt Moved?Has your attitude towards Lu Yanche changed?

Under what circumstances, Lu Yanche lost his initiative towards Mu Niange.

You know, once Lu Yanche loses the initiative, he loses everything, because it is impossible for Mu Niange to take the initiative to Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange's past injuries were caused by her being too proactive. If a person is stupid once, he will not want to be stupid again.

"This is a matter between Ah Che and Nian Ge, we outsiders, don't worry about it so much, come and sit down, it's rare to come out to play, don't break up badly..." Ji Jingchen stood up, he pressed the button Mu Yuanling's shoulders pressed Mu Yuanling to sit down.

Lu Yanche's gaze on Mu Yuanling's body gradually retracted.

He was silent for a while, curled his lips, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "You are right, when will I let go of reading the song..."

Giving up was something Lu Yanche never thought about.

The meeting at the beginning was destined to imprint Mu Niange in Lu Yanche's heart for the rest of his life. No matter how Lu Yanche erased it, he couldn't erase Mu Niange.

"Drink." Ji Jingchen sighed, poured a full glass of wine for Lu Yanche, and let Lu Yanche drink.

Lu Yanche didn't even look at it, picked up the wine glass, and drank in one gulp...

When Lu Yanche put the cup in his hand on the table, the phone in his pocket made a 'ding' sound.

Lu Yanche's expression changed, and he quickly took out the mobile phone from his pocket. He turned on the screen and saw that it was a text message from Mu Niange. A simple sentence is enough to prove that Mu Niange, Missing Lu Yanche.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Yanche's hand holding the phone tightened slightly, and the way he stared at the screen was moved.

Lu Yanche's behavior surprised Ji Jingchen. He approached, wanting to see who texted Lu Yanche, who would have thought that Lu Yanche quickly took back his phone, got up, picked up his coat, and walked towards the door of the bar.

(End of this chapter)

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