Chapter 240 Progress
Out of worry about Lu Yanche, and also because Xia Minmin would carry Mu Niange behind her back and do things that are not good for Mu Niange, these days, Mu Niange often sticks to Lu Yanche's side, and it was Lu Yanche who sent Mu Niange to the clinic , and asked Lu Yanche to pick up Mu Niange from the clinic again.

And then……

Mu Niange didn't even live in the dormitory, so he should live at home.

Every day, Lu Yanche would appear at the door of Mu Niange's house as soon as possible. When Mu Niange walked out of the door, he would have a breakfast in his hand, which was prepared for Lu Yanche.

From this point of view, the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche seems to be in love, and I really envy others...

Ji Jingchen, who didn't know it, thought that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange had reached a positive relationship. Every time he saw Lu Yanche and Mu Niange together, Ji Jingchen would throw a smirk at Mu Niange, and his eyes said, "Small, what's the matter?" don't let me catch'?It is so tight, is it worried, let us find out?
What should be discovered will happen sooner or later...

Therefore, there is no need to deliberately conceal the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

From Mu Niange's point of view, Ji Jingchen is a person with some brain problems.

When getting along with Ji Jingchen at the beginning, Mu Niange didn't notice it, let alone notice it, the more we get along, the more I feel that Ji Jingchen is really bad...

What to say?
Incompetent bungler?

Wanting to help Lu Yanche ended up messing things up.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange and didn't explain, so he fell silent. Although he didn't know what Mu Niange was thinking, as long as it was what Mu Niange wanted, Lu Yanche would help Mu Niange and try his best to achieve it.

Some people, when they saw it, recited songs for Mu, and Lu Yanche was happy, while some people, when they saw it, their hearts were more envious than jealousy...

Xia Youyou really didn't want to see such a scene.

The flamboyant dog abuser was still the one Xia Youyou tried to break up.

Whenever Lu Yanche and Mu Niange passed in front of Xia Youyou, Xia Youyou felt ridiculous...

Lu Yanche was willing to do anything for Mu Niange. Even though Mu Niange was using Lu Yanche, he didn't hurt Lu Yanche in any way. She was an outsider, so what qualifications did she have to point and point at Mu Niange.

She finally understood the reason why she couldn't get Lu Yanche...

It turned out that she didn't understand Lu Yanche, let alone what Lu Yanche wanted.

When you like someone, you will like everything he likes. Mu Niange is the person Lu Yanche likes, but Xia Youyou can't like him no matter what. From the very beginning, Xia Youyou's heart was narrow, narrow He couldn't hold a grain of sand, so he was played around by Xia Minmin in the applause.

Xia Youyou sighed.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, with a calm expression, he walked past Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange didn't take Xia Youyou seriously. When it's time to abuse Xia Youyou, Mu Niange won't do anything to Xia Youyou. However, as long as Xia Youyou continues to behave like this, Mu Niange will even consider it. Yoyo, included in the target of abuse...

What Mu Niange needs to waste is ten times more energy than Xia Youyou.

A Xia Minmin makes Mu Niange feel unbearable, and adding Xia Youyou may make Mu Niange overwhelmed.

Mu Niange sat in Lu Yanche's car and disappeared at the gate of the compound. None of them saw them, but a pair of eyes full of hatred were staring at them.

Xia Minmin had calculated everything, but what she failed to calculate was that the video she sent not only did not deepen the conflict between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, but actually increased the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

Going in and out with Lu Yanche in pairs was once Xia Minmin's dreamland.

In a blink of an eye...

Lu Yanche was in pairs, but unfortunately the person standing beside Lu Yanche was not Xia Minmin, but Mu Niange.

What words should Xia Minmin use to describe her mood?

It's broken, it's broken badly...

I wish I could chop Mu Niange into pieces, but Xia Minmin has such courage, not such ability, let alone such an opportunity.

Xia Minmin's hands clenched into fists.

How could she be so stupid?

Thinking about the relationship between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, it is impossible to be so strong, and it is even more impossible for Mu Niange. Once again, I believe in Lu Yanche, obviously, Lu Yanche hurt Mu Niange so deeply, so painfully...

Lu Yanche opened the car door for Mu Niange, let Mu Niange get out of the car, a gust of wind blew by, Lu Yanche blocked for Mu Niange, he enveloped Mu Niange, let Mu Niange stand surrounded by Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche acted naturally...

In Mu Niange's eyes, this is not the case.

Mu Niange took a step back unnaturally, choked his foot, and almost fell to the ground, Lu Yanche quickly grabbed Mu Niange, and let Mu Niange lean in his arms.

The breath from Lu Yanche's body spread around Mu Niange, and Mu Niange heard Lu Yanche's powerful heartbeat...

Obviously, it's not the first time she hugged Lu Yanche, but why did Mu Niange have such a violent reaction?
Want to break free, reluctant to break free.

Lu Yanche's embrace warmed Mu Niange, making Mu Niange feel nostalgic in his heart.

Mu Niange stayed motionless in Lu Yanche's arms, it was Lu Yanche who retracted his hand first, and Mu Niange reacted, Mu Niange looked a little embarrassed, she lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows, with a smile hidden in his eyes.

Lu Yanche could see through what Mu Niange was thinking at a glance, because it was written all over Mu Niange's face.

Thinking of Mu Niange's attitude towards Lu Yanche in the past few days, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange with a gentle look.

Lu Yanche took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around Mu Niange's neck. Mu Niange was startled by Lu Yanche's sudden action, she subconsciously wanted to break free, but Lu Yanche never gave Mu Niange such a chance!
While Lu Yanche put on the scarf, he tidied up for Mu Niange...

Mu Niange stretched out his hand, wanting to tear off Lu Yanche's scarf, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand, his eyes widened, and his thin lips raised lightly: "Bring it, why do you think I wear a scarf of this color? ?”

It was just because he was worried that Mu Niange would not wear enough clothes, so he decided to give it to Mu Niange.

However, Mu Niange didn't accept Lu Yanche's intentions. In front of Lu Yanche, he wanted to tear off the scarf. If Mu Niange tore it off some time ago, Lu Yanche couldn't stop Mu Niange, but right now The relationship is different, if Mu Niange is not willing, he must be willing.

(End of this chapter)

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