Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 247 Recite the song, I'm sorry

Chapter 247 Recite the song, I'm sorry
Lu Yanche was silent and did not respond to Ji Jingchen...

After thinking about it again, Ji Jingchen sighed and said, "Well, how should I put it? You are good at reciting songs, and reciting songs can be seen in your eyes, but not being good at reciting songs can change everything. You have I never thought about whether your so-called goodness is really good for reciting songs?"

"You're right, you're a failure, and things like this can't be blamed on you, but you have a large part of the responsibility. You said, if you pick up the chanting on time, the chanting will happen." If you are in a bad mood, go away by yourself, walk to the clinic, and encounter a neuropathy?"

"When chasing a girl, the most important thing is to let her see your sincerity. You don't even have the sincerity. Why do you ask him to be your girlfriend? Don't you know that what girls dislike the most is not keeping promises Boys? are unresponsive, it is a very serious problem."

"Think about it, it might be right for Nian Ge to leave six years ago, if Nian Ge hadn't left in time, I'm really afraid that Nian Ge would be destroyed and inhuman..."

As Ji Jingchen spoke, he became emotional.

He thought of the scene where Mu Niange was being bullied by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou. Six years later, when he saw Mu Niange again, Ji Jingchen had an illusion that the Mu Niange in front of him was not the same Mu Niange as before. Mu Niange is a strong little chubby girl, she is very timid and afraid of people, but at the very least, she won't look like a gust of wind will blow her away.

Mu Niange is pretending to be strong...

Even though the wound was very painful, she didn't say a word, she lowered her eyes so that people couldn't see her expression clearly. However, this kind of Mu Niange was really distressing.


Every sentence Ji Jingchen scolded Lu Yanche was correct.

Ji Jingchen didn't have any girlfriends, but he understood girls' thoughts better than Lu Yanche. After what Ji Jingchen said, Lu Yanche felt that he had failed even more.

It's normal to get rejected once or twice, but when you get rejected, you should at least send a text message or make a phone call to inform the other party...

Anxious people, if you think that you have an accident halfway, you will be restless.

Like Mu Niange, whose mind is as calm as water...

What she thinks is often beyond your imagination. From Mu Niange's point of view, it is not the first time that Lu Yanche has played with Mu Niange, nor is it the first time. If such a situation occurs, what is abnormal if it happens again? ?

When Mu Niange didn't see Lu Yanche's car, did he quietly stare at the familiar spot with a sneer on his lips?

Lu Yanche didn't dare to think about it anymore, he stood up from the chair with a 'scratch' sound, and walked straight to the door of the ward. Ji Jingchen was startled by Lu Yanche's sudden action, and when he reacted, Lu Yanche had already pushed Open the door and walk into the ward.

Ji Jingchen stood at the door of the ward, looking a little embarrassed...

It's not going in, it's not going in, I can only stand here, continue to wait.

Lu Yanche walked very fast. When he reached the door of the ward, he naturally slowed down. When he reached out and pushed the door open, his movements were very gentle...

In the ward, it was pitch black.

Mu Niange didn't turn on the light, she lay on the bed with her eyes closed tightly.

She felt movement from the door, but she still kept her eyes closed...

Lu Yanche walked carefully to Mu Niange's bed, for fear of disturbing Mu Niange, he looked down at Mu Niange's sleeping face with a gentle expression, he slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand, and touched Mu Niange cheeks.

When the warm temperature touched Mu Niange, Mu Niange's eyelids moved slightly...

Lu Yanche knew that Mu Niange was not asleep at all, but Mu Niange didn't want to face Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche would not force Mu Niange to fall asleep, Lu Yanche would caress Mu Niange again and again After stroking her cheeks enough, Lu Yanche's hand slowly stretched out towards Mu Niange's bandaged arm.

He wanted to touch it, but he didn't dare to touch it, for fear of hurting Mu Niange...

What spread in his heart was distressed emotion.

Mu Niange's injury was caused by Lu Yanche's body. Lu Yanche has been aware of this problem since a long time ago, but he has never had the opportunity to tell Mu Niange the truest thoughts in his heart...

"Sing a song, I'm sorry."

Lu Yanche apologized again and again.

Apart from apologizing, he really doesn't know what to say to Mu Niange...

Lu Yanche's apology fell into Mu Niange's ears, and it seemed a bit harsh. There was a word called "take your seat according to the mark". Could it be that Lu Yanche was the one who hurt Mu Niange?
Actually, Mu Niange doesn't think so...

Before making any decisions, Mu Niange had to think carefully.

Even if the result tells Mu Niange that Mu Niange was wrong, Mu Niange will not regret his decision...

Mu Niange opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling with her head down. She was motionless and watched quietly. Lu Yanche didn't know that Mu Niange had already opened his eyes. When Lu Yanche raised his eyes to look at Mu Niange's cheek just saw it.

Lu Yanche froze...

The hand that fell in mid-air, I don't know how to retract it, it's better to keep the original posture.

"You don't need to apologize." Mu Niange raised her thin lips lightly, breaking the awkward atmosphere: "It's not you who stimulated me, and it's not you who made me like this. You apologize to me, what kind of thing is that?" What's going on?"

Mu Niange hooked his lips and smiled slightly...

Her eyes fell on Lu Yanche, and the questioning words came out of Mu Niange's mouth. For a moment, Lu Yanche didn't know how to respond to Mu Niange, so he could only watch, watch, and then looking at...

Mu Niange couldn't bear Lu Yanche's burning eyes, and after looking at Lu Yanche for a while, she looked away, closed her eyes, and wanted to relieve her fatigue: "Go back, Shuangshuang and my brother will take care of me The very good..."

Mu Niange didn't even ask Lu Yanche a question, and directly ordered Lu Yanche to leave.

How could Lu Yanche leave?

Lu Yanche still hasn't figured out the extent of Mu Niange's burns. He still has a lot to say and wants to ask Mu Niange, for example, "Niange, are you afraid?"

Niange, did you think of me when you were in danger?

Recite the song, at that time, if I appeared by your side, how great would it be?

However, no matter how Lu Yanche asked, how he comforted Mu Niange, it was useless...

When Lu Yanche was wrong, he was wrong. When he didn't realize that he was really wrong, Lu Yanche was not qualified to ask Mu Niange for forgiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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