Chapter 237 Who Do You Trust?

The next day, Lu Yanche drove to the door of Mu's house as usual, and picked up Mu Niange to go to school. Xia Minmin hid not far away, staring at Lu Yanche's car. According to Xia Minmin's understanding of Mu Niange, when encountering such a thing, Mu Niange would ignore Lu Yanche in the end.

She will never step into Lu Yanche's car...

It's a pity that Xia Minmin was wrong.

After Mu Niange came out of the house, he walked towards Lu Yanche, and naturally sat in the car door that Lu Yanche opened!
Xia Minmin clenched her hands into fists, her eyes glowed with fire. It seems that she underestimated Mu Niange too much. Mu Niange can tolerate such things with Lu Yanche. Does she need to give Mu Niange a hard time? Fire, to attract Mu Niange's attention?
Lu Yanche was struggling in his heart, Mu Niange couldn't talk to him in his car, how should he persuade Mu Niange?
Mu Niange sat up unexpectedly, which made Lu Yanche secretly relieved.

When Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange to the college, the two sides remained silent. Lu Yanche wanted to speak, but he opened his mouth and then gave up. Mu Niange turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window without blinking his eyes. of.

When he reached the gate of the academy, Mu Niange opened the car door and walked down.

Lu Yanche opened the car door at the same time as Mu Niange opened it. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Mu Niange's wrist. Mu Niange looked back at Lu Yanche with a calm expression, and did not rush to break away from Lu Yanche's hand , but asked: "What?"


Mu Niange's tone was really calm and flat...

Lu Yanche let go of Mu Niange's hand slightly, and shook his head: "I just want to say goodbye to you!"


See you again?
Mu Niange let out a 'hmm', turned around and continued walking towards the entrance of the college, halfway there, Mu Niange stopped, looked back at Lu Yanche and said, "Friday, don't forget, come and pick me up!"

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, before Lu Yanche could think about it, he quickened his pace.

Lu Yanche stood where he was, looking at Mu Niange's back in a daze. Just now, Mu Niange was actively showing affection to Lu Yanche?

What happened yesterday, Mu Niange didn't take it to heart.

Lu Yanche lowered his eyes, his eyes filled with warmth.

After Mu Niange was angry, she calmed down and thought about it. She shouldn't have treated Lu Yanche like that. Although Lu Yanche was the person involved, she convicted Lu Yanche without asking about it. This was unfair to Lu Yanche. Besides, Mu If you want to ignore Lu Yanche when you read the song, wouldn't you have fallen into Xia Minmin's trick?

What she wanted to see was the quarrel between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange?

It is not a matter of a day or two for Xia Minmin to reap the benefits of being a fisherman...

The corners of Mu Niange's lips curled up into a mocking smile.

Xia Minmin underestimated Mu Niange too much, Lu Yanche too much, and herself even more.

A week passed in the blink of an eye. This week was calm and nothing happened. Mu Niange was so calm and calm. Yang Zhishuang was full of curiosity in her heart. To what extent did the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche develop? .

Yang Zhishuang took Mu Niange's cell phone, and looked through Mu Niange's messages...

Flipping through the pages, I found the short video that Xia Minmin sent to Mu Niange. Yang Zhishuang watched it calmly, then opened her eyes wide, and then screamed in disbelief: "Damn it!"

Mu Niange was startled by Yang Zhishuang's sudden actions.

She quickly ran to Yang Zhishuang's side, and asked, "What's wrong? Did you hit an evil spirit?"

"I think you are crazy!" Yang Zhishuang did not respond to Mu Niange's words, but cursed at Mu Niange instead.

Mu Niange frowned at being scolded by Yang Zhishuang. Mu Niange didn't like Yang Zhishuang's cursing words. Looking at the phone in Yang Zhishuang's hand, Mu Niange instantly understood. It's looking for abuse."

Things that shouldn't be seen.

Yang Zhishuang wanted to see...

If Yang Zhishuang hadn't been gossip, how could she have known about the explosion?

Lu Yanche is really good enough. On the one hand, he confessed and apologized in front of Mu Niange, and wanted Mu Niange to forgive him. On the other hand, he was like Xia Minmin in this way. Lu Yanche didn't take Mu Niange seriously, right?
The more Yang Zhishuang thought about it, the angrier she became, how could she swallow this breath?

"Let's go, let's go to Lu Yanche to settle the score, and see the ****, how to explain it!" Yang Zhishuang took Mu Niange's hand and walked towards the door of the dormitory. It happened to be Friday, and Lu Yanche came to pick up Mu Niange day.

Mu Niange was supported by Yang Zhishuang and walked two steps, she broke Yang Zhishuang's hand free: "Shuangshuang, you are too impulsive, this video is very fake, if Lu Yanche intends to hug Xia Minmin, maybe With one back facing Xia Minmin?"

Yang Zhishuang was taken aback by what Mu Niange said...

Her steps stopped, she took Mu Niange's cell phone, and looked at it carefully again.

Indeed, in this video, Lu Yanche's back was facing Xia Minmin, and Xia Minmin's hand was holding Lu Yanche's waist very hard, as if he was afraid that Lu Yanche would throw Xia Minmin away...

But for a full minute, Xia Minmin kept his original movements, and Lu Yanche also remained motionless. This is unscientific, no matter how you explain it, it doesn't make sense!

"Niange, when did you trust Lu Yanche so much?" Yang Zhishuang narrowed her eyes, looking at Mu Niange tentatively.

Mu Niange was a little unnatural when Yang Zhishuang looked at her, she turned her gaze away: "I believe in my own feelings..."

What's going on, Lu Yanche knew it in his heart, Xia Minmin knew it in his heart, and Mu Niange knew it even more in his heart.

Yang Zhishuang let out an 'ah' and sighed: "I think you have been poisoned by Lu Yanche. Now, when I see this kind of thing, my first thought is not to question Lu Yanche, but to think for myself. Helping Lu Yanche defend, do you not want to be looked down upon by Xia Minmin, or do you really trust Lu Yanche from the bottom of your heart?"

This is really a question worthy of in-depth study...

There is a big difference between the two, and the meaning is even bigger.

At the beginning, Mu Niange didn't believe Lu Yanche, and he also vented his anger on Lu Yanche.

After venting this anger, it is equivalent to forgetting it and not remembering it again. Who knows if Xia Minmin is perverted and ambush around? Seeing Mu Niange ignoring Lu Yanche, she must be very happy How could Mu Niange allow such a thing to happen.

"No matter what I think, right now, the progress of the matter is that the effect Xia Minmin wanted to see has not appeared. At this time, she must be very anxious, anxious to think of a way to act again..."

(End of this chapter)

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