Chapter 308

To Xia Minmin, this is a great ridicule...

Xia Minmin would never think that Xia Youyou went out to play with Lu Yanche and others, Xia Youyou went out with her friends, so Xia Minmin, where are her friends?
At this moment, Xia Minmin was at a loss...

For Lu Yanche, what Xia Minmin made was not a small sacrifice. Mu Niange was not worthy of Lu Yanche. It wasn't Xia Minmin who said it alone, even Ji Jingchen felt that way. How to do?
Xia Minmin had heard the movements of Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi a long time ago, she had been looking at their figures through the window of the room...

She watched for a long time, but she didn't see them walking towards the door of her house and ringing the doorbell. Xia Minmin remembered that once, when she lost her temper and didn't go out, Lu Yanche would come to her house to ring the doorbell and call her. At that time, Xia Minmin All of his temper was gone, and when he came down, he took Lu Yanche's arm and shouted to Brother Che one after another, so affectionate.

Leaving Mu Niange aside, Xia Minmin was secretly pleased.

She was crazy, just thinking of throwing a temper tantrum. Fortunately, Lu Yanche came to her door and called herself...

Xia Minmin watched Lu Yanche and the others leave, unable to calm down, she changed her clothes, put on her shoes and went out, she walked slowly, looking at every plant and tree in the compound, here, it was full of her Memories with Lu Yanche, why is Lu Yanche so cruel...

It was really so cruel that he left her behind.

Her helplessness, her fear, who ever understood?

Not everyone is suitable to be a villain, and Xia Minmin played the role of a villain to the fullest, but who would have thought that Xia Minmin was not voluntary, nor was she willing, she was forced.

Xia Minmin walked around the gate of the compound, she deliberately wanted Ji Jingchen and others to see him.

With a cold face on purpose, she looked at Ji Jingchen and the others, but she couldn't see Lu Yanche and Mu Niange. Xia Minmin was surprised. When Mu Yuanling came, Xia Minmin realized that Mu Niange was doing it again. What exactly do you want to make Lu Yanche look like?
Xia Minmin sighed, her heart was full of pain...

Under the watchful eyes of Ji Jingchen, Lu Meiqi, and Mu Yuanling, she walked out of the compound. After they left, Xia Minmin came back naturally, and fell into the eyes of Lu Yanche and Mu Niange...

"Ache, where are you going?"

When Lu Yanche closed the co-pilot's door, Xia Minmin walked up to Lu Yanche and asked softly. Her eyes were on Mu Niange in the car. She deliberately got close to Lu Yanche, wanting to see Mu Niange's Responding, Mu Niange sat with a calm expression...

She didn't even look at Xia Minmin, let alone Lu Yanche, as if it didn't matter.

Xia Minmin was furious.

But in a few days, Mu Niange changed so quickly?

how can that be……

Mu Niange is obviously a jealous person, a person who wants to be jealous, but dare not vent the jealousy in his heart.

Xia Minmin's coincidence happened to be carefully planned in Lu Yanche's view.

Lu Yanche cast a sidelong glance at Xia Minmin, with a cold face, and refused to respond. He avoided Xia Minmin's touch in disgust, and walked towards the car door on the other side.

The smile on Xia Minmin's lips froze. She wanted to make a good impression with Lu Yanche, and wanted to show a brand new self in front of Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche never gave Xia Minmin such a chance...

"Ache, are you not even willing to talk to me anymore?" Xia Minmin followed Lu Yanche with her eyes, unwilling to let go...

Lu Yanche opened the door of the car and went up, without responding to Xia Minmin, he drove away, leaving Xia Minmin messing around in the wind.

Mu Niange chuckled, she turned her head to look at Lu Yanche and said, "Do you really want to keep Xia Minmin there?"

Xia Minmin's appearance was an accident, what could Lu Yanche be reluctant to part with?

Lu Yanche hoped that he would never see Xia Minmin again in his life. Xia Minmin was a scourge, and he often caused Lu Yanche a lot of misery.

"Niange, can I interpret your behavior as jealousy?" Lu Yanche raised her eyebrows, interested in teasing Mu Niange. This is the first time that Mu Niange is so active and calm with her. Lu Yanche talked about Xia Minmin.

To be honest, Mu Niange looked at the scene where Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin were standing together, and looked indifferent, which made Lu Yanche feel very frustrated...

He really wanted to ask Mu Niange, is he so worthless in Mu Niange's heart?

So that whoever Lu Yanche was with didn't care about Mu Niange's affairs?

However, when Xia Minmin asked this sentence, Lu Yanche's gloomy mood dissipated in an instant. He smiled, turned his head to look at Mu Niange, and happened to meet Mu Niange's gaze.

"Do you really think that you are so charming that everyone will like you, just look at you?" Mu Niange smiled disdainfully, and counterattacked Lu Yanche very shamelessly.

Lu Yanche controlled the reverse wheel with one hand. He touched his nose and said narcissistically: "I'm pretty good-looking, and it's normal that there are many girls who like me, but no matter how many girls like me , I like you, and you are the only one, I hope, you can accept my confession to you..."

Lu Yanche's face was neither red nor his heart was beating, and he spoke so bluntly that Mu Niange couldn't help but give Lu Yanche a hard look.

Mu Niange pursed his lips and remained silent.

Lu Yanche was in a happy mood...

For the first time, Xia Minmin's appearance was not an obstacle between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, nor was it a trigger for their unhappiness.

How lucky Lu Yanche was, the person he fell in love with was Mu Niange, if it were someone else, would he be so magnanimous to Lu Yanche?The answer is no, maybe it will turn upside down, to the point of being out of control.

Mu Niange didn't know why he would take the initiative to ask Lu Yanche...

It's an uncontrollable emotion, right?
Looking at Lu Yanche without even looking at Xia Minmin, Mu Niange was secretly refreshed, she thought of her previous feelings, Xia Minmin should be able to understand it well, she didn't add fuel and jealousy, it was a charity for Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin didn't know It doesn't matter if you repay your kindness. Next time, Mu Niange will give Xia Minmin a big, big gift.

When Lu Yanche and Mu Niange went to KTV, Ji Jingchen pulled Lu Meiqi to play crazy. For the first time, seeing Lu Meiqi with such an expression, Lu Yanche couldn't get used to it for a while, but it was Mu Niange who touched Lu Yanche. Arm, Lu Yanche didn't realize it.

(End of this chapter)

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