Chapter 277 You Can Be Willful 1
Mu Niange didn't respond to Lu Yanche, her silence represented everything, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange horizontally, Mu Niange leaned his head on Lu Yanche's chest, closed his eyes tightly, Lu Yanche walked to the parking lot, put Mu Niange Song carefully put it into the co-pilot, put on the seat belt for Mu Niange, closed the door, and then called Mu Yuanling.

Mu Niange rushed out, although Mu Yuanling and the others were worried, but they didn't chase after him...

They knew in their hearts that Lu Yanche could take good care of Mu Niange. They waited anxiously at the door. Lu Yanche's phone call was very important to them. When Mu Yuanling answered the phone, he said solemnly: " How about the song?"

Hearing the word 'recite a song', Ji Jingchen, Lu Meiqi, and Mrs. Mu all stood up and looked at Mu Yuanling.

Lu Yanche glanced at Mu Niange who was sitting in the car and said, "Although I don't know why Niange is so repulsive to seeing a psychiatrist, but since Niange doesn't want to, don't force her. Her current situation, isn't it? very good."

What exactly happened, Lu Yanche couldn't explain it clearly to Mu Yuanling.

Mu Niange refused to see a psychiatrist, how could Mu Yuanling not know?
But is it really the best for Mu Niange to blindly evade like this?Lu Yanche couldn't see Mu Niange's pain. Could it be that Mu Yuanling and the others were used to seeing Mu Niange's pain?One must know that Mu Niange's pain alone is the sorrow of everyone.

Mu Yuanling's hand holding the phone tightened slightly, his face sank, and he said with a heavy tone: "Ah Che, I don't care what you think, this psychiatrist must read the song, if you don't, we will all I can't imagine what will happen in the next few days, you are not the one who recites the song, you have no right to decide anything for the recitation, I will give you 10 minutes to send the recitation back."

Mu Yuanling was reminding Lu Yanche to recognize his identity.

From Mu Niange's behavior, Lu Yanche also saw that there must be a secret hidden in Mu Niange's heart that they didn't know. ?

What good would that do for Mu Niange?What are the benefits for them?
Mu Niange just didn't want them to worry about him. Doesn't Mu Yuanling understand this truth at all?
Lu Yanche's eyes staring at Mu Niange deepened slightly. He didn't respond to Mu Yuanling, and hung up the phone directly. The voice of 'beep' came from the phone, and Mu Yuanling's heart tightened. An unknown premonition hit the whole body...

He called back Lu Yanche's phone, but the message from the other end of the phone was that it was turned off, and he couldn't get through to Mu Niange's phone.

Lu Yanche, have you really made up your mind, do you want to confront Mu Yuanling and the others?
Lu Yanche drove and took Mu Niange around the city. Before he knew it, Mu Niange fell asleep, and brought Mu Niange back to the compound. It was easy for Mu Yuanling and others to find him. Lu Yanche I don't want to spend some time alone with Mu Niange, and some unpleasant things happen with people...

Lu Yanche booked a hotel nearby and took Mu Niange up there. He put Mu Niange on the bed and stared at Mu Niange's sleeping face quietly.

Mu Niange slept for a whole day, and he woke up at six o'clock in the evening. The light in the room was very dark, Lu Yanche didn't turn on the light, and the curtains were drawn. Mu Niange blinked , After staring at the ceiling for a while, he moved his body and wanted to do it.

When she sat up, she accidentally touched Lu Yanche's hand. She was taken aback for a moment, and then looked over.

Lu Yanche lay his head on the bed, talking quietly...

His hand was very close to his own. I don't know if he fell asleep. When he loosened his hand, he broke free. Mu Niange scratched his hair, recalling everything that happened today, she said, she She didn't want to see a psychiatrist, she knew that such a scene would happen, but she didn't expect that the person who took her out of the hospital would be Lu Yanche...

What did Lu Yanche see?
Mu Niange's hand slowly reached out to her cheek. She remembered that she felt pain in front of Lu Yanche.

Ha ha……

Why is she so useless, so unbearable?

The most vulnerable side that she didn't want to be seen was shown in front of Lu Yanche without any precautions. In the end, Mu Niange trusted Lu Yanche from the bottom of his heart.

Mu Niange sat on the bed for a while. Lu Yanche, who was sleeping on the bed, subconsciously wanted to touch Mu Niange's hand when he woke up. When he first touched Du Mu Niange's hand, Mu Niange was frightened , she broke free violently, and looked at Lu Yanche again, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

This is not the first time that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche have come to the hotel to get a room.

It was the first time that Lu Yanche wanted to touch so blatantly, but was pushed away by Mu Niange. Mu Niange lowered his eyes and didn't look at Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche smiled indifferently. He stood up, Stretching, he first opened the curtains, then turned on the lights in the room, and then said softly to Mu Niange, "Are you hungry? I'll take you to dinner..."

After Lu Yanche said this, Mu Niange realized that he was really hungry.

On this day, like Lu Yanche, Mu Niange only ate breakfast. Lu Yanche exited the bedroom and waited for Mu Niange to come out in the living room. He stood at the door of the room and waited.

He opened the door for Mu Niange and let Mu Niange go out first.

Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche's hand pressing the elevator, hesitantly said, "I..."

"You don't need to worry, I brought you here forcibly, and I will explain it to you." Lu Yanche's deep voice slowly rang in Mu Niange's ear, inexplicably, to Mu Nian The song is a kind of peace of mind.

Mu Niange let out an 'hmm' and said nothing more.

After arriving at the restaurant of the hotel, Mu Niange took out her mobile phone to have a look, only to find that her mobile phone had been turned off by Lu Yanche. She turned on her mobile phone, and a series of messages and missed calls came rumbling.

Mu Niange was frightened by such a situation. She frowned, her face turned ugly, and she clicked on the message to see that each message was sent by Mu Yuanling. The content was very simple. Ask where Mu Niange is, If there is anything wrong, when you see the message, remember to send yourself a message back.

Mu Niange could imagine how anxious Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu were...

Mu Niange felt guilty in his heart.

Lu Yanche reached out and snatched the mobile phone from singer Mu Nian. After checking the message, he turned off the mobile phone again.

(End of this chapter)

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