Chapter 249

"Yang Zhishuang, don't be too extreme..."

If it's too extreme, not only Ji Jingchen won't let Yang Zhishuang go, even Mu Niange won't agree with Yang Zhishuang's coming like this...

From Yang Zhishuang's point of view, Ji Jingchen's words were nonsense. She didn't even bother to respond, she rolled her eyes at Ji Jingchen, and continued to provoke Lu Yanche, "I'm desperate? Then have you ever thought about why I'm so desperate?" ? Where did my secrets come from? If you treat Mu Niange sincerely, I might treat you like this?"

Yang Zhishuang also wanted Mu Niange to be happy...

How could she do something that would destroy Mu Niange's happiness.

Ji Jingchen was choked by Yang Zhishuang's words, even Ji Jingchen criticized Lu Yanche, he was not qualified to defend Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche was still silent, and did not respond to Yang Zhishuang, and his silence was the best answer. Hurt Mu Niange, it is not a matter of a day or two, it is a matter of habit and nature, and it is very easy to do it.

"I really don't understand why Nian Ge gave you a chance?" Yang Zhishuang looked at Lu Yanche, and the fire in her heart became more and more intense.

Thinking of Mu Niange's reservations about Lu Yanche, she felt very worthless for Mu Niange!
"What do you think in Niange's heart? I don't believe you don't feel it, feel it. If Niange didn't want to give you a chance, do you think she would get close to you? Niange doesn't bother to get close to you to hurt Xia Minmin, he There are tens of thousands of ways to want Xia Minmin to die, not to mention, there is me, Mu Yuanling, and Mrs. Mu behind Niange!"

"You Lu Yanche, what are you?"

Yang Zhishuang could say anything, but she almost stepped forward and beat Lu Yanche severely...

At the end of Yang Zhishuang's speech, she yelled at Lu Yanche: "You go fuck!"

Then he stepped on his boots and walked towards Mu Niange's ward. Ji Jingchen was frightened by Yang Zhishuang's powerful aura. After staring blankly at the back of Yang Zhishuang's leaving, he pushed Lu Yanche's shoulder and said, "If she says, you Did you hear it in your heart?"

Lu Yanche strode out of the hospital without even looking at Ji Jingchen...

Lu Yanche didn't go back to the compound immediately, but drove the car around and around on the road.

But even so, he still couldn't let Lu Yanche vent his bad mood. He remembered Mu Niange's appearance when he was injured. Mu Niange would rather endure it than tell Lu Yanche half of it. In Mu Niange's heart, Lu Yanche was Really, I don't get Mu Niange's dependence at all.

Lu Yanche pursed his lips and smiled self-deprecatingly...

Who can Lu Yanche blame for committing a crime of his own?Strange, only myself.

The next day, Lu Yanche got up early and boiled soup. Mrs. Lu watched Lu Yanche cook the soup with a surprised expression on her face. After asking Lu Yanche for a while, she realized that Mu Niange was injured. Out of emotion and reason, Mrs. Lu knew , should go and see Mu Niange.

Mrs. Lu, Lu Meiqi, led by Lu Yanche, came to Mu Niange's ward...

Yang Zhishuang, Mu Yuanling, and Mrs. Mu surrounded Mu Niange, serving him. When Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu, and Lu Meiqi walked in, the atmosphere of talking and laughing suddenly cooled down.

Especially Mrs. Mu, she didn't even look at Lu Yanche and the others, she just sat beside Mu Niange with a straight face.

Mu Yuanling greeted Mrs. Lu, Yang Zhishuang greeted Lu Meiqi, Lu Yanche put the thermos on the table, unscrewed the lid of the thermos, took a small bowl, filled a bowl, he took Mu Niange In front of him, he wants to feed Mu Niange.

Madam Mu blocked Lu Yanche with her hand and said, "No need, I've had breakfast after reading the song."

Madam Mu's hostile appearance is really not ordinary people, who can resist it...

Mu Niange's face turned pale, she did not reject Madam Mu, but followed Madam Mu's wishes, without even looking at Madam Mu.

When Madam Lu saw Madam Mu's expression, she understood instantly. She walked to Lu Yanche's side and took the soup in Lu Yanche's hand. While stirring with a spoon, she said, "This is Ah Che who got up at six o'clock in the morning. It’s been boiled for a full two hours, it’s quite hot, if you don’t mind singing songs, how about a taste?”

Neither is Mu Niange nodding, nor shaking his head...

Mrs. Mu laughed twice with a 'hehe': "I have boiled it for two hours, and I have to taste it when I recite the song. Then I have boiled the soup for three hours, so I have to finish it after I recite the song?"

"Look at me, I'm really joking. Of course I've finished the soup I made, and I've finished reciting songs. I'm full of water. If I drink more water, I'm afraid it won't be good. Don't you think so, Mrs. Lu?"

Mrs. Mu asked Mrs. Lu back, but Mrs. Lu couldn't respond...

Mrs. Mu is not the kind of person who wants to climb high. Mrs. Lu is just an ordinary person in Mrs. Mu's eyes. Only low-level people like Mrs. Xia would want to climb this big tree like Mrs. Mu. To pave the way for the road ahead...

In fact, Madam Mu knew all about it even if Madam Lu didn't say anything.

Mrs. Lu has a problem with reciting songs.

From the point of view of the conflict between Mu Niange, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou...

Mrs. Lu watched them grow up, and Mu Niange was not related to her.

At the beginning, Mrs. Mu thought that the matter between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange should be resolved by themselves. If she didn't participate, who would have thought that if she didn't participate, the result would be that Mu Niange would be hurt again and again. Wouldn't it hurt Mu Niange if he continued to keep silent?
Mrs. Lu is out of luck...

Having been with Madam Mu for so long, Madam Lu knows what kind of person Madam Mu is. She took back the bowl in her hand to Lu Yanche, looked at Mu Niange and said, "How do you feel when you read the song?"

"Whether the song is good or not is written on the face, there is no need to ask."

Mrs. Mu still didn't wait for Mu Niange to respond, and directly answered for Mu Niange.

Everyone: "..."

Mrs. Mu is almost becoming Mu Niange's agent.

Mu Yuanling walked to Madam Mu's side, reached out and pulled Madam Mu's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Mom, there are some things that you can decide by yourself by reciting songs..."

It was because of Mu Yuanling's thoughts that Mu Niange was being bullied under his nose, and he didn't even know it.

Mrs. Mu glanced at Mu Niange coldly, and shouted: "What do you know? Get the hell out of here!"

Ha ha ha ha...

Mu Yuanling rolled away immediately, not daring to speak anymore.

Mu Niange felt a bit of a headache, Mrs. Mu loves herself, Mu Niange can tell, but this love is a little too much, putting Mu Niange in an awkward situation...


Mu Niange's small voice rang in everyone's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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