Chapter 239 Reminder
Lu Yanche's heart beat wildly...

A kind of joy spread in Lu Yanche's heart, and Lu Yanche couldn't control it. He parked the car aside, looked sideways at Mu Niange, and asked earnestly, "Niange, do you care about me? Otherwise, , why would you ask such a question?"

One question can remind Lu Yanche so much.

Mu Niange was stunned.

Especially when Lu Yanche parked the car aside, Mu Niange was even more unexpected.

Unnaturalness flashed across Mu Niange's face, she turned her face away, avoiding Lu Yanche's sight: "I'm asking you a question, not waiting for you to ask me a question, you just need to tell me where you went that day Well, what did you do?"

Lu Yanche, you won't lie to Mu Niange, will you?
If Lu Yanche lied, how should Mu Niange react?
Mu Niange is nervous and also has no confidence...

I remember before, when I was with Lu Yanche, Mu Niange always wanted to ask Lu Yanche if he really liked him, and if he really liked him, what did he like about him?
I have been aggrieved for a long time and struggled for a long time.

Mu Niange finally plucked up the courage to ask.

Lu Yanche was afraid that he was frightened by Mu Niange, so he looked at Mu Niange in a daze. For a long time, he didn't give Mu Niange an answer. When Mu Niange lowered his eyes in disappointment, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange into his arms , he lay beside Mu Niange's ear, and said softly: "You are so cute, I don't like you, who do I like?"

"What reason do you need to like someone? Whether it's your shortcomings or advantages, in my opinion, they are all advantages, and I like everything..."

Where did Lu Yanche learn his love words?

At that time, the question that appeared in Mu Niange's mind was this. Feeling that Lu Yanche was hugging him tighter and tighter, Mu Niange slowly raised his hand and hugged Lu Yanche back. The sweetness in his heart was all Lu Yanche's. Bring it yourself.

Mu Niange is glad...

Met Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche is a person who knows how to cherish himself!
Mu Niange was in a trance thinking about the past, even Mu Niange didn't realize it, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange like this, reached out his hand and shook it twice in front of Mu Niange and said, "Niange?"

Mu Niange let out an 'hmm' and quickly reacted.

"Niange, did you not take the initiative to tell me what happened, but hide it in your heart, and wait for me to find out and find out by myself?" Lu Yanche sighed, looking at Mu Niange's eyes, and said Helpless, but also distressed.

"I remember you used to be like this. You carried everything alone, thinking, and you told me when I asked you..."

"I'm looking forward to it. One day, you can take the initiative to tell me what problems you have encountered. In that case, it will make me feel that you care about me and rely on me. I didn't wait for you to tell me On that day, you left and disappeared in front of my eyes, making it impossible for me to find you. I was flustered and regretted, why didn't I take the initiative to find you and ask you?"

"However, there is no early knowledge in the world, only unexpected."

"When I saw you again, I was thinking, I want to know about you as soon as possible, it's not you who tell me, it's me who finds out, I come to find out, say I'm a pervert, say I'm a stalker It doesn't matter, I'm really afraid that one day, you will disappear from my sight again..."

When Lu Yanche said this, he subconsciously grabbed Mu Niange's hand...

He held onto it very tightly, really afraid that Mu Niange would disappear from his sight.

Mu Niange listened in a daze, letting Lu Yanche grab her hand. She never knew that Lu Yanche thought this way.

In the past, she was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Lu Yanche, so she didn't tell Lu Yanche anything, but according to what Lu Yanche said, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche missed each other, they were basically Waste of time.

Mu Niange's heart softened a little.

However, only for a moment.

Mu Niange shook off Lu Yanche's hand, and she laughed 'hehe' twice: "Who knows which sentence of yours is the truth and which one is a lie? It's been so long, what did you say? They are all right, but what I remember is that at the beginning, you clearly knew that I was being bullied, but you were indifferent..."

This is the biggest harm to Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche retorted speechlessly.

Every time Mu Niange said this, it was when Lu Yanche regretted it the most.

But Lu Yanche really only pampered Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou once, after that time, Lu Yanche really didn't know anything about what happened to Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche withdrew his outstretched hand, cleared his throat and said, "Well, the harm I did to you cannot be repaired in a day or two. I said these words purely to let you know that I really care about reciting songs. You, so, I am worried that you will be hurt, Meiqi sent me a message to inform me as soon as she came out of the clinic."

"I was worried about you. I ran all the way from the company. Seeing you standing there safe and sound, I breathed a sigh of relief and disappeared in front of you. I went back to the compound and asked Xia Minmin, what kind of character is Xia Minmin? I know very well in my heart that the warning I gave her is far from enough, I can only stare at her all the time, and tell her not to do anything that hurts you..."

Things make sense here.

Xia Minmin troubled Mu Niange, and expected that Lu Meiqi would report to Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche would definitely come to question Xia Minmin immediately...

Xia Minmin's monitoring was prepared by Xia Minmin early in the morning, and what he was waiting for was an opportunity.

When the time comes, what can Xia Minmin do?
Under the circumstances that Lu Yanche couldn't see, Mu Niange's eyes flashed a coldness: "I'm afraid I understand that Xia Minmin is not only using you, even me is being used by Xia Minmin..."

"In the future, you should be more cautious about Xia Minmin."

Mu Niange hesitated for a while, and finally said this to Lu Yanche.

How could Xia Minmin not think of what Yang Zhishuang could think of?
If Xia Minmin really got Lu Yanche into bed, then Lu Yanche would have to admit if he didn't admit it, and with Mrs. Xia's temperament, there would definitely be troubles in the Lu family, and everyone in the compound would be in a state of restlessness. , are all involved.

Mu Niange's reminder is equivalent to caring.

Lu Yanche nodded, indicating that he knew, but... why did Mu Niange suddenly tell him such a thing?
Among them, is there anything that Lu Yanche doesn't know?

(End of this chapter)

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