Chapter 269

Lu Meiqi dragged Lu Yanche for a while, still angry in her heart, Ji Jingchen followed behind them, observing their emotions, you must know that a large part of the reason for Mu Niange's emotions today was Lu Yanche's body, What would Lu Yanche do, something too extreme?

This was something Ji Jingchen would never have expected.

"From now on, don't look for Sister Niange again." Lu Meiqi threw Lu Yanche away, and yelled at Lu Yanche.

Ji Jingchen was startled by Lu Meiqi's sudden behavior. In the blink of an eye, Lu Meiqi seemed to be a different person, a look Ji Jingchen had never seen before. Didn't Lu Meiqi stand by Lu Yanche and support Lu Yanche?

She told Lu Yanche not to go to Mu Niange, what happened?

Lu Yanche was dumped by Lu Meiqi without any damage. Hearing Lu Meiqi's words, Lu Yanche raised his eyes and looked at Lu Meiqi, without saying a word.

Lu Meiqi can't get angry. Lu Yanche is always like this. When he doesn't want to speak, he keeps silent. In this case, who can know what you are thinking in your heart?In the past, Lu Yanche was not like this, I don't know when it started, time is passing, Lu Yanche is changing, everything can't go back to the past.

"If you don't answer, I'll take you as the default. From now on, you won't be pestering sister Niange. I think your departure is the best choice for Niange..."

Lu Meiqi didn't want to think about it, and Mu Niange looked sad.

It was the first time for Lu Meiqi to see such a fragile Mu Niange, like a ceramic doll, it was broken when touched, no matter how sticky it was, it could not return to its original appearance.

"When will it be your turn to take care of my affairs?" Lu Yanche's thin lips lifted lightly, and his deep voice fell into Lu Meiqi's ears, full of disdain and contempt.

Lu Meiqi is not qualified to make decisions for Lu Yanche...

But so what?

If Lu Meiqi didn't do this, would Mu Niange and Lu Yanche be able to get a good relief?

"Lu Yanche, let me tell you, Sister Niange is no longer the same Sister Niange as before. You used to have a very good opportunity to cherish her and let him live a happy life, but you didn't. What you brought him , only the pain, no matter it was six years ago or six years later, it will be the same, and this point will never be changed."

"You said, I'm not qualified to take care of your affairs, so I'm always qualified to take care of Sister Niange's affairs, right?"

"Sister Niange, who you don't understand at all, do you think, why does Sister Niange take care of me like this? Don't you know that everything is for you? I treat her as my own sister, she treats me well, far away It's thousands of times, ten thousand times better than you being to her, she doesn't say anything, she doesn't say anything, she hides it in her heart, and if you don't take the initiative, how can you walk into Sister Niange's heart?"

"Do you think that the things you usually do are really treating Sister Niange well? Lu Yanche, let me tell you, you are so stupid that I want to laugh when I see it..."

"I told you that you don't understand Sister Niange, but you just don't understand. You will never understand in your whole life. Don't even think about it. You can understand. Anyone can say what an idiot talks about in dreams."

"You, give up, Miss Niange will never be with you in this lifetime, no... the next life, the next life, if she is with you, I will definitely persuade Miss Niange to marry you Shaved it off fiercely, when you saw Miss Nian Ge was sad and hurt, when she cried, didn't your heart ache?"

"I'm in pain. I don't want to see Sister Niange like this anymore. She should live a happier life..."

Ji Jingchen was dumbfounded when Lu Meiqi accused Lu Yanche of his words without any emotion. It was clearly Lu Yanche's pain. Lu Meiqi was probably the only one who dared to say such words in front of Lu Yanche.

Looking at Lu Meiqi again, she was crying as she talked...

Ji Jingchen's little heart throbbed violently.

It's not unreasonable for Lu Meiqi to be worried about Mu Niange. Think about it, Mu Niange's experience is so similar to Lu Meiqi's, but Lu Meiqi is so much luckier than Mu Niange. Perhaps, as Lu Meiqi said, as long as Lu Yanche stays away from Mu Niange, so Mu Niange can live a happy life.

Mu Niange's rare birthday once a year should have been a happy one. When Lu Yanche appeared, he brought Xia Minmin with him. Xia Minmin was full of provocations towards Mu Niange...

No one can guess the other person's heart, who knows how Xia Minmin will deal with Mu Niange next?
Thinking of what Mu Niange said to Lu Yanche that day in the ward, as long as Lu Yanche left Mu Niange, Xia Minmin would definitely not trouble Mu Niange again.

"Ah Che, why don't you just listen to Mei Qi, and don't go to read songs anymore." Ji Jingchen hesitated for a while, and finally persuaded him.

Lu Yanche stood there motionless, his hands clenched into fists, Lu Meiqi's words echoed in his mind, if he could let go, Lu Yanche would have let go early on, but unfortunately, Lu Yanche didn't have that kind of ability.

He overestimated himself and underestimated Mu Niange...

Since when was Mu Niange someone in Lu Yanche's heart who he could chase away at will?

No one understood Lu Yanche's feelings for Mu Niange.

I like it, I love it, I don't know how to get close, I can only spin around and wander around, what Lu Meiqi said is right, Lu Yanche doesn't understand Mu Niange, just doesn't understand Mu Niange, but it's impossible not to understand Mu Niange in this lifetime of.

"Meiqi, you go back first."

After leaving these words to Lu Meiqi, Lu Yanche turned around and walked towards Mu's house.

Lu Meiqi was stunned, and when she came back to her senses, Lu Yanche disappeared in front of her eyes. Ji Jingchen wanted to say something, but finally gave up. It was inevitable for Lu Yanche to think, think, and say a few words, but When you want to get in touch with Lu Yanche's emotional world, you will find that Lu Yanche has spread out a big protective film for you, preventing you from getting close.

I can only watch quietly through a membrane.

Mu Niange wasn't really drunk, but just felt, wanted, wanted to vent. After Lu Yanche and the others left, she closed her eyes in Mu Yuanling's arms and never opened them again.

Mrs. Mu asked Mu Yuanling to take Mu Niange to the room, let Mu Niange sleep well, and waited until dawn, hoping that Mu Niange could forget what happened today, and the world It's beautiful, you can't make yourself so bad because of those bad things, and the person who is so sorry will eventually be yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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