Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 276 I don't want to, I really don't want to

Chapter 276 I don't want to, I really don't want to
Xia Minmin is a good example...

When Mu Niange and others arrived at the hospital, Lu Yanche and others hadn't come yet. Because of Lu Meiqi, Mu Yuanling and others had to wait for Lu Yanche and others to come before they could enter. Madam Mu felt very dissatisfied for this... …

Why, when Mu Niange was seeing a doctor, he still had to involve irrelevant people and drag him down?
Mrs. Mu's dissatisfaction was written all over her face. Mu Niange knew in her heart that Mrs. Mu was doing it for herself. Mu Niange smiled at Mrs. Mu and said, "Auntie, Meiqi is very close to me, remember one of my patients , it’s Meiqi.”

Therefore, Mu Niange also wants Lu Meiqi to be well.

What does Mu Niange want to say, why does Mrs. Mu not understand?

In the end, Mu Niange was just favoring Lu Yanche...

Madam Mu sighed, and she nodded to show that she knew. When Lu Yanche and others came, Ji Jingchen smiled and apologized to Madam Mu. Madam Mu's complexion improved a little, and she greeted Lu Meiqi with a few words of warmth. Only he didn't even look at Lu Yanche.

This was something Lu Yanche expected, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

Lu Yanche walked at the back, staring at Mu Niange's figure. After a while, Lu Yanche would know what happened to Mu Niange's heart disease...

Lu Yanche was expecting and nervous at the same time, wanting to know, but not wanting to know, it turned out that it was such a mood, Lu Yanche sincerely hoped that Mu Niange could be cured, then, what would Lu Yanche have to pay, Lu Yanche all willing.

Lu Yanche is Lu Meiqi's family, and Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu are Mu Niange's family members.

When he was about to approach the office, Mu Niange reached out and tugged on Mu Yuanling's sleeve. Mu Yuanling's expression changed, and he responded immediately. He turned to Mrs. Mu and said, "Mom, you and Jing Chen are here Wait for me, I will go in with Niange, if too many people go in, it will affect the progress..."

Mrs. Mu felt that what Mu Yuanling said made sense, she nodded, and sat on a chair beside her. After receiving Mu Yuanling's knowing eyes, Ji Jingchen hurriedly followed.

Mu Yuanling first briefly introduced Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi to the doctor. When Mu Yuanling wanted to push Mu Niange up, Mu Niange shook his head and said to Mu Yuanling, "Let Meiqi first , I'll wait..."

Mu Niange obviously wanted to avoid Lu Yanche.

Mu Yuanling did not refuse, he respected Mu Niange's choice, he set his eyes on Lu Yanche, thinking that Lu Yanche would have a gloomy face, who would have thought that Lu Yanche would pull Lu Meiqi to sit down with a very good temper, and he stood By the side, accompanied.

Lu Meiqi's problem is not very serious...

In addition, after Mu Niange appeared, Lu Meiqi's personality became a little more cheerful. The words that the doctor told Lu Meiqi were the same as what Mu Niange told, but within 10 minutes, Lu Meiqi was done.

Lu Meiqi got up and looked at Lu Yanche. She tugged at Lu Yanche's sleeve without everyone noticing, wanting Lu Yanche to find a way, find an excuse, and stay here. Before Lu Yanche could speak, Mu Yuanling spoke first: "You go out first, if there is anything, I will go out and tell you."

Mu Niange lowered his eyes, and didn't even look at Lu Yanche or Lu Meiqi.

Lu Meiqi was disappointed in her heart, she hoped that Lu Yanche could accompany Mu Niange here, but Mu Niange's attitude was obvious, she didn't want to, although she didn't know what Mu Niange thought, but Lu Meiqi still hugged Si silk hoped...

Lu Meiqi opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

Lu Yanche put his arm on Lu Meiqi's shoulder and walked out of the room. The moment the door closed, Mu Yuanling pulled Mu Niange to sit down.

Mu Niange's expression was calm, but his heart was nervous...

Mu Niange responded calmly to the questions asked by the doctor. However, it was precisely because of this calmness that people could see that it was unusual. Look at Mu Yuanling's appearance.

Mu Yuanling didn't expect that Mu Niange would be so repulsive...

His complexion was not very good, after he walked aside and talked with the doctor, he decided to use hypnosis on Mu Niange.

Mu Niange couldn't hear what they said, she kept telling herself in her heart, don't be nervous, just go on as usual, after leaving this room, everything will return to normal, Mu Yuanling and others People will never know that, and that is the most painful thing for Mu Niange.

Mu Niange's eyes turned red.

Tears were swirling inside, she finally couldn't take it anymore, stood up from her seat, and rushed out of the room...

The people waiting outside were startled by Mu Niange's actions. When they regained their senses, Mu Yuanling came out, and Lu Yanche, who was standing at the door, disappeared.

Mu Niange ran very fast, and what came to her mind was the scene of that day, which made her feel scared, scared: "Don't, don't, don't come here..."

Mu Niange yelled heart-piercingly, she didn't pay attention, and fell to the ground, the pain hit, far less than the pain in Mu Niange's heart, she kept wrestling and gave two 'woo hoo' Crying, she cried out of breath, kept sobbing.

Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange distressedly, clasped Mu Niange's head tightly in his arms, patted Mu Niange's back lightly, and comforted him: "Niange, it's okay , it's okay, I'm by your side, I've always been by your side..."

Mu Niange let Lu Yanche hug her.

She said that the smell on Lu Yanche's body made Neng Mu Niange feel calm. She clutched Lu Yanche's clothes tightly and cried even harder: "I don't want to see a psychiatrist. Don't force me. Stop forcing me!"

She really doesn't want to think about it, and she doesn't want anyone to know...

That day, Mu Niange really wanted to erase the things, she was in pain, no one knew, no one understood.

Her heart is lonely, and she urgently needs someone to be by her side and accompany her: "Shuangshuang..."

Mu Niange yelled helplessly, besides Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange really couldn't think of anyone else.

Lu Yanche was yelled at by Mu Niange, and her heart throbbed again and again. Your beloved, when you are most helpless, you want to be by her side, but the person she most wants to be with is not You, what kind of taste is that?
You can't blame Mu Niange, but rather, blame Lu Yanche, it's all Lu Yanche's fault, I've long enjoyed today's scene, picture, situation...

"What you don't want to do, no one can force you, I will take you home, don't cry, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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