Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 259 Sending You a Bouquet of Chrysanthemums

Chapter 259 Sending You a Bouquet of Chrysanthemums

At the end of Lu Meiqi's speech, she begged Mu Niange...

Mu Niange stared at this passage, unable to recover for a long time.

She knew that there would be such a situation...

As long as Mrs. Mu intervenes, Mrs. Lu will definitely intervene. Mrs. Mu doesn't want Mu Niange to be with Lu Yanche, so why doesn't Mrs. Lu think so?

Because of Lu Yanche, Mu Niange often encountered some injuries. Lu Yanche was hurt because of Mu Niange. While blaming himself, he kept taking care of Mu Niange and wanted to make up for Mu Niange.

Between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, there has been a cycle without any progress.

Why should such a relationship continue, what is the significance, and what can be changed?

Mu Niange silently put away her phone, not replying to Lu Meiqi, she looked out of the window, her eyes full of deep meaning.

Mu Niange ignored Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin really couldn't think of any other way to get Mu Niange's attention, Xia Minmin sighed, and sent a message to Lu Yanche with a bit of helplessness: "Brother, I'm sorry, I have tried my best to help you, but Sister Nian Ge is not willing to let go at all."

It can be seen how serious the relationship between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange is.

Xia Minmin was sitting in the yard in front of her house early in the morning. When she saw Lu Yanche going out, she waved to Lu Yanche. After calculating the time, Mu Niange should be back in the compound soon. Xia Minmin walked into the house and held a bouquet of flowers Come out and walk towards the door of Mu's house.

As soon as they approached, the two cars stopped together.

Mu Yuanling, Mrs. Mu got out of the car first, Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange in the back seat followed closely, and the other car was Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen. They didn't get out of the car, but looked at Mu Yuanling, Mu Niange took care of him and entered the room.

Madam Mu was even more considerate, she walked to Mu Niange's side, and supported Mu Niange's other hand.

Mu Niange smiled at Madam Mu, and told Madam Mu that she was fine...

Mu Niange's smile, like the sunshine in winter, warms people's hearts, but her smile has never really shown to Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche stared at Mu Niange tightly, and Xia Minmin tightened her hand holding the flower slightly. She had told Xia Youyou before that Mu Niange was a goblin, a goblin who confused Lu Yanche. Now it seems that Mu Niange is not only Is it as simple as a goblin, or a slut who uses charms.

Think about it, Mu Niange hurt Lu Yanche so much?
Lu Yanche still clung to Mu Niange, if it was Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin would have kicked Mu Niange away, why wait until now?

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, when was Xia Minmin different from Lu Yanche?For a person, persistent, obsessed, only for one day, when he turns around, he can see his own existence and his true heart.

Xia Minmin pursed her lips and laughed at herself. She had the mouth to talk about others, but not herself. She held flowers and walked up with a smile on her face. When Mu Niange was about to walk into the gate of the yard, Xia Minmin called out to Mu Niange and said, : "Nan Ge, have you been discharged from the hospital?"

Xia Minmin's voice attracted everyone's attention...

When Mrs. Mu saw Xia Minmin, her eyes turned cold. When she saw the flowers in Xia Minmin's hands, she loosened the hand holding Mu Niange slightly, and wanted to step forward and slap Xia Minmin?
Tell me, what is Xia Minan's heart?

On the day Mu Niange was discharged from the hospital, he came to look for Mu Niange with a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Didn't Xia Minmin know that chrysanthemums are used to worship the dead?
"Niange, I know you don't like me, so I didn't think about going to the hospital to pick you up. This is to celebrate your discharge. I bought flowers specially. How about it? Do you like it?" Xia Minmin looked down at the flower in her hand. Chrysanthemum, touched it with a bit of pity.

As soon as she finished speaking, she handed the chrysanthemum in front of Mu Niange, blinked, as if waiting for Mu Niange's response.

Just as Mu Yuanling put Mu Niange's things into the house, he heard Xia Minmin's voice. When he came out, he saw Xia Minmin holding a bunch of chrysanthemums and handing it to Mu Niange. His heart spread, he strode forward and said with a cold face: "Xia Minmin, do you want to die?"

Hearing this, Xia Minmin was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing and said: "Aren't you the first person to ask me this question? I have a question, and I want to pay you back. Are you blind? I think Don’t want to die, can’t you see it?”

Xia Minmin responded casually, not taking Mu Yuanling seriously at all...

Xia Minmin took another step forward, and forced the chrysanthemum in her hand into Mu Niange's arms: "Well, I will accept it for you, I hope you are safe and sound, and don't go to the hospital again, otherwise, Next time, I am thinking where to buy chrysanthemums will be fresher."

Xia Minmin showed a troubled look.

In the world, how could there be such a cheap person as Xia Minmin?

Lu Meiqi stood aside, almost unable to watch anymore, Lu Yanche was sitting in the car, Ji Jingchen took this scene into his eyes, Lu Yanche wanted to get out of the car, but was stopped by Ji Jingchen, in Ji Jingchen's view, Lu Yanche is going down now , will only add fuel to the fire.

You know, the reason why Xia Minmin targeted Mu Niange was because of Lu Yanche.

Madam Mu might vent the anger she got on Xia Minmin on Lu Yanche.

"Ache, don't be impulsive. With Yuanling here, are you still worried about the harm you will get from reciting the song?" Ji Jingchen looked at Lu Yanche with a gloomy face, and said with a sigh, he took Lu Yanche's hand, He never let go, for fear that if he let go, Lu Yanche would rush straight down uncontrollably.

"Xia Minmin, you and your mother are really virtuous. If you can't eat grapes, you want to catch everyone who eats grapes?" Mrs. Mu got angry and shouted at Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin picked out her ears: "Auntie, don't confuse me with my mother, someone like my mother, only you will put him in your eyes..."

This is so special.

Not only Xia Minmin belittled Mrs. Xia, but even Mrs. Mu was belittled.

When Mu Niange is alone, he can endure Xia Minmin's provocations. When Mu Niange is alone, he can make Xia Minmin proud for a while. It's over.

But when Mu Niange was not alone, the situation before him would be different again.

Who is the most important person who allows Xia Minmin to insult Mu Niange?It's a pity that Yang Zhishuang has an important class today, so she can't ask for leave, otherwise, Xia Minmin will really be torn to pieces by Yang Zhishuang.

(End of this chapter)

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