Chapter 289 Chapter 290: Care
Mu Yuanling looked sideways at Lu Meiqi, and motioned for Lu Meiqi to get off the car. Lu Meiqi clenched her lower lip, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Brother Yuanling, I know you want to stop my brother from being with sister Niange , why don't I want to prevent them from being together?"

"My brother treats sister Niange badly, I can see it, sometimes, I hate my brother, you say, he keeps saying that he loves sister Niange, why did sister Niange suffer like that What happened? In the end, it was because my brother wasn’t firm enough and didn’t care enough for Sister Niange. Sister Niange wanted to punish my brother, that’s what I should do. I even thought, if my brother could leave Sister Niange, that would be fine. Now, this way, Xia Minmin won't pester Sister Niange anymore, and Sister Niange can live the life she wants..."

"However, there are some things that you and I can't control and stop..."

"We can't say for sure what the relationship between Sister Niange and my brother is now, but how can I say that they once loved each other, they are the closest people, and there are so many uncontrollable emotions between them, Brother Yuanling, I want to say , can you turn a blind eye to my brother and sister Nian Ge?"

"You know better than anyone else that my brother will stay in the hospital and will take good care of Sister Nian Ge."

You're a big kid, are you talking about someone like Lu Meiqi?
In Mu Yuanling's impression, Lu Meiqi has always been a little sister, a heart-wrenching little sister. Thinking of what happened to Lu Meiqi, Mu Yuanling also wants to protect and take good care of Lu Meiqi. Who would have thought that Lu Meiqi would not Lu Yanche needed to worry, but... the person who changed his identity was helping Lu Yanche, lobbying in front of Mu Yuanling.

Mu Yuanling chuckled...

Mu Yuanling didn't understand what Lu Meiqi said.

But everyone has a principle, everything can be given up, only the principle cannot be given up...

"Meiqi, some things are not as simple as you imagined. For example... the object is changed to you, how would you deal with it? When you wake up, you hope to see that it is your favorite, and it is also hurting you. The deepest person, or that, your closest brother?"

Lu Meiqi was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yuanling would come up with such a hypothesis. Lu Meiqi didn't know how to answer. After she realized it, she frowned, as if she was thinking about the answer. Mu Yuanling reached out and rubbed Lu Meiqi's hair, with a little Reluctantly said: "Everyone is different, so everyone's answer will not be the same. I will consider what you said, whether I should give Lu Yanche some water, and whether I can read it If you get the song back in your hands, then we'll see if your brother has the ability."

at night……

Lu Yanche kept staring at Mu Niange's IV. When the drip was over, he called the nurse to come in and help Mu Niange change. He had been testing Mu Niange's temperature, wanting to see if Mu Niange's fever had subsided...

Lu Yanche stared at Mu Niange's eyes without the slightest slack, for fear that he would miss a look on Mu Niange's expression if he missed one.

Lu Yanche was actually sleepy, but with Mu Niange beside him, how could Lu Yanche be willing to fall asleep like this?
The sky gradually brightened, Mu Niange's drip was finished, and the fever subsided. Lu Yanche lay on the bedside and fell asleep unknowingly. This time, he really fell asleep. He clasped Mu Niange's fingers tightly There is no slack.

When the nurse came in, she woke up Mu Niange. Mu Niange moved her eyelids and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the white ceiling. She felt that her fingers were being tightly grasped. Her back was sweating, and she frowned, recalling what happened yesterday, except for the incident that Xia Minmin broke out in public, which made Lu Yanche and others fall into curiosity, and Mu Niange couldn't think of anything else.

"woke up?"

The nurse raised her eyebrows lightly, she walked to Mu Niange's side, and took his temperature: "The fever is gone, your boyfriend is so caring, he has been here to take care of you all night..."

The nurse looked at the thermometer in her hand while talking, Mu Niange was startled when he heard this, and looked down, Lu Yanche's sleeping face fell into Mu Niange's eyes, boyfriend?The person the nurse mentioned was Lu Yanche?
This night, Lu Yanche was here to accompany him, didn't he leave?
Mu Niange's mood began to become complicated. She wanted to withdraw her hand from Lu Yanche's, but as soon as she moved, Lu Yanche woke up. The first thing he did when he woke up was to take Mu Niange's hand The hand was grabbed back and clasped tightly. When Lu Yanche met Mu Niange's eyes, he clasped Mu Niange's hand even harder.

Lu Yanche's deep voice sounded slowly: "Are you awake? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat..."

Lu Yanche stood up and slowly let go of Mu Niange's hand. He walked into the bathroom and poured a basin of hot water for Mu Niange to wash his face. Mu Niange was silent and did not respond. Lu Yanche, she quietly Watching Lu Yanche's actions carefully, he cooperated with Lu Yanche.

Sleep all day and all night?
Mu Niange couldn't remember.

No drop of water had entered, her lips were always dry, and her throat was also dry. She wanted to speak, but she opened her mouth, unable to signal.

Lu Yanche stretched out his hand, patted Mu Niange's head and said, "People who are sick should drink white characters, wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

Then, Lu Yanche disappeared before Mu Niange's eyes like a gust of wind. Mu Niange touched her body, but there was nothing. She looked left and right, but she still couldn't see her mobile phone. She had a lot of doubts in her heart. .

Why do you have a fever?
How did you come to the hospital?

Who came, who left, and in the end, left Lu Yanche alone here to take care of Mu Niange?
Mu Niange closed his eyes, wanting to continue to sleep, the door of the ward was pushed open with a 'squeak', and Mu Yuanling walked in with a thermos, when he saw that Mu Niange was the only one in the ward, his eyes widened. Frowning, the next second, when he saw Mu Niange looking at him, he curled his lips and smiled: "Do you feel better?"

"Brother, you sent me to the hospital?"

"I'm not alone..."


Mu Niange knew about it, so he stopped asking.

Mu Yuanling put the thermos on the table, opened the lid, and steam came out of it. When he handed it to Mu Niange, Mu Niange didn't take it. Thinking that Lu Yanche went out to buy porridge, should Mu Niange wait? After Lu Yanche came back, he told Lu Yanche that he was eating?
Mu Yuanling saw Mu Niange's hesitation and sighed in his heart.

When he came, he happened to meet Lu Yanche who was about to go out, so he asked Lu Yanche to go back and clean up, as long as Mu Niange had him here.

Lu Yanche was silent for a while, agreed to Mu Yuanling's proposal, and disappeared before Mu Yuanling's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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