Chapter 258 Security

Lu Yanche thought about it, and laughed at himself...

He is not a person who likes to smoke, but sometimes, only cigarettes can make Lu Yanche temporarily forget his troubles and pain.

When Mo Yunhao came out of Mu Niange's ward, it was already half an hour later. After Yang Zhishuang said goodbye to Mo Yunhao, she returned to the ward reluctantly. Mo Yunhao was holding a thermos , as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Lu Yanche sitting there from a distance.

Mo Yunhao pondered for a while, then picked up his steps and walked up.

He sat down beside Lu Yanche without saying a word, put the thermos aside, took out a cigarette from his pocket and smoked.

Mo Yunhao took a puff, exhaled the smoke, looked sideways at Lu Yanche and said, "Do you know what is most lacking in reciting songs?"

Hearing what Mo Yunhao said, Lu Yanche twisted the cigarette in his hand into two halves. He didn't respond to Mo Yunhao, and kept silent. Mo Yunhao took another puff, and quickly continued: "The best way to read a song What is lacking is a sense of security..."

Lu Yanche was stunned, and the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground.

What Mu Niange lacks, Lu Yanche is clearer than Mo Yunhao, but he can't say so casually like Mo Yunhao, what Mu Niange lacks, Mu Niange's sense of security, Lu Yanche really wants To give, but how to give, Lu Yanche really didn't know at all.

"I don't know much about what happened before reciting the song. I just vaguely heard about it from Shuangshuang..."

Mo Yunhao narrowed his eyes slightly, and recalled the conversation with Yang Zhishuang: "I heard that Nian Ge had low self-esteem when she was young. The reasons for her low self-esteem, firstly, come from her family, and secondly, come from her figure , and the third point, from the students at school."

"Actually, Niange doesn't want to feel inferior. Due to environmental problems, Niange becomes more and more negative day by day. Before getting in touch with Niange, have you ever thought about knowing everything about Niange?"

"I think, you don't have any. Otherwise, how could you let a girl with low self-esteem be hurt like that? You know that what she lacks is a sense of security, but you not only did not give her any sense of security, but also made her only The remaining sense of security has disappeared, you said, if you are like this, she will continue to stay by your side, is she sick?"

"So, when Niange left you, I totally agreed. At the very least, Niange can live the life I want to live. You can see her transformation. She could have had a better life. A beautiful life, but it is because of you that her beautiful life was broken by you..."

"Lu Yanche, you are really bad at reciting songs, don't you realize that?"

Mo Yunhao left such a sentence, got up, and left Lu Yanche's side...

It wasn't that Mo Yunhao wanted to complain to Lu Yanche, she just felt that it was necessary for Lu Yanche to know about these things that Lu Yanche knew clearly, but didn't want to know...

Xia Minmin is bad for Mu Niange, so why not Lu Yanche?

When you don't realize that there is something wrong with you, and you treat the person you like badly, what right do you have to appear in front of her?
On the second day, Lu Yanche didn't show up in the ward, but Lu Meiqi, who replaced Lu Yanche, frequently appeared in front of Mu Niange. The thermos in Lu Meiqi's hand was still the one Mu Niange was familiar with...

Mu Niange didn't refuse, and drank the soup that Lu Meiqi brought, the taste was completely different from the previous one.

On the day when Mu Niange was discharged from the hospital, Lu Yanche appeared again. He did not approach Mu Niange, but watched Mu Niange from a distance. When Mu Niange met Lu Yanche's gaze, Mu Niange was calm There was no fluctuation in her expression, she calmly withdrew her gaze, and got into the car driven by Mu Yuanling.

Lu Meiqi followed Mu Niange into the car without giving up, and sat with Mu Niange's expression...

Lu Yanche was driving in front, and Mrs. Mu was sitting in the co-pilot. It was impossible for Lu Meiqi to whisper a word or two to Mu Niange, so she could only hold her mobile phone and text to Mu Niange information……

At first, Mu Niange didn't respond to the message sent by Lu Meiqi, because Mu Niange's phone was muted, so she didn't know that someone had sent her a message.

Lu Meiqi was in a hurry, she pretended to be surprised and showed Mu Niange the phone: "Sister Niange, look at this joke, it's so funny..."

Mu Niange followed Lu Meiqi's line of sight and saw the message on Lu Meiqi's screen. Mu Niange was startled for a while, but after looking at Lu Meiqi's phone, she took out her own phone and responded to Lu Meiqi.

The first message Lu Meiqi sent was: "Sister Nian Ge, did you quarrel with my brother?"

How could Mu Niange quarrel with Lu Yanche?
It was impossible six years ago, and even more impossible six years later, because the relationship between them is not so good...


Mu Niange responded simply and rudely.

Lu Meiqi really wanted to vomit blood, and always felt that chatting with Mu Niange was really stressful, because...she didn't know how to get what she wanted to know from Mu Niange's mouth.

"Well, let me change the question. What's the matter with you and my brother? My brother has been in a bad mood these days. I called him, but he ignored me. I'm really pitiful..."

When Lu Meiqi sent this message, she added a pitiful expression on the back.

Mu Niange looked at it with a gentle expression, but unfortunately, she still maintained the original attitude: "Your brother has always been abnormal, and he has done things beyond ordinary people. You really don't have to mind too much..."

Mu Niange was comforting Lu Meiqi, and Lu Meiqi was greatly benefited by Mu Niange's comfort, but none of the comforting words seemed to answer Lu Meiqi's question directly. Ask Mu Niange, maybe she can get something from Mu Niange's mouth.


This information chat is really difficult, plus Lu Meiqi typed very slowly, thinking and typing slowly, it took 5 minutes.

Lu Meiqi gritted her teeth and went all out: "Sister Niange, let me just say it directly, you really don't like my brother, and think that there is no chance between you and my brother? You don't know, that day, my mother and I And when my brother came home, what did my mother say to my brother, she asked my brother not to look for you, and you can live your own lives. "

"My brother was very angry when he heard it. He not only disagreed, but even lost his temper with my mother. I really think that my brother loves you very much. Can't you give my brother another chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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