Chapter 235 Where have you been?
Ignoring Mu Yuanling's stunned look, Lu Yanche followed Mu Yuanling's gaze and asked naturally, "Where is Niange?"

Where can I read the song?

Not in the living room, of course in the room...

Mu Yuanling opened his mouth and was about to respond to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche passed Mu Yuanling directly and walked towards the second floor. Mu Yuanling was very dissatisfied with Lu Yanche's reckless behavior. He frowned and stepped forward quickly She blocked Lu Yanche's way: "This is my home, not yours!"

The implication is that it is not something you can break through casually.

How could Lu Yanche not understand what Mu Yuanling meant?
He was just anxious to see Mu Niange, so he realized that he forgot his identity...

Lu Yanche stood on the spot, staring at Mu Yuanling fixedly. After a long while, his thin lips raised lightly and said, "Could you please help me to recite the song?"

Lu Yanche has come to this point, it seems that it is not good for Mu Yuanling to reject Lu Yanche, but... today is Sunday, a rare day for Mu Niange to rest, so calling Mu Niange like this, seems a little sorry for Mu Niange .

Mu Yuanling shook his head, and refused: "Sorry, I can't help you, you can take a look, it's seven o'clock sharp, today is not the day to read songs and go to school."

Even if Mu Niange went to school, it was not Lu Yanche's turn to call Mu Niange to get up. When the time came, if Mu Niange didn't come down, Mu Yuanling would naturally go up.

Lu Yanche couldn't resist Mu Yuanling, and Mu Yuanling was considered as half of Mu Niange's guardian. If Lu Yanche continued to quarrel with Mu Yuanling, it would be very unfavorable to him. A gloomy look flashed in Lu Yanche's eyes, and he silently withdrew it. He stepped back, turned and walked towards the door.

Mu Yuanling's eyebrows frowned even more.

I really don't understand...

What happened to this one and two?

When Lu Yanche was about to walk out of the gate of Mu's house, Mu Yuanling sighed: "Wait..."

Hearing this, Lu Yanche paused. He turned his head and looked at Mu Yuanling, waiting for Mu Yuanling's next words. Mu Yuanling pointed to the dining table: "If you don't have any food, let's read a song together. We will come down at eight o'clock."

Mu Niange's schedule is very regular.

But last night, Mu Niange suffered from insomnia, so that on the second day, she couldn't get up, and when she finally got up, Mu Niange felt thirsty, so she took off the quilt, got out of bed, put on cotton shoes, Walking towards the door, as soon as he came down from the second floor, he saw Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling sitting side by side on the sofa. Mu Niange was slightly taken aback, and couldn't react for a while.

It was Mu Yuanling who saw Mu Niange and said first, "Niange, are you awake?"

Mu Niange let out a 'huh', and withdrew her thoughts, her face was fine, but her heart had already rolled into a ball...

Why is Lu Yanche here?
Mu Niange was dressed in drowsiness, his hair was messy, he hadn't washed it, he didn't have anything, Lu Yanche saw such a bad side, how could Mu Niange face Lu Yanche in the future?
However, this is not the first time that Mu Niange faced Lu Yanche with such a gesture.

Mu Niange's fluctuating emotions quickly calmed down...

After she went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water, she walked towards the second floor, and then closed the door of the room tightly with a bang.

Lu Yanche could hold his breath.

When he saw Mu Niange, he didn't come forward immediately. Mu Yuanling had been secretly observing Lu Yanche's changes. Seeing Lu Yanche sitting motionless, he seemed a little surprised: "Since Niange woke up , you can't go up."

As soon as Mu Yuanling finished speaking, he stood up from the sofa, picked up the car keys, and walked out.

Lu Yanche watched Mu Yuanling leave, and when Mu Yuanling disappeared before his eyes, he stood up and walked towards the second floor. Mu Yuanling said that, but in his heart, he was on Lu Yanche's side...

Mu Yuanling and Lu Yanche grew up together. What kind of person is Lu Yanche? Mu Yuanling's heart is just the account of Lu Yanche hurting Mu Niange. No matter how much Mu Yuanling swallows it, he can't swallow it, so he keeps repeating it. He repeatedly made things difficult for Lu Yanche.


Mu Niange is interested in Lu Yanche.

It's not a solution for Mu Yuanling to stop him, so why not take advantage of the trend and push Lu Yanche, so that the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche can develop more quickly.

After Mu Niange returned to the room, she didn't go to the bathroom to take a shower immediately. She went back to the bed and lay down again, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep no matter how much she slept. Waiting for someone to knock on the door.

Time passed by every minute and every second...

There was no knock on the door, and what Mu Niange waited for was bursts of disappointment.

Mu Niange sighed, what was she expecting?
Thinking of the little video she received on the street last night, Mu Niange felt a little ridiculous. How could she care, why would she care?Regardless of whether the content in the video is true or not, Mu Niange takes it to heart.

When Mu Niange finished dressing up and opened the door of the room, it was already an hour later.

She expected that Lu Yanche should leave, but when Mu Niange saw Lu Yanche standing at the door, Mu Niange realized how little she knew about Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche leaned against the wall like this, as if he had waited for a long time, but there was no expression of impatience on his face.

Singer Mu Nian held the doorknob, and after a while, she closed the door of the room. She didn't deliberately look at Lu Yanche, nor did she deliberately pay attention to Lu Yanche. Mu Niange just walked past Lu Yanche, towards Go to the living room.

After arriving in the living room, Mu Niange realized that it was Mu Yuanling who let Lu Yanche drink water.

Feeling helpless and speechless...

When did Mu Yuanling become so enthusiastic towards Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange was sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast. Lu Yanche pulled out the chair and sat opposite to Mu Niange. He didn't want Mu Niange to feel unnatural, so he didn't stare at Mu Niange closely. After Ge finished his breakfast and cleaned up, Lu Yanche said, "Nian Ge, where did you go yesterday?"


Didn't call me, let me pick you up?

What Lu Yanche wanted to ask was this question. After halfway through the sentence, he couldn't continue. Naturally, he asked where Mu Niange had gone.

It was Lu Yanche who watched Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao leave with his own eyes, but now, instead, he asked where Mu Niange had gone, which inevitably made Mu Niange feel a little uncomfortable in his heart. Mu Niange didn't show his discomfort, She glanced at Lu Yanche, and asked back, "Where am I going, you don't know?"

Lu Yanche is not the roundworm in Mu Niange's stomach, how could he know?

(End of this chapter)

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