Chapter 270 Youth is for Adventure
After Mu Yuanling settled Mu Niange, he quietly exited Mu Niange's room...

Mrs. Mu stood at the door waiting for Mu Yuanling. When she saw Mu Yuanling, she hurried up to greet her and said, "How is it? Are you asleep?"

Mu Yuanling gave a dignified 'hmm', looked at Mrs. Mu, and said with some hesitation: "Mom, I always feel that I should take Nian Ge to see a doctor..."

Although Mu Niange himself is an expert in this field, Mu Niange is mentally ill according to what he said. In addition, during the previous period, Mu Yuanling, Mrs. Mu and others were not by Mu Niange's side , I don't know what Mu Niange experienced and what happened.

Mu Niange's emotional instability, if not for Mu Niange's strong expression, it is impossible for anyone to know.

I have been hiding and enduring it all the time, and when it explodes, how serious it will be is something that Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu can't predict...

What Mu Yuanling said is very reasonable. They should take Mu Niange to see a psychiatrist. They can feel at ease when they are sure that Mu Niange is fine. Thinking of what Mu Niange said just now, Mrs. Mu's Inside, it still hurts.

It's true that Mu Niange is not her biological daughter.

But what is the difference between Mu Niange and her own children?
Madam Mu sighed, looked at the tightly closed door of the room and said, "Go to an authoritative doctor tomorrow and make an appointment, and we will go together with the recitation song."

After Mu Yuanling got down, he went back to his room. Just as he closed the door, his phone remembered with a 'ding'. Mu Yuanling opened it and saw that it was a WeChat message sent by Lu Yanche. It simply said Two words: "Open the door."

The corner of Mu Yuanling's lips curled into a sarcastic smile...

Is Lu Yanche talking in his sleep?
Open the door?
Could it be that Lu Yanche could come in if he wanted to, the gate of Mu's house? Thinking of Mu Niange's unusual behavior tonight, it was more or less because of Lu Yanche's relationship. In the first year Mu Niange came back here, he didn't follow him. Anyone who comes into contact, isn't life going well?

It is precisely because of contact with them that Mu Niange became like that...

People don't look like people, ghosts don't look like ghosts, exactly like Mu Niange from six years ago.

Mu Yuanling threw the phone away, took his clothes, and went into the bathroom. Lu Yanche stood at the door of Mu's house, waiting quietly, wanting to wait for Mu Yuanling to come down to help him open the door. After waiting for half an hour, there was still nothing. Seeing Mu Yuanling's figure, Lu Yanche sent another WeChat message to Mu Yuanling.

Mu Yuanling still ignored it.

In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed...

Finally, Ji Jingchen came to persuade Lu Yanche several times, and asked Lu Yanche to go to his own home, so that Lu Yanche would know immediately what happened to Mu Niange, but what Ji Jingchen didn't understand was why Lu Yanche was waiting here?
He didn't want to know about Mu Niange's situation, but wanted to be by Mu Niange's side...

Accompaniment is the longest confession of love, and Lu Yanche only understood this truth at this moment.

Even if Lu Yanche doesn't do anything, as long as he stays by Mu Niange's side and appears in front of Mu Niange when he needs someone the most, that's enough.

"Open the door..."

Lu Yanche kept sending repeated WeChat messages to Mu Yuanling.

Mu Yuanling was determined and would not open the door for Lu Yanche, but looking at the screen of the phone, which was constantly on, Mu Yuanling couldn't help but sighed, took off the quilt, took the phone, and walked out , to the door.

During this period, Mu Yuanling received a message from Ji Jingchen: "Ache stood at your door for a full hour and a half..."

Keep standing, is it really interesting?

What's the point...

Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche, you always do such meaningless things, Mu Yuanling doesn't know what words to use to talk about Lu Yanche, because no matter what Mu Yuanling says, Lu Yanche will not change, what he said decision made.

When Mu Yuanling walked in front of Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Yuanling without saying a word, and Mu Yuanling didn't speak, just looked at each other quietly.

After a while, Qi Liuao's low and somewhat hoarse voice sounded in Mu Yuanling's ear: "Open the door..."

Mu Yuanling laughed: "Why do you want me to open the door for you? This is not your home, not a place where you can do whatever you want."

Of course Lu Yanche knew that this was not his home, otherwise, he would not have been willing to wait here for an hour and a half.

Mu Yuanling wanted to fight a protracted battle with Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche glanced inside: "Recite the song, are you asleep?"

"Niange doesn't sleep, do you want to watch Niange and say those words all the time? You know, Niange has a knot in her heart, a knot that we don't know, she never told anyone , including you, is also the heart knot of Niange. I always feel that it was a big mistake to let you take care of Mu Niange at the beginning. If time can be turned back, I think, I will definitely not let Niange have anything to do with you any contact."

"You will say, if..."

"In this world, there is no regret medicine. Once you touch it, you touch it. If you want to deny this fact, it is impossible. You can only accept your fate. No matter what, the imprint I left in Niange's heart is not for anyone. Those who may be wiped out, including you."

Lu Yanche responded not to be outdone.

As long as Mu Yuanling can tell, Lu Yanche will be able to deal with it well.

Mu Yuanling's deep eyes sank slightly, and he gradually exuded a coldness: "You are right, but I believe that time can change everything. During the years you were away, reciting songs has been very difficult. Okay? Because of your appearance, Nian Ge's peaceful life was broken, Lu Yanche, tell me, should Nian Ge meet you, should you be grateful or cry?"

What Mu Niange was thinking in his heart, Lu Yanche didn't know, and couldn't guess, but there was one thing that Lu Yanche was very clear about...

Lu Yanche was lucky to meet Mu Niange.

Fortunately, at that time, he found such a girl, and then got in touch with such a girl. In the end, the ending that Lu Yanche hoped for was a happy ending, and his desire to be with Mu Niange was very strong, strong No one can stop it.

"I think, reciting songs is sad. What do you think in your heart? What do you think when reciting songs? But so what? Mu Yuanling, can you control the heart of reciting songs? Knowing that there is an abyss ahead, she I still ignored it and continued to move forward. Looking back, I was covered in bruises. Is it worth it? Maybe it’s not worth it, but do you regret it? I don’t regret it at all. Youth is for taking risks.”

(End of this chapter)

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