Chapter 306

Mu Niange is really cheating, even Ji Jingchen was put in the plan by her, thinking about it in a blink of an eye, isn't it normal for Mu Niange to do this?

After all, at the beginning, Lu Yanche used Ji Jingchen to launch an offensive against Mu Niange. Although there were a few times without Lu Yanche's knowledge, no matter what, Ji Jingchen's accusation of being Lu Yanche's accomplice cannot be washed away. Cough twice, feeling a little guilty: "It's true to recite the song, this is obviously my invitation, she doesn't give me face like this..."

"Do you have face to speak of?"

Mu Yuanling stepped on Ji Jingchen very shamelessly, Ji Jingchen was speechless, he sighed, scolded Mu Yuanling a few words, then hung up the phone to find Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche's heart was very heavy, Lu Meiqi's words, in Lu Yanche's words It was spinning in my mind, and it couldn't go away no matter what.

Lu Meiqi looked at Lu Yanche's virtue, and didn't bother to expose Lu Yanche anymore. She asked Lu Yanche to think for himself, when did he think clearly, and when he figured it out, Mu Niange naturally belonged to Lu Yanche, and he couldn't escape no matter what...


Ji Jingchen waved to Lu Yanche from a distance, seeing that Lu Yanche didn't respond, he trotted to Lu Yanche's side, put his hand on Lu Yanche's shoulder, and said with a miserable expression: "I tell you some bad news, you must hold on , Nian Ge rejected my invitation, she said, if you were here at this party, she would not come out..."

Lu Yanche's face darkened, his whole body is not well, what does this mean?
Ji Jingchen saw Lu Yanche's face turning faster than a book, and hurriedly said, "Don't get excited, just listen to me..."

"Niange means that if she comes out, it means helping me to help you indirectly and giving you a chance to get along. But if you want to see Niange or go out with Niange, you have to go to Niange yourself. Give me an appointment, and ask for an appointment to the place where I agree to read the song, and there is only half an hour left before our party, um... I wish you good luck."

As soon as Ji Jingchen finished speaking, he patted Lu Yanche's shoulder heavily, telling Lu Yanche to be strong.

"Meiqi, let's go, get in the car with my brother..." Ji Jingchen set his eyes on Lu Meiqi and said naturally.

Lu Meiqi admired Mu Niange's proposal and agreed very much. She smiled and nodded at Ji Jingchen, followed behind Ji Jingchen's buttocks, and before leaving, she did not forget to say to Lu Yanche: "Brother, this world In fact, there is a kind of person who is very useless, and that is the fat you want, which falls into other people's bowls, and then you can't get it back no matter how much you grab it."

Obviously IQ and EQ are both problematic.

Mu Yuanling was sitting in the living room, sitting next to Mrs. Mu, sitting next to Mrs. Mu was Mu Niange, Mu Yuanling looked at the door from time to time, and looked at Mu Niange from time to time, Mu Nian Ge is watching TV as if nothing had happened...

Why is Mrs. Mu sitting in the living room?
All of this is rooted in Mu Niange's frank confession to Mrs. Mu that he is accepting Lu Yanche's pursuit. As for whether Lu Yanche can pursue him, it depends on Lu Yanche's performance and ability.

Mrs. Mu's impression of Lu Yanche was really bad. Hearing Mu Niange's words, Mrs. Mu was first astonished, then her expression was serious, and she fell into deep thought. She understood that Mu Niange's emotional world was not hers. If she wants to participate, she can participate, and she must abide by Mu Niange's choice.

But this Lu Yanche is really not a good thing.

Will Mrs. Mu feel at ease when she entrusts Mu Niange to such a person?
Mrs. Mu noticed Mu Yuanling's abnormality, frowned, stared at Mu Yuanling with displeasure, and said, "There is something wrong with your eyes? It looks like what you want?"

Mu Yuanling was almost out of character inside and out.

Not helping Lu Yanche, nor standing on Mu Niange's side, anyway, as long as he is Lu Yanche's friend, he will hinder Mrs. Mu's eyes every day...

"Mom, do you ever say that about your son?"

Mu Yuanling complained dissatisfied.

Mrs. Mu snorted coldly, but did not respond. She looked at the time, and there was still half an hour before the agreed time. Could it be that Lu Yanche gave up?Knowing that coming is useless, so why don't you come?
Why did Mu Niange see such a useless thing?

Madam Mu cursed Lu Yanche secretly in her heart, her face became more and more ugly.

Compared to Lu Yanche and Mrs. Mu, Mu Niange seemed very calm. Her eyes were fixed on the TV without any emotion at all...

When the doorbell rang, Mu Yuanling immediately stood up from the sofa, walked towards the door, opened the door and saw that it was Lu Yanche, Mu Niange didn't say a word, and made way for Lu Yanche, what does Lu Yanche want, Mu Yuanling knew in his heart that at this time, it was not the time for Mu Yuanling to act. With Mrs. Mu around, Mu Yuanling was still worried that Lu Yanche could bully Mu Niange?
"Seeking more happiness..."

Mu Yuanling gave Lu Yanche such advice for the sake of his brothers.

Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows and nodded heavily. After Lu Yanche walked in, the first person he saw was not Mu Niange, but Mrs. Mu. His heart tightened, and he immediately understood that Mu Niange was testing Lu Yanche at the same time , posed a problem for Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche greeted Mrs. Mu very politely: "Auntie."

Mrs. Mu glanced at Lu Yanche and said 'hmm'...

"Recite a song..."

Lu Yanche's gaze fell on Mu Niange again. Mu Niange glanced at Lu Yanche in the direction of the voice. She nodded, but there was no response. Lu Yanche grabbed her hair and said to Mrs. Mu: "Auntie , we have a party, we want to take Mu Niange to play together, I don't know Auntie, can you agree?"

Mrs. Mu chuckled: "What's the matter with Niange when you get together?"

Lu Yanche: "..."

Mu Yuanling hid far away, for fear that the fuse would fall on him.

Mu Niange moved his eyelids, and the corners of his lips inadvertently evoked a smile. It was a good choice for Mrs. Mu to come forward. This let Lu Yanche know that there is no one behind Mu Niange, and Lu Yanche wanted to do it. Before doing anything, one must consider this first, otherwise, he will face unexpected troubles.

"We all want to take Niange out to relax."

Lu Yanche's thoughts turned quickly, the more Mu Yuanling hid far away, the more Lu Yanche wanted to involve Mu Yuanling, so that Mu Yuanling could help him.

"You? Could it be that Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou is here too? Lu Yanche, you are actually in collusion with them, and you are all thinking about how to clean up Niange. When you see Niange sad, your hearts will be smooth?"

(End of this chapter)

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