Chapter 257 Ruthless
Yang Zhishuang's sarcasm fell into Ji Jingchen's ears, and it was particularly harsh. Ji Jingchen was particularly aggrieved and said, "Xia Youyou and I are not in the relationship you think. I just bumped into each other that day and saw her sneaking around. It looked like I couldn't help but followed."

After Ji Jingchen explained it like this, what else could Yang Zhishuang say?
The matter about Xia Minmin made Mu Yuanling very sensitive...

He frowned and was deep in thought. After a while, he looked at Ji Jingchen and said, "Do you think Xia Minmin and Mo Yunhao are in collusion?"

One person got the news from Mu Niange, and one person plotted against Mu Niange behind his back, causing Mu Niange to be covered in bruises. The hospitalization this time is the best proof...

Yang Zhishuang can understand that Mu Yuanling cares about Mu Niange, but if Mu Yuanling becomes too neurotic, Yang Zhishuang will not be able to understand, collusion, want Mu Niange to look good?how is this possible?Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange met Mo Yunhao six years ago. Could it be that Xia Minmin's acquaintance with Mo Yunhao was ahead of Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange's?

"You all misunderstood. Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin did know each other. Both Niange and I know about this..."

It was good that Yang Zhishuang didn't speak, but when he spoke, it was another breaking news.

Mo Yunhao knew Xia Minmin, but Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange knew each other?
"You should know, what Xia Minmin did to Nian Ge, how could you let Nian Ge associate with such a person?" Mu Yuanling was the first to stand up, shouting at Yang Zhishuang, just as he finished speaking, he turned around Walking in the direction of the ward, it seemed that he wanted to get Mo Yunhao out.

Yang Zhishuang was anxious, she stepped forward and grabbed Mu Yuanling's hand and said, "I told you that you misunderstood, why didn't you listen to me? If Mo Yunhao hurt Niange, how could I let him stay?" By Niange's side?"

"Actually, I don't know much about this matter, but I think that Nian Ge and Mo Yunhao can get along so well, they must have made their words clear, so you don't believe in Nian Ge's ability to judge? Good or bad, you can tell clearly when you read the song..."

Yang Zhishuang hurriedly explained the truth to Mu Yuanling and Ji Jingchen...

Thinking about it carefully, what Yang Zhishuang said made a lot of sense.

Mu Niange is not a brainless person, who is good and who is bad, can't Mu Niange tell?
Mu Yuanling realized that he was too impulsive, so he hurriedly stopped. He looked at Yang Zhishuang with an unnatural expression, Yang Zhishuang let go of Mu Yuanling's hand, sighed, then turned to stare at Ji Jingchen and said: "Please don't make such a big fuss in the future. Ask me if you have anything to do beforehand. You all say that Ji Jingchen left angrily and left Xia Minmin alone. Of course it was Xia Minmin who asked to go too far. Mo Yunhao didn't care about him." , helped her to leave..."

After Yang Zhishuang and others left, Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao were left in the ward. Mo Yunhao got up, poured a cup of hot water for Mu Niange, covered his hands, Mu Niange thanked Mo Yunhao, Mo Yunhao Hao poked Mu Niange's head with a smile and said, "Why are you being so polite? Is it the first day we met?"

Because it was not the first day we met, Mu Niange should say thank you to Mo Yunhao...

Thinking back a long time ago, every time Mu Niange had difficulties and needed help, he couldn't find Yang Zhishuang, and the person he was looking for would definitely be Mo Yunhao. No matter where Mo Yunhao was or what he was doing, he would immediately let him go , rushed to Mu Niange's side immediately.

At that time, Mu Niange didn't think much about it, but now that he thinks about it carefully, Mo Yunhao really treats him very well, this kind of kindness reaches a certain level, a level that ordinary people can't reach.

"Although I thought about it, you want my help, but I didn't expect that you want me to help you to drive Lu Yanche away. Is this really what you want?" When Mo Yunhao approached the ward, he knew Knowing Mu Niange's intentions, Mo Yunhao said that it was true that he could not find Mu Niange these days, and it was Mo Yunhao who Mu Niange contacted later on.

When Mo Yunhao heard the news that Mu Niange was hospitalized, he immediately wanted to come to the hospital to visit Mu Niange...

Mu Niange flatly rejected Mo Yunhao's request, she asked Mo Yunhao to wait, and when the right time came, Mu Niange would let Mo Yunhao come, never thought that the timing that Mu Niange said was Xia Minmin came.

Xia Minmin came forward, and Mo Yunhao stepped behind. Can this be said to be a tacit understanding?
"Some things are beyond my control. Senior, you have also seen that I have been injured repeatedly. This is really not the life I want..." A bitter smile rose from the corner of Mu Niange's lips.

In front of Mo Yunhao, Mu Niange didn't need to hide anything, she just needed to be her truest self, although this time, it was Mu Niange who took the initiative to go to the clinic, why was Lu Yanche late?And why, there are such patients in the clinic?Know all about Mu Niange's symptoms...

Except that it was artificial, Mu Niange couldn't think of any other possibility. She didn't tell anyone about it. She hid it in her heart. It wasn't because she was afraid of Xia Minmin, nor because she was avoiding Xia Minmin, but because she, Disdain to fight with Xia Minmin.

Presumably, as long as Lu Yanche leaves Mu Niange's side, Xia Minmin will calm down. When Xia Minmin calms down and relaxes, it will be Mu Niange's best response...

How could Mo Yunhao not know what kind of life Mu Niange wants?
He thinks that he is the one who understands Mu Niange best, because they are really alike, to such an extent that Mo Yunhao caresses Mu Niange's head and comforts Mu Niange, He really didn't know what to say to Mu Niange.

in fact……

Mo Yunhao was also at fault for Mu Niange being so injured.

Everything was caused by Xia Minmin. As long as Xia Minmin is not around, will all the problems be solved well?

Mo Yunhao's eyes flashed a hint of viciousness.

Mu Niange asked Lu Yanche to leave, but did Lu Yanche really leave so easily?If he really left easily, then it wouldn't be Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche came out of the ward, walked to the backyard of the hospital, sat on a stone bench, breathing.

He was calming himself down, he was adjusting his emotions, he was afraid that he would lose control and go crazy in front of Mu Niange, and beat Mo Yunhao hard...

Lu Yanche is not as good as Mo Yunhao, he knows in his heart that he is working hard to change, but Mu Niange has never seen his change. Perhaps it is Lu Yanche's previous actions that have left a deep impression on Mu Yunhao. I read the song in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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