Chapter 215 Can I Find You?
Lu Yanche's sudden action made Ji Jingchen and Mu Yuanling unable to react for a while.

When Lu Yanche disappeared at the door, Ji Jingchen got up and wanted to chase after him, but Mu Yuanling held Ji Jingchen back and said coldly, "Leave him alone!"

Some things, if you don't want to be clear, you can't go on...

For a long time, Lu Yanche didn't use this number and sent a message to Mu Niange. The reason was that Mu Niange knew Lu Meiqi's other number, and only that number could find Lu Meiqi immediately. Lu Yanche If you continue to send to Mu Niange, wouldn't it be revealing?

But even so, Lu Yanche's mobile phone is still on his body all the time...

He thought, when Mu Niange remembered, she might send a text message or two. After waiting for a few months, Lu Yanche finally got it. But who was Mu Niange sending this message to? ?

Is it Lu Yanche, or Lu Meiqi?
No matter who it is, this is a new experience for Lu Yanche. He never thought that when he received Mu Niange's message, Lu Yanche would be in such a mood, excited, excited, and hard to hide.

When Lu Yanche walked out of the bar, a gust of wind blew over, which made Lu Yanche's mind clearer.

Such sobriety made Lu Yanche think carefully about what Mu Yuanling just said, when is he going to give up Mu Niange, and when is he going to let Mu Niange go?
Give up, let go, Lu Yanche can't do anything...

What he wants is to get Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche grabbed his phone and stood at the door of the bar for a while, touching the screen with his fingers, and replied to Mu Niange's message.

When Mu Niange's message was successfully sent, she stared blankly at the phone screen, unable to react for a while, her impulsiveness created the scene in front of her, time passed by, and Lu Yanche's text message did not reply , Mu Niange was fascinated by watching, and gradually withdrew his thoughts.

Suddenly, she burst into a 'puchi' laugh.

I don't know if it's the self-deprecating self-deprecation, or the mocking of Lu Yanche...

It wasn't that she would get a reply after sending her a text message, just like Lu Yanche did back then, being snubbed by Mu Niange was not a matter of a day or two.

Mu Niange slowly put away her mobile phone, she walked into the bathroom with sleepiness, and took a shower, but she didn't know that the moment she turned around, her mobile phone screen turned on.

Mu Niange's bath took 15 minutes, and Lu Yanche just stood at the door of the bar, waiting for Mu Niange's reply.

Lu Yanche's text message was very simple: "I'm thinking of you."

Regardless of whether Mu Niange will reply to Lu Yanche after receiving this text message, Lu Yanche intends to give Mu Niange a try. He can't just avoid it and use Lu Meiqi's identity to deal with Mu Niange. In this way, Not only his relationship with Mu Niange, there will be no progress, maybe, it will become more and more distant.

When the long distance appears, it is no longer an easy task to restore it.

Lu Yanche really wanted to wait until Mu Niange took the initiative to reply to Lu Yanche's text message, but he didn't know if it was because of Jiu Jin, so Lu Yanche directly called Mu Niange...

The other end of the phone was beeping, but no one answered. Lu Yanche continued to call, wanting to call until Mu Niange answered the call. When Mu Niange came out of the bathroom, he saw the phone screen flickering Yes, step forward quickly, pick it up and look, it's Lu Yanche.

She didn't pick it up immediately, but saw her background...

The phone was disconnected, and three missed calls were displayed on the screen, and then, Lu Yanche's phone continued to be dialed again and again. Mu Niange hesitated for a while, and finally answered the phone.

When the phone was connected, the two parties fell into silence.

Mu Niange didn't speak, Lu Yanche didn't speak, Mu Niange's end was completely silent, Lu Yanche's end heard the sound of 'huh' wind, Lu Yanche's heavy breathing, transmitted to Ke Mu Niange through the phone In Mu Niange's ears, Mu Niange's heart was moved.

The two sides were silent for about 5 minutes...

Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange putting the phone to her ear, not speaking, and couldn't help asking: "Niange, what are you doing?"

When Mu Niange heard this, she was startled by Yang Zhishuang, she turned her head to look at Yang Zhishuang, shook her head, and responded: "It's nothing."

Just as Mu Niange finished speaking, he was about to cut off the phone when Lu Yanche's deep voice rang out: "Niange."

"Recite the song, I miss you, miss you very much, miss you very much..."

After Lu Yanche called out Mu Niange's name, he continued talking without waiting for Mu Niange's response. He kept talking, saying that he missed Mu Niange, very much, very much...

Mu Niange listened to it, and a complex meaning flashed in his eyes.

What Mu Niange was thinking, even she didn't know, Lu Yanche's voice was transmitted, but Mu Niange always felt that it was a little unreal, she was silent for a long time, and said "um" as a response Cheers.

After Mu Niange's response, Lu Yanche's lips curled into a smile.

At this moment, what Lu Yanche can be sure of is that Mu Niange knows that that number does not belong to Lu Meiqi, but to Lu Yanche...

Can Lu Yanche think narcissistically that Mu Niange really missed Lu Yanche, so he sent Lu Yanche a message about what Lu Yanche was doing? Lu Yanche's gloomy mood for the past few days improved instantly. Duan, there was another burst of silence.

Lu Yanche picked up his steps and walked on the street...

Among the crowd coming and going, more than half of the lovers stood. He saw the ones embracing and holding hands. At this moment, Lu Yanche wished he could see Mu Niange immediately, and this thought flashed through his mind. Lips raised lightly: "Where are you, can I find you?"

Although Lu Yanche was asking about Mu Niange, his footsteps were already heading in the direction of Mu Niange Academy...

He stopped a car casually and got in it. During this period of time, where else could Mu Niange be other than in the dormitory?
Mu Niange's "Yes" was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say it for a long time. After 5 minutes, Mu Niange finally said these two words. After she hung up the phone, she changed into her pajamas , waited for about an hour, and went downstairs.

At this time, it is eleven o'clock.

The bedroom door was closed early.

It can be said that Mu Niange climbed down the wall, and with the help of Yang Zhishuang.

For the first time, seeing Mu Niange wanting to go out without saying a word, how could Yang Zhishuang have the heart to see Mu Niange think of it but couldn't get out?
Although Yang Zhishuang knew in her heart who Mu Niange was looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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