Chapter 246 Tell the Truth

When the phone was connected by Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche's 'Hello' brought Mu Niange back to his thoughts. Lu Yanche's voice was a little eager and panting, as if he had just finished a strenuous exercise.

Surprise flashed in Mu Niange's eyes.

She was silent for half a minute before saying, "It's me."

Lu Yanche was taken aback when he heard the words, and he asked a little uncertainly, "Recite the song?"


"Where are you?"

Lu Yanche's voice urgently reminded him again...

Mu Niange raised his head, looked around the ward, and finally said, "I'm in the hospital..."

When Mu Niange said I'm in the hospital, Lu Yanche's head exploded. He couldn't calm down and asked Mu Niange a series of questions. In the end, Mu Niange only answered the name of the hospital. Lu Yanche said, "Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

Then, Lu Yanche really arrived within 15 minutes...

Lu Yanche was the first to arrive, followed by Mu Yuanling, Yang Zhishuang, and Ji Jingchen.

Seeing that Mu Niange's arm was bandaged like a rice dumpling, Yang Zhishuang suddenly lost her composure...

When her temper came down, no one could stop her. She sat beside Mu Niange's bed and asked him a series of questions. Headache……

Ji Jingchen couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed Yang Zhishuang and said, "You ask one question after another. How can you answer the song like this?"

Yang Zhishuang glared at Ji Jingchen, shut her mouth, looked at Mu Niange, and waited for Mu Niange's response.

Mu Niange briefly explained the situation...

There was a conflict with the patient, and the patient went crazy and made Mu Niange like this. Looking back now, Mu Niange felt that things were a little strange. How could the patient know that Mu Niange had suffered from mental illness?

While ridiculing Mu Niange, he told what Mu Niange said was worthless, and even... all the symptoms of Mu Niange's illness.

Mu Niange's deep eyes sank slightly.

She was thinking about things, and she was lost in thought. When everyone saw it, they knew something was wrong with Mu Niange...

But this matter, I really can't blame Mu Niange, if Lu Yanche didn't renege on the appointment, how could Mu Niange go to the clinic and have such a thing happen?
After Yang Zhishuang adjusted the whole matter clearly, she put her hands on her waist, looked at Lu Yanche coldly, and said sarcastically, "I said, how unreliable are you that you made Mu Niange become like this? I, Yang Zhishuang, am blind, so I will help you connect!"

The last thing Yang Zhishuang would allow is for Mu Niange to be hurt...

The more Yang Zhishuang thought about it, the angrier she became. She rolled up her sleeves, and wanted to rush up to hit Lu Yanche, but Ji Jingchen stopped Yang Zhishuang with quick eyesight: "Nian Ge is injured now and needs to rest. If you make trouble here, you will only Affecting Mu Niange's emotions, making Niange unable to be quiet..."

What Ji Jingchen said makes sense.

After Yang Zhishuang threw Ji Jingchen away in disgust, she sneered: "I will remember this account for you. Next time, if you want to get Niange away from me, that is impossible..."

If Mu Niange knew that there was such an accident, she would never go to the clinic.

Although the burn on her arm has been dealt with, Mu Niange still feels the pain. The pain made Mu Niange frowned and her face turned pale. She forced a smile and said to Yang Zhishuang: "Shuang Shuang, stop making trouble, I do have a headache."

Mu Niange said so, what can Yang Zhishuang do?

Unwillingly snorted, Yang Zhishuang served Mu Niange.

Yang Zhishuang first threw Ji Jingchen and others out, and then helped Mu Niange wipe his body. Mu Niange was going to be hospitalized, so he didn't prepare anything...

Seeing Mu Niange's bandaged arm, Yang Zhishuang felt distressed and angry at the same time, her eyes turned red all of a sudden: "Niange, when was the last time you were bullied?"

Yang Zhishuang lowered her head so that Mu Niange couldn't see Yang Zhishuang's expression clearly. Hearing Yang Zhishuang's question, Mu Niange was taken aback for a moment, and then thought back seriously. It seems that since Yang Zhishuang appeared by Mu Niange's side, Mu Niange After reciting songs, he was never bullied by anyone again.

Mu Niange's heart throbbed slightly, and she answered honestly: "Six years ago!"

Yes, it was six years ago...

After six years, Mu Niange was injured again, it was not Mu Niange's fault, it was Yang Zhishuang's dereliction of duty.

"I thought you could take good care of yourself."

Therefore, Yang Zhishuang began to let go of Mu Niange, let Mu Niange do what she wanted to do, let her make the decisions she wanted to make, and in the end, Yang Zhishuang realized that her decision was wrong...

With Lu Yanche around, Mu Niange wouldn't even try to be rational.


"Don't call me by my name, I sound awkward." Yang Zhishuang was angry with Mu Niange.

After helping Mu Niange wipe her body, she opened the ward and walked out. At the door of the ward stood Mu Yuanling, Lu Yanche, and Ji Jingchen. When they saw Yang Zhishuang coming out, the eyes of the three of them all fell on Yang Zhishuang. , Yang Zhishuang walked up to Mu Yuanling and said: "Mu Niange needs some daily necessities, please take me to Niange's room, I will help Niange clean up..."

bother you?
Yang Zhishuang was polite.

Mu Yuanling nodded without thinking, and walked out with Yang Zhishuang.

Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen were left staring at each other...

Ji Jingchen glanced at the closed door, coughed lightly and said, "Ache, do you want to go in and read the song?"

Lu Yanche stood there, motionless.

He was thinking about what Yang Zhishuang said, Yang Zhishuang was right at all, if it wasn't for Lu Yanche, such a thing would never have happened to Mu Niange, in the end, Lu Yanche was wrong...

He was terribly wrong, ridiculously wrong, and careless wrongly.

Lu Yanche looked at the closed door of the room and said 'heh', and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Tell me, am I a failure?"

Ji Jingchen was slightly taken aback by Lu Yanche's question, and then looked at Lu Yanche with a serious expression. If he answered truthfully, Lu Yanche would not dare to do anything to him, right?

Ji Jingchen rested his chin in one hand, thinking carefully...

He thought of Lu Yanche and Mu Niange that he saw during this time, to be honest, Ji Jingchen felt that Lu Yanche took good care of Mu Niange, but in Yang Zhishuang's view, it was not the same...

The matter between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange can only be understood by the parties involved. It's really difficult for outsiders like them to draw conclusions...

"Want me to tell the truth?"

Ji Jingchen glanced at Lu Yanche and asked uncertainly.

(End of this chapter)

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