Chapter 250 The taste in memory
When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Mu Niange. Mrs. Mu looked at Mu Niange and asked with great concern, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Mu Niange shook her head, smiled at Madam Mu, she took Madam Mu's arm, and made Madam Mu closer to her, she said in Madam Mu's ear with a volume that only two people could hear: "I know that you are doing it for my own good, but there are some things that I need to handle by myself, otherwise, I will never grow up..."

Mu Niange's words fell into Madam Mu's ears, and Madam Mu was taken aback.

The way she looked at Mu Niange became complicated...

Madam Mu actually understood what Mu Niange was thinking.

On the one hand, Mu Niange doesn't want Mrs. Mu to worry too much about herself, on the other hand, she doesn't want Mrs. Mu's relationship with Mrs. Lu to become stagnant because of her own relationship. After all, everyone has lived in the compound for many years. .

Madam Mu stood where she was, silent for a while...

She suddenly raised her head, gave Mu Yuanling a hard look, stepped on her boots, and walked out of the ward. Mrs. Lu greeted Mu Niange a few words, and followed behind Mrs. Mu.

It was impossible for Yang Zhishuang to let Lu Yanche have the opportunity to get in touch with Mu Niange. Once Madam Mu left, she sat next to Mu Niange, taking Madam Mu's place. Yang Zhishuang's hostility towards Lu Yanche couldn't be more obvious.

Lu Meiqi glanced at Lu Yanche, then looked at Mu Niange, Mu Niange did not stop Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang treated Lu Yanche like this, it was obvious that Lu Yanche did something to apologize to Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi sighed in her heart, How could Lu Yanche be so stupid?

Not even a while after Lu Yanche and Mu Niange got back together, Lu Yanche made such a show again.

Lu Meiqi had to help Lu Yanche...

After winking at Lu Yanche, she sat next to Yang Zhishuang beside Mu Niange, looked at Mu Niange's swollen arm, frowned and said, "Sister Niange, the wound Is it serious? Does it hurt?"

How could Mu Niange not be in pain?

Last night, she was in pain and couldn't sleep all night. However, Mu Niange would not tell Lu Meiqi about these things. Mu Niange shook his head, as if he was unwilling to communicate on this issue...

Lu Meiqi saw it, and instead of asking Mu Niange, she quickly changed the topic, and talked nonsense with Mu Niange in other aspects.

As Lu Meiqi talked, she said that there was a cake shop nearby, and the cakes in it were delicious. She dragged Yang Zhishuang out of the ward without any explanation, and walked towards the entrance of the hospital...

For a while, Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen, and Mu Yuanling were left in the ward.

Mu Yuanling rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

If he was asked to release water for Lu Yanche, he couldn't do it for the time being, and Mrs. Mu was still watching at the door, so if he wanted to go out, Mrs. Mu would definitely strip him of his skin.

"Yuan Ling, give Ah Che some face." Ji Jingchen touched Mu Yuanling with his arm, signaling Mu Yuanling to go out with him.

Mu Yuanling glanced at Ji Jingchen, and stood motionless against the wall.

Ji Jingchen is in a hurry, what's the difference between Mu Yuanling's attitude and the way he treated Lu Yanche at the beginning?But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, the person here is Mu Yuanling, so it may not be a good thing. If it were Yang Zhishuang and Mrs. Mu, Lu Yanche would definitely be unable to resist.

What Lu Yanche was holding in his hand was still the same bowl...

The heat in the bowl came out, Lu Yanche's hands were hot, his eyes were focused on Mu Niange, he approached slowly, without asking Mu Niange's opinion, sat down Beside Mu Niange.

He lowered his head and stirred the soup in the bowl again and again: "Niange, are you really, unwilling to take a sip?"

Lu Yanche's voice was very soft and gentle, with a full look of questioning. However, what got him was Mu Niange's silence, and Lu Yanche didn't care. He chuckled and said to himself: "This is not my first time. Make soup once."

What Lu Yanche said...

Mu Niange knew it in his heart.

Lu Yanche indirectly reminded Mu Niange that the memories of those years belonged to the secret between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange forgot which year and which day it happened. She only remembered that when Lu Yanche came to visit her when she was sick, she was holding a vacuum flask in her hand. In the whole room, only Mu Niange With Lu Yanche, the room seemed extraordinarily quiet, only the sound of Lu Yanche filling the soup.

With an unnatural expression on his face, Lu Yanche handed the bowl to Mu Niange. Mu Niange stared at the soup in the bowl for a long time, and finally said, "Thank you to the person who made the soup for me."

Hearing this, Lu Yanche frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why don't you thank yourself?"

Mu Niange was taken aback for a moment, then Lu Yanche's hand with the bowl in his hand stopped in mid-air, she looked at Lu Yanche, but couldn't react for a while, after reacting, Mu Niange asked uncertainly: "You just said What? Want me to say thank you in person?"

Mu Niange was sick, and his little face was flushed. Lu Yanche's words made Mu Niange's face turn red even more.

She was at a loss...

Facing Lu Yanche already made Mu Niange nervous enough, who else would Lu Yanche want Mu Niange to face?
Mu Niange quickly withdrew his hand, lay on the bed, covered his face with the quilt and said, "I don't want to drink anymore, you drink it yourself..."

Lu Yanche must be crazy to thank him after drinking it. Doesn't he not know what kind of person Mu Niange is?Timid, cowardly, and afraid of others are Mu Niange's temperament.

Lu Yanche was confused by Mu Niange's series of actions!

He was just embarrassed to tell Mu Niange that he made the soup himself, but in a blink of an eye, Mu Niange didn't want to drink it anymore. Lu Yanche was in a hurry and looked at Mu Niange who was covered with a quilt and didn't even show his head. After reciting the song, he sighed and said with a bit of helplessness: "Don't be covered in the quilt, you can't breathe well..."

Of course Mu Niange knew that his breathing was not smooth, but wasn't it all forced by Lu Yanche?

Mu Niange ignored Lu Yanche, and continued to be covered under the quilt. When the blanket became boring, Mu Niange opened a gap, breathing, Lu Yanche's hand stretched in through the gap, and grabbed Mu Niange come out.

Lu Yanche had no choice but to confess to Mu Niange honestly: "Niange, this is the soup I cooked with my own hands. The person you should thank is me..."

The soup is terrible, but Mu Niange drank it down to the last drop, the taste in memory, I want to forget it, it's hard to forget...

Lu Yanche's voice echoed in Mu Niange's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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