Chapter 248 You Get Out Of Me
When Yang Zhishuang and Mu Yuanling went home to pack Mu Niange's daily necessities, they happened to meet Madam Mu. Madam Mu was slightly taken aback when she saw Yang Zhishuang. She was about to ask Mu Yuanling if this was his girlfriend ?

Unexpectedly, Yang Zhishuang took the lead and said: "Hello, auntie, I am a friend of Niange. Brother Yuanling and I came here to help Niange get some change of clothes. Niange was given by the patient when he was in the clinic." I was injured by pouring hot water, and now I am in the hospital..."

Yang Zhishuang didn't have the slightest reservation, and told Madam Mu everything.

When Mrs. Mu heard this, her face became serious.

After she took Yang Zhishuang to Mu Niange's room, she asked about the situation...

Mu Niange looked at Mrs. Mu, the back of Yang Zhishuang going upstairs, and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with a headache. Presumably, the person Mu Niange didn't want to disturb was Mrs. Mu, although Mrs. Mu loved Mu Niange very much, Treat her as her own daughter, but she is not her own, after all, she is not her own, so how can she compare with her own?

Ji Jingchen stood at the door and waited, so impatient...

He asked if he should push the door open to see what was going on inside, and as soon as he lifted his foot, he saw Madam Mu walking towards him with a dark face, and Ji Jingchen couldn't help swallowing in his heart.

He stepped forward and called Madam Mu, "Auntie."

"Where is Lu Yanche?"

Mrs. Mu's overwhelming question was to ask Lu Yanche.

Ji Jingchen subconsciously looked towards the door of the ward. Mrs. Mu pushed Ji Jingchen away, raised her footsteps, and stepped forward quickly. She pushed the door open very loudly, making a 'squeak' sound. Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were on par. Qi looked towards the door.

When seeing Mrs. Mu, Mu Niange was a little surprised...

After the astonishment passed, she was about to sit up, but Mrs. Mu stepped forward, supported Mu Niange, and said with a bit of reproach: "If you are injured, you should rest well. What are you doing..."

Mu Niange lowered his eyes, bit his lower lip, and with Mrs. Mu's support, fell asleep on the bed again.

Just as Lu Yanche was about to call out to Mrs. Mu, Mrs. Mu gave Lu Yanche a cold look, and glanced at Lu Yanche: "Why are you here?"

Madam Mu's tone towards Lu Yanche was very disgusting...

"Go out, don't interfere with the rest of reciting songs here."

Mrs. Mu is far more unkind than Mu Niange. Lu Yanche was startled when he heard the words, and then looked at Mu Niange, without the slightest sign of wanting to leave. Mrs. Mu's heart was full of fire, and she couldn't vent. To vent, seeing Lu Yanche standing here, she wanted to complain to Lu Yanche angrily, but because of Mu Niange's presence, she held back.

Madam Mu gave Lu Yanche face, is Lu Yanche so shameless?
"Aunt..." Mu Niange tugged at Madam Mu's sleeve, signaling Madam Mu not to do this.

Mrs. Mu patted the back of Mu Niange's hand, and told Mu Niange that she had her own measure.

Mrs. Mu stood up from the bed. She looked at Lu Yanche and said coldly, "Lu Yanche, don't you understand what Auntie said? I'll let you leave here, so don't affect the rest of singing."

"I didn't affect Niange's rest, I just wanted to take care of Niange..."

Underlying the words, it was impossible for Lu Yanche to leave.

Mrs. Mu went 'hehehehe'...

When Mu Yuanling, Yang Zhishuang, and Ji Jingchen walked in, they saw Lu Yanche and Mrs. Mu confronting each other. Mu Niange was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, without showing any expression...

Mu Yuanling frowned, and wanted to step forward to stop Mrs. Mu, but Yang Zhishuang caught her: "Lu Yanche's mother has a problem with reciting songs after being provoked by Xia Minmin. Why can't I provoke Lu Yanche in front of Mrs. Mu?" Sentence? Do you want to watch your sister being bullied all the time? "

A child without a mother is worthless. Doesn't Mu Yuanling understand this truth?

If Mu Niange hadn't grown up in such a family, Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou would never have dared to treat Mu Niange like that, and with Mu Niange's temperament, it would be impossible for him to be so cowardly...

Ji Jingchen 'digged' in his heart, the original culprit was Yang Zhishuang, but what Yang Zhishuang said was really reasonable.

Everyone has their mother to protect them, so why doesn't Mu Niange have one?

If you don't teach Lu Yanche a lesson, Lu Yanche won't know that there is someone behind Mu Niange...

"Do you think I don't exist, or do you think Yuanling is dead? Niange is a member of our Mu family, and it's not your Lu family's turn to worry about it. Besides, if it wasn't for you, our family's recitation would not change over and over again." Is it like this? How exactly do you want to harm Nian Ge so that you can wave your hands willingly?"

Madam Mu thought of the scene when Mu Niange was bullied by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou...

Mu Niange is really stupid.

When something like this happens, shouldn't you come and tell her?

A large part of her responsibility is her negligence. She didn't take good care of Mu Niange. How could Mrs. Mu allow the same thing to happen a second time?
"Yes, I caused Niange to become like this. Because of this, I should stay here and take good care of Mu Niange..." Lu Yanche responded to Mrs. Mu seriously, his eyes fell on Mrs. Mu Niange's body.

Madam Mu looked at Lu Yanche's eyes staring at Mu Niange, and felt hairy...

She stood in front of Lu Yanche and said with a calm face: "Hehe, do you want to stay and take care of Niange? If I let you stay, I'm sick. After you take care of Niange, where should I go?" Find such a sweetheart? Before I let Yuanling drag you out, you should get out of here, otherwise, you will never want to see Niange again."

Madam Mu is determined to be cruel to Lu Yanche.

Madam Mu absolutely has the right not to let Lu Yanche see Mu Niange...

Lu Yanche was silent, and after a long while, he spoke again, and said to Mu Niange, "Have a good rest, I'll come see you tomorrow."

Then, Lu Yanche turned around and left the ward...

Ji Jingchen followed behind Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling watched Lu Yanche leave, Yang Zhishuang couldn't get angry, rushed up quickly, caught up with Lu Yanche, blocked Lu Yanche's way, she looked at Lu Yanche with proud eyes Yan Che said: "Lu Yanche, let me tell you, as long as I want, I can get you in front of Nian Ge, there is no chance at all..."

Yang Zhishuang was right.

Yang Zhishuang definitely has this ability, Lu Yanche has no doubts at all.

Lu Yanche looked at Yang Zhishuang, but didn't respond. On the contrary, Ji Jingchen couldn't listen anymore. Bringing Mrs. Mu over to deal with Lu Yanche was already a great harm to Lu Yanche. Adding Yang Zhishuang, wouldn't it cost Lu Yanche his life?
(End of this chapter)

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