Chapter 238 Questions
Mu Niange did not directly respond to Yang Zhishuang's question, her eyes deepened, and a look that Yang Zhishuang couldn't see through flashed in her eyes, she suddenly felt sick when she thought of Xia Minmin's face.

Xia Minmin is so lingering...

She will not let go easily until her goal is achieved.

Yang Zhishuang had seen Xia Minmin's methods before, so she knew exactly what Mu Niange was worried about. However, Mu Niange's blind defense was not a solution.

"Niange, Xia Minmin gave you such a big gift, shouldn't you respond to Xia Minmin?" Yang Zhishuang raised her eyebrows, and looked at Mu Niange with a smirk. Yang Zhishuang has plenty of ways to deal with bitches, but unfortunately, she doesn't have Mu The cooperation of reciting songs cannot be achieved.

Therefore, Yang Zhishuang had to ask Mu Niange for his opinion before proceeding with the next step...

Every time Mu Niange saw Yang Zhishuang smiling like this, she would have an ominous premonition in her heart, and would even mourn for Yang Zhishuang's opponent. She hesitated for half a minute before asking, "What can you do?" ?”

Yang Zhishuang laughed twice when she heard the words, 'hehe'!

"Actually, Xia Minmin has a big shortcoming, which is fatal to Xia Minmin."

"Tell me, if Xia Minmin saw the photo of you and Lu Yanche in bed, would she break down in anger?" Yang Zhishuang's eyes lit up, and she became more and more excited as she spoke to Mu Niange. She grabbed Mu Niange's hand , shaking.

Mu Niange's expression changed, he shook off Yang Zhishuang's hand, and responded without the slightest sympathy: "Shuangshuang, I think you are crazy!"

Is it too expensive to make such a sacrifice in order to stimulate Xia Minmin?

Mu Niange might not be able to do it, plus it was Lu Yanche, Mu Niange clenched his lips, feeling inexplicably nervous...

Yang Zhishuang knew that Mu Niange would shrink back, so she rolled her eyes at Mu Niange angrily: "Is it because who thought it was Lu Yanche, so you couldn't make a move? Or are you afraid that the fake show will be real, and you will really follow me later?" Lu Yanche..."

Yang Zhishuang's next words were not very thorough.

Mu Niange's face flushed very red, she stared at Yang Zhishuang fiercely, really wanted to break Yang Zhishuang's head open and see what was inside it?
Yang Zhishuang could think of such a thing.

"You don't know what Lu Yanche thinks of me? If you want me to do something like this with Lu Yanche, doesn't that mean you're sending me into a tiger's mouth?"

Yang Zhishuang put her hand on Mu Niange's shoulder, and sighed: "I think you don't have confidence in yourself, you're afraid that you won't be able to control yourself, you don't know who Lu Yanche is? Also... Isn't Lu Yanche guilty of You? You tell Lu Yanche, what's wrong with letting him act with you? I don't believe that he will reject you. "

This is not a question of whether Lu Yanche will refuse at all...

Mu Niange was too lazy to argue with Yang Zhishuang, she pulled Yang Zhishuang's hand away, with a resolute look on her face: "Put your thoughts away and think of a practical solution."

Mu Niange is ready to attack Xia Minmin!
The way she attacked Xia Minmin was not to care about Yin, but to be ruthless. She could break Xia Minmin with one blow.

Between Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang, in the end they failed to discuss a solution that both of them agreed to. When Mu Niange got into Lu Yanche's car, Yang Zhishuang hinted at Mu Niange all kinds of things. Qu was so strong that he almost opened his mouth and scolded Yang Zhishuang.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange's flushed face, thinking that Mu Niange was hot.

He slightly opened the lower window, and the cool breeze blew in, gradually dissipating the remaining warmth on Mu Niange's face. Mu Niange's mood calmed down. She glanced at Lu Yanche sideways, with a bit of hesitation and reluctance. Zhidao: "Do you have anything to say, you want to ask me?"

It's rare for Mu Niange to take the initiative to talk to Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche was taken aback when he heard the words, and after he realized it, he let out an 'um', as if he couldn't hear clearly what Mu Niange was talking about.

The reason to ask Lu Yanche proactively is to give Lu Yanche a reason to argue...

Lu Yanche doesn't seem to understand very well, what's going on?

Mu Niange withdrew her gaze and continued to look out of the window. After taking a deep breath, she said again: "I said, do you have any questions and you want to ask me?"

For example, which aspect?

Lu Yanche was dumbfounded by Mu Niange's question...

He thought about it, but he couldn't figure out which aspect it was about.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lu Yanche's lips. He glanced sideways at Mu Niange and said teasingly, "Huh? I want to ask you about which aspect?"

Obviously it was Mu Niange who was asking about Lu Yanche, but why it was Lu Yanche who was asking about Mu Niange instead.

Mu Niange was speechless, thinking that he was looking for something to do when he had nothing to do.

Mu Niange pursed his lips and didn't respond to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche realized the seriousness of the matter. He frowned and thought carefully. He thought of the unhappiness he had with Mu Niange last week. He hadn't asked about it yet. , for what reason.

"Recite the song, I want to ask you, last week, for what reason did you not call me and let me pick you up?"

According to Mu Niange's temperament, it is impossible for Mu Niange not to use Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange made up his mind to give Lu Yanche a hard time, of course he was always prepared to abuse Lu Yanche...

Wouldn't it be cheaper for Lu Yanche not to let Lu Yanche go?
This question came to Lu Yanche's mind later on. Perhaps it was because Mu Niange was in a bad mood that prevented Lu Yanche from going, let alone answering Lu Yanche's calls, and even ignored Lu Yanche when the phone was turned off...

Lu Yanche's question finally hit the point.

The corners of Mu Niange's lips twitched into a smile.

But soon, she restrained her smile, looked at Lu Yanche sideways with a straight face, and said, "While you are asking me, shouldn't you clearly explain your whereabouts? That day, I left, you Where did you go, and what did you do?"

Just trusting Lu Yanche is not enough.

Everyone has a doubt in their hearts.

If you don't ask clearly, you can't feel at ease...

It was Yang Zhishuang's reminder that made Mu Niange aware of this problem. On the surface, she seemed to be fine, but in her heart, she was always thinking about Lu Yanche's problem. Why did he go to Xia Minmin?Finding Xia Minmin was nothing out of the ordinary. Why did you find Xia Minmin's home and let Xia Minmin take pictures of such things and send them to Mu Niange?

Lu Yanche didn't expect Mu Niange to ask back.

I thought that Mu Niange asked purely because he wanted to know...

Where did Lu Yanche go and what did he do?

Is this what Mu Niange cares about?

(End of this chapter)

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