Chapter 234 Which Play to Sing
Lu Yanche's disgusted eyes were revealed without any concealment. Xia Minmin looked up and saw Lu Yanche's eyes. Her heart throbbed slightly, but she quickly covered it up. For Lu Yanche, she once Falling down again, in Lu Yanche's view, this kind of her is just disgusting!

Lu Yanche took the hand that pinched Xia Minmin's chin just now, and kept wiping it on the coat, as if he wanted to wipe off the stains and dirty things left on his hand...

"No matter how much you wipe it off, you won't be able to wipe off the smell on my body. Don't forget, we..." Xia Minmin shut up in the middle of her words. There will be no second person who has such a tacit understanding with Xia Minmin.

Lu Yanche wished he could unscrew Xia Minmin's head to see if the contents were dung...

"I'm warning you one last time. If you let me know that you are appearing in front of Nian Ge, don't blame me and do something more ruthless to you..."

What Lu Yanche was referring to was killing Xia Minmin?Or, take her away from this compound?
Whatever it is, Lu Yanche needs to spend some time and effort, so Xia Minmin can use the remaining time to do something. Lu Yanche doesn't seem to know how to settle this account.

Xia Minmin smiled softly: "Well, I know, you can do what you say and do. In this regard, I am very similar to you..."

"You said what you should say. You are still standing here because you don't want me?" Xia Minmin blinked, and said shameless words again.

Lu Yanche is angry!
He really can't handle Xia Minmin like this...

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Yanche turned around and walked towards the door. Xia Minmin's eyes widened, and she rushed forward quickly, hugged Lu Yanche's waist from behind, and buried her head on Lu Yanche's back, leading With a bit of sadness, he said: "Brother Che, can you be a little fairer to me, even if it is a little bit, it will make me feel very happy, very happy..."

Xia Minmin is fast.

Before Lu Yanche could pull her away, she let go of her hand, took a step back, and kept a certain distance from Lu Yanche...

She turned around and walked towards the second floor. Under Lu Yanche's gaze, she entered the room, and closed the door heavily with a 'bang'.

Lu Yanche: "..."

Xia Minmin and Mo Yunhao parted ways, and walked on the street alone, holding the phone in her hand, hesitating whether she should call Lu Yanche and ask Lu Yanche to pick her up...

Mu Niange's phone call has not been made yet.

With a sound of 'Ding...', her phone rang, she looked at the screen, and the words 'Xia Minmin' were displayed on the screen, Mu Niange's eyes turned cold, thinking of what Xia Minmin said in the afternoon In other words, what exactly does he want to express to himself?
Mu Niange hesitated for a while, but finally unlocked the lock and clicked on the message...

Inside, is a small video screen.

Surprise flashed in Mu Niange's eyes. After she clicked on it, she stared at the screen quietly. The time of the small video screen was only 50 seconds, but Mu Niange felt like a century had passed.

A gust of wind blows away, making Mu Niange cold and trembling all over.

Her cold mobile phone, holding the mobile phone, was almost unsteady.

Her heart was prickling slightly, it was a subtle feeling...

Why, at this time, show her something like this?

Ha ha……

Mu Niange doesn't need to think deeply, everyone knows that Xia Minmin provoked Mu Niange again, and Mu Niange didn't turn off the small video screen in a hurry. After a while, Xia Minmin's message came again: "Niange, this It was you who went down to help me see a doctor today, how about my thank you gift, are you satisfied with my thank you gift?"


How could you be dissatisfied?
Satisfied, Mu Niange wished to tear Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche apart.

Mu Niange took a deep thought and adjusted his emotions!
She locked the screen, then put the phone into the bag, walked slowly alone, and the people walking around were either two or three people in pairs, or couples in pairs , Mu Niange's figure, from where it looks, looks lonely, lonely...

You don't have to care about superficial things.

The most important thing is to look at the heart.

If the heart is hurt, what should be used to make up?

After Lu Yanche came out of Xia's house, he drove straight out of the compound. He didn't call Mu Niange in a hurry, but waited. Can't wait for any news from Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche thought, Mo Yunhao sent Mu Niange back to the compound.

Lu Yanche waited in the compound for another hour, but Mu Niange was still nowhere to be seen.

Lu Yanche became upset. He lit a cigarette and smoked one by one. He couldn't take it anymore, so he took the initiative to call Mu Niange, one call after another, but no one answered. Song's mobile phone directly became a relationship.

Lu Yanche felt that he was going crazy...

What kind of mood is this?
Even though Mu Niange's phone was turned off, Lu Yanche was still typing one after another.

He drove the car again, went out from the compound, and walked towards the city. He was not familiar with the route of Mu Niange's return, so he could only go round and round on the road.

Lu Yanche's turn turned to eleven o'clock in the evening. It happened that Mu Niange stepped into the compound at this time. It can be said that Mu Niange was on the front foot and Lu Yanche was on the back foot. Niange, when he found Mu Niange, Mu Niange walked into Mu's house.

Lu Yanche was sitting in the car, staring at Mu Niange's door...

In the next second, he slapped the steering wheel heavily, as if he wanted to vent his emotions.

uneasy feeling.

Surrounded by Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche is abnormal, or Mu Niange is abnormal, Lu Yanche does not know...

Lu Yanche was at the door, smoked two more cigarettes, and returned to his home.

One night, insomnia...

Not only Mu Niange suffered from insomnia, but even Lu Yanche suffered from insomnia.

The next day, Lu Yanche came out of the house early in the morning and walked towards Mu's house. Coincidentally, he bumped into Xia Minmin who was out for morning exercises. Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche with a smile and said hello, "Brother Che, are you going?" What are you doing? Morning exercise? If you don't mind, let's go together tomorrow..."

Who wants to be with Xia Minmin?
This is not even a bitch!
Lu Yanche didn't even look at Xia Minmin, he brushed past Xia Minmin and quickened his pace.

Lu Yanche rang the doorbell of Mu's house, and it was Mu Yuanling who came out to open the door. When he saw Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling was slightly taken aback. He subconsciously looked towards the dining table, but there was no sign of Mu Niange, so Lu Yanche was Which play do you sing?

(End of this chapter)

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