Chapter 290 Give It Up

"Are you waiting for Lu Yanche?"

Mu Niange was exposed by Mu Yuanling, and she looked a little unnatural. She took the thermos from Mu Yuanling's hand, ate a few mouthfuls of porridge and said, "Brother, you asked him to stay here. Care for me all night?"

What Mu Yuanling was thinking in his heart, Mu Niange didn't know until seven or eight points.

I want Lu Yanche to pay the price. When Mu Niange needs it, Lu Yanche must come out and endure all the hardships for Mu Niange. This is because of Lu Yanche. Should he pay some price for the mistakes he made?

Thinking of the beating with Xia Minmin, Mu Niange felt a pain in the flesh, she touched her cheek subconsciously, it didn't hurt, but whether the redness subsided, Mu Niange didn't know...

"Hehe..." Mu Yuanling was amused by Mu Niange's question.

How could Mu Yuanling let Lu Yanche stay here to take care of Mu Niange?On the contrary, Mu Yuanling wished that Lu Yanche would disappear from Mu Niange's sight forever, and stop disturbing Mu Niange anymore. Mu Yuanling didn't want to watch the life messed up by Lu Yanche continue.

"Do you think I'll let him stay, or are you looking for a suitable excuse to stay and take care of you?"

Mu Yuanling's rhetorical question left Mu Niange speechless...

Her hand holding the spoon paused slightly, and she was surprisingly silent, silently calm, and calmly unnatural.

Mu Yuanling sighed, took Mu Niange's hand, put the porridge that Mu Niange spooned into Mu Niange's hand, and said, "Niange, I'm not a god, I can control everything. , what Lu Yanche wants to do is Lu Yanche's business, and what I want to do is my business, you say... Can Lu Yanche and I influence each other?"

The answer, of course, is no...

So what Mu Niange asked just now is completely nonsense.

She was looking for an excuse for Lu Yanche to stay.

"Brother, didn't I say that I don't want to have any communication with Lu Yanche, and I want Lu Yanche to disappear from my sight?"

Mu Niange ate a few mouthfuls of porridge suddenly, looked up at Mu Yuanling and said seriously: "But I suddenly realized that the more I want to keep Lu Yanche out of my sight, the less I want to have contact with Lu Yanche, we The more you get in touch, the more he will appear in my sight..."

Mu Niange spoke quietly, word by word, without revealing any emotion.

Mu Yuanling could clearly hear the sadness in Mu Niange's words...

Who ever said that seeing each other is worse than seeing each other, and loving each other is worse than killing each other?
When you see the person you like suffering in front of you, and all the hurts she has suffered are all caused by you, what kind of feeling will you...
Mu Niange couldn't understand it, she asked herself, she had never done such a thing to Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche was different, he must understand, must understand, what kind of feeling it was: "Brother, tell me, what exactly is Lu Yanche thinking? "

"When I didn't say those words to Lu Yanche, he didn't appear in front of me so frequently. Only occasionally, when I looked back, I would find him not far away. Now it's different...Every moment, I always I can see Lu Yanche, but I can't guess what Lu Yanche is thinking, I can't see through Lu Yanche, I don't know what he wants..."

Mu Niange sighed, sad and helpless.

Humans are strange creatures, they can't even understand themselves, how can you understand others?

What Lu Yanche was thinking, Mu Niange didn't know, and it was even more impossible for Mu Yuanling to know. He touched Mu Niange's head, comforted Mu Niange, and said nothing...

After Lu Yanche went back to tidy himself up, when he returned to the hospital, there was Lu Meiqi and Ji Jingchen beside him. When Ji Jingchen saw Mu Niange lying on the hospital bed, his expression was not very good.

Think about it, how long has it been since Mu Niange came back to the compound?
She went in and out of the hospital, not once or twice. Lu Yanche felt sorry for Mu Niange, and Ji Jingchen felt sorry for Lu Yanche, looking at Mu Niange's pale face, the scars left by Xia Minmin, and the IV hanging from her hand , Ji Jingchen almost couldn't stand it anymore.

He pulled Lu Yanche to the corner and accused, "Ache, this is the first time I don't want you to be with Niange..."

Ji Jingchen's words made Lu Yanche's face darken.

He shook off Ji Jingchen's hand on his shoulder, did Ji Jingchen know what he was talking about?
"Ache, you can't be so angry, right? I'm not the first to say that, and I won't be the last to say that. I went to the hospital after reciting the song once or twice, and three or four times. How do you feel?" ?Although I don’t know, and I don’t understand, but it must be uncomfortable, but you are not feeling well, how can Mu Niange feel better? I think of Mu Niange’s fat body before, and I was tortured into this state by you all of a sudden , if you guys want to continue, I'm really worried that Mu Niange won't be able to bear it..."

This is what Ji Jingchen said in his heart, and it is also the most serious time he has said so far. Lu Yanche should really think it over.

Is it really good to treat Mu Niange like this?
Entanglement, really the best way?

Staying by Mu Niange's side really means protecting and taking care of Mu Niange?
However, it is for those who are willing to take advantage of the opportunity...

Ji Jingchen and Lu Meiqi came here, Mu Niange was very welcome, after all...they were really worried about themselves, one morning, Mu Niange talked and laughed with them, and when they got there, Mu Niange could be discharged from the hospital up.

Mu Yuanling went to help Mu Niange handle the discharge procedures.

Lu Yanche, Lu Meiqi, and Ji Jingchen accompanied Mu Niange. Mu Niange's whole body was sore, which might be a sequelae. Anyway, Mu Niange didn't want to move. She sat on the chair and stared straight at him. Looking at Mu Yuanling's back.

When Mu Niange looked at Mu Yuanling's back, there were too many emotions mixed in...

It was a feeling that Lu Yanche would never experience in his whole life.

Mu Niange relied on Mu Yuanling, Mu Yuanling took care of Mu Niange, Mu Yuanling was worried about Mu Niange's affairs, on the one hand, Mu Niange didn't want Mu Yuanling to worry, on the other hand, he let Mu Yuanling Ling was worried about himself, the reason was simple, Mu Yuanling was his brother and his family.

Everything is so natural.

If the object is Lu Yanche, it is impossible for Mu Niange to be so lenient towards Lu Yanche. She will even feel that she owes Lu Yanche and wants to pay Lu Yanche back. Then, she hopes that Lu Yanche will never appear in Mu Niange's life. in front of.

(End of this chapter)

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