Chapter 271 It's been a long time

Mu Yuanling sneered: "Youth is for taking risks? If you take this risk, you may kill Nian Ge at any time. Do you think it's really worth it?"

Killed Mu Niange...

The gain outweighs the loss, it is obvious that this is a loss-making business, Lu Yanche knew in his heart that he had no reason at all, he was using his way to get Mu Yuanling to let him in, he wanted to see Mu Niange, and be with Mu Nian By Ge's side, he didn't say or do anything, he just wanted to be by Mu Niange's side when he needed it most.

Lu Yanche suddenly remembered the scene from before...

There were several times when Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou stood beside Lu Yanche. When Lu Yanche waved to Mu Niange, Mu Niange became timid. Lu Yanche could see her hesitation. He wanted to give Mu Niange courage and stepped forward. Greeting Mu Niange, the exchange was: "I'm going home first, you guys have fun."

Without Mu Niange around, what's the point of Lu Yanche going out to play with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou?
The first thought in Lu Yanche's mind was to send Mu Niange home, but Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou grabbed Lu Yanche's hand and pulled Lu Yanche away. They didn't even forget to say hello to Mu Niange. It seems that the relationship with Mu Niange is very good, but only they know in their hearts how much they hate each other, thinking how good it would be if the other party didn't exist in this world.

If one day...

Mu Niange is gone and disappeared into this world. At that time, Lu Yanche will definitely break down, and he will go with Mu Niange.

"Yuan Ling, I know, what I say now, in your opinion, is wrong." Lu Yanche lowered his eyes and stopped looking at Mu Yuanling. His voice was soft and soft, full of bitterness .

Without Mu Yuanling's trust, what is Lu Yanche's presence with Mu Niange?
Even his elder brother is worried about handing Mu Niange to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are together, can they really give Mu Niange what Mu Niange wants?Lu Yanche began to feel confused. Although this kind of confusion didn't start on the first day, this time, the feeling came so strongly.

"You also know that you are here with me. What you say and what you do are all wrong, so why don't you change? I watched the song, because of you again and again, I can't stand it anymore, I really want to help you , but I am really powerless, you should know what kind of position you have in my heart, similarly, what kind of position is chanting a song, it is equally important, I don't want you, when you make an irrational decision, Erase your place in my heart."

This is probably the most important thing Mu Yuanling has said to Lu Yanche so far.

Lu Yanche's deep eyes sank slightly, he pushed Mu Yuanling away, and rushed in towards the gate of Mu's house.

Mu Yuanling was pushed defenselessly by Lu Yanche, and took a few steps back. When he turned around, Lu Yanche had already disappeared in front of his eyes. Mu Yuanling's face was extremely gloomy. Who would have thought that Lu Yanche would use such a sinister The method used to attack him when he was not paying attention?

Mu Yuanling followed quickly, and just after taking a few steps, the corners of Mu Yuanling's lips evoked a powerless smile...

No matter how he stops it, it's useless, isn't it?

Lu Yanche entered Mu's house, and arrived at Mu Niange's room familiarly. He opened the door very lightly, for fear of waking Mu Niange who was sleeping soundly. Moonlight, staring at Mu Niange's cheek, couldn't see clearly, but Lu Yanche knew that Mu Niange's expression at this moment must be painful.

How could she remember those unbearable pasts?

Those ones……

It hurt her deeply, the pain hidden in her heart, the memory she wanted to forget, the memory she couldn't forget.

Lu Yanche squatted down slowly, he stretched out his hand to caress Mu Niange's cheek, again and again, full of pity, he looked at Mu Niange with distress and tenderness.

If Mu Niange woke up and saw Lu Yanche's eyes like this, how would she respond?
It is impossible to imagine that six years ago, Mu Niange fell into Lu Yanche's gentle trap...

That night, Mu Niange slept very deeply. No one knew that even if she didn't come back, and when she didn't meet Lu Yanche and others again, Mu Niange's life would be difficult. She often suffers from insomnia. At two o'clock, she still couldn't sleep, and she needed something to sleep peacefully.

Sleeping pills, sleeping incense, eye masks, everything is indispensable.

Not everyone can understand the pain of wanting to sleep and being unable to fall asleep.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally, beside Mu Niange, he fell into a deep sleep. He didn't know that, with Mu Niange beside him, he could sleep so peacefully. holding Mu Niange's hand tightly, controlling Mu Niange's hand, clasping his fingers tightly.

When Mu Niange woke up, he clearly felt that there was a hard head beside him, and then, what he saw was his hand, being held?

Mu Niange looked in the direction of the owner of the hand. The moment she saw Lu Yanche, Mu Niange was stunned. She couldn't survive for a long time. She recalled yesterday's scene, yesterday's picture, she said everything what?In the end, Lu Yanche, Lu Meiqi, Ji Jingchen and others left...

Mu Niange misses Lu Yanche a lot.

It wasn't the first time that she watched Lu Yanche look amazing, but it wouldn't be the last time either.

However, Mu Niange didn't expect that the first person she saw when she woke up was Lu Yanche, so, last night, did he spend in his room?

Didn't Lu Yanche leave?How did he get in, who allowed him in?
After Mu Niange regained consciousness, a series of questions appeared in her mind. She frowned and pulled her hand away from Lu Yanche's.

Sensing Mu Niange's movement, Lu Yanche opened his eyes, saw Mu Niange's hand, and the moment he was about to leave, Lu Yanche nervously grabbed Mu Niange's hand back. Accidentally hurt Mu Niange.

Mu Niange groaned.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange, only to realize that Mu Niange in front of him was no longer asleep, but awake.

Lu Yanche gradually let go of his hand and let go of Mu Niange, he thought, Mu Niange is repulsive, at this time, he should let go, but if he did, Lu Yanche really didn't regret it at all?
Mu Niange can't describe in words, what kind of feeling does it feel to be held by Lu Yanche?
I just feel that it's been a long time, and there are traces of sweat on the palms of my hands. Obviously, it was held for a long time. She didn't break free from Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche let go first...

(End of this chapter)

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