Chapter 305

Lu Yanche has dealt with Xia Minmin like that. In Lu Meiqi's eyes, Lu Yanche has never done anything out of the ordinary to Xia Minmin?

"I even ran to Xia Minmin's house and cleaned up Xia Minmin severely. In your eyes, these are really nothing?" Lu Yanche asked Lu Meiqi tentatively.

Hearing this, Lu Meiqi sighed...

Very helpless, really helpless.

So what if Lu Yanche beat Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin is a typical dog who can't be changed, it is useful to beat Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin has already been beaten away by Mu Niange, when will it be Lu Yanche's turn to do it?

"Brother, do you really think it is the most excessive thing for a man to do something to a woman?"

Lu Meiqi did not respond directly to Lu Yanche, but changed her approach and asked Lu Yanche: "Xia Minmin deserved the beating, she did so many outrageous things, and even made me and Sister Niange like this, I have nothing to do, you are protecting me, but Sister Niange is different, do you really think that you are protecting Sister Niange?"

"Then why did Miss Niange enter the hospital under your nose once, twice, three times and four times?"

"Once you enter the hospital, it's not a good thing. If you don't want to be hospitalized, you just want to be like this. You don't feel sorry for Sister Niange. I feel sorry for you. If you send Xia Minmin into the hospital, I might say, you don't care about Xia Minmin." It's ruthless, but only a little bit ruthless..."

"Xia Minmin's liking for you is fundamentally distorted. It's not a real habit, but a habitual possession. When someone comes to rob Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin is worried about gain and loss, and has a perverted heart, wanting to rob you. Sister Nian Ge is definitely not the first person to be bullied by Xia Minmin, but she is definitely the most serious one."

"Have you never thought about getting Xia Minmin away from this compound, from our front, from Nian Ge's front?"

After Lu Meiqi said something, he didn't dare to say the main point directly. He paused for a while, giving Lu Yanche time to think, and when Lu Meiqi felt that the time had come, she said the main point that she wanted to say: "Actually, we will Getting Xia Minmin to disappear from our sight is the best solution. You can't keep Xia Minmin away all day long. That pervert Xia Minmin is like a lunatic. Who knows when she will attack? Sister Nian Ge can Maintain yourself very well, but there are times when you can't protect yourself, do you want to see sister Nian Ge in the hospital before you know what's wrong?"

This is Lu Meiqi's last reminder to Lu Yanche...

For these, Lu Meiqi went to Baidu and asked about it.

The world of emotions is so complicated, how could Lu Meiqi understand it?

It's just because Lu Meiqi cares so much about her brother and sister who takes care of her. As for Xia Minmin, Lu Meiqi can't wait for her to disappear into this compound immediately...

Lu Meiqi's words awakened the dreamer.

She was right, as long as Xia Minmin disappears from this compound completely, all problems can be solved, Mu Niange doesn't need to mention it, Lu Yanche doesn't need to worry anymore, he can pursue her well Mu Niange, let Mu Niange see his sincerity and forgive himself.

It's just that things are simple to say, but complicated to do.

What happened between Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche, only they know...

Lu Yanche owed Xia Minmin his life, no matter how extreme Xia Minmin did, Lu Yanche would not be able to kill Xia Minmin.

People are so contradictory and entangled.

Lu Yanche's expression was solemn. Lu Meiqi didn't know what Lu Yanche was thinking, but from Lu Yanche's reaction, Lu Meiqi could tell that Lu Yanche would not do the proposal she said. Lu Meiqi was too lazy to tell Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche himself did not I understand, it's me who suffers, not Lu Meiqi?

Lu Meiqi pushed Lu Yanche out of her room, very bluntly: "Brother, you should think it over for yourself, anyway... the injured person will not be you, of course you don't care, and you don't care."

Lu Meiqi's words hurt Lu Yanche deeply.

How could he not care and not get hurt at all?Mu Niange was in pain, he was in pain more than anyone else, but unfortunately, Lu Yanche couldn't control everything, Lu Yanche stood at Lu Meiqi's door, blankly, unable to react for a while.

When Mu Yuanling mentioned this party to Mu Niange, Mu Niange refused without thinking about it.

Mu Yuanling was taken aback...

This is obviously not the same person as Mu Niange some time ago. No matter how unwilling Mu Niange was to be with Lu Yanche, he would never reject Mu Yuanling's proposal, or Ji Jingchen's invitation. Speaking of which, Ji Jingchen is Mu Niange's friend, and Mu Yuanling is Mu Niange's elder brother.

"Brother, are you helping Lu Yanche and pursuing me?"

Lu Yanche is pursuing Mu Niange?
This is how the same thing?

Mu Yuanling frowned, and said in surprise, "Why didn't I know when it happened?"

"He wants to be with me, so he naturally wants to pursue me. Do you think that I will start over with Lu Yanche unconditionally?" Mu Niange curled his lips and said with a bit of unhappiness.

Mu Yuanling was choked by Mu Niange, how could Mu Yuanling think that Mu Niange was that kind of person, what's more, even if Mu Niange agreed, Mu Yuanling would not agree, it was so cheap Lu Yanche, what majesty can Mu Niange have with Lu Yanche in the future?

"Brother didn't mean that."

"Well...then you tell Ji Jingchen that if he wants to help Lu Yanche ask me out, he can avoid it, let Lu Yanche tell me by himself, to see Lu Yanche's sincerity, if Lu Yanche is sincere, I can take the test and go with you out to play."

Mu Niange took a sip of water and spoke casually.

Mu Yuanling was taken aback by Mu Niange's attitude. After realizing it, a meaningful smile rose from the corner of Mu Yuanling's lips: "Niange, you have really grown up, and your methods are getting better and better. The higher the level, the clearer..."

Knowing that Lu Yanche can't be given any chance, if he wants a chance, Lu Yanche has to fight for it himself.

Mu Niange smiled lightly and remained silent.

How could Mu Niange not be smart, and how could he not grow up?If he doesn't grow up, Mu Niange will always be the one who will be bullied. Lu Yanche needs to suffer a little bit and grow up, so that he can understand that happiness that comes from not easy things needs to be cherished.

Mu Yuanling quickly called Ji Jingchen.

Mu Yuanling copied Mu Niange's words to Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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