Chapter 309

Lu Yanche looked sideways at Mu Niange, his expression was a little dazed...

Assuming that Mu Niange left here and met such a group of people who took good care of Mu Niange, would Mu Niange not need Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling and others?

Lu Yanche's heart didn't panic anymore.

He pulled Mu Niange's wrist, and pulled Mu Niange into his arms fiercely. The sudden hug made Mu Niange startled, and he couldn't react for a while. When Mu Niange reacted, Lu Yanche Having regained his composure, he pulled Mu Niange in.

With Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange around, Ji Jingchen dare not be too rampant...

The only place he can choose is this high-end clubhouse, where everything is complete, and he can play whatever he wants.

Ji Jingchen teased Lu Meiqi and asked Lu Meiqi to sing. Lu Meiqi was very angry at Ji Jingchen's joke. She fought back against Ji Jingchen. The two of them tried to sing and let the computer score automatically. Ji Jingchen lost to Lu Meiqi.

When Ji Jingchen saw Lu Yanche, it was like seeing a savior.

He grabbed Lu Yanche's hand and said, "Ah Che, your sister is a lunatic, an incurable lunatic..."

Lu Meiqi was furious again, and rushed forward to beat him. Remembering that when Lu Meiqi was still sick, Ji Jingchen didn't even dare to say a word to Lu Meiqi. Who would have thought that because of Mu Niange, all the relationships in the compound would be destroyed. A sea change has taken place.

"You just need to clean up."

Mu Niange glanced at Ji Jingchen, walked in front of Lu Meiqi, stretched out his hands to rub Lu Meiqi's hair, and said with a bit of doting: "Clean it up hard, if you can't clean it up, you can ask us to help you." .”

After Mu Niange had spoken, Lu Meiqi was even more confident...

Ji Jingchen suddenly thought of Yang Zhishuang, that violent madman, Lu Meiqi was almost as good as her...

Mu Yuanling was drinking at the side, watching Ji Jingchen and Lu Meiqi have a big fight, in fact, what Mu Yuanling would rather see was the scene of Mu Niange's interruption, the picture, all along, Mu Niange was in front of Mu Yuanling, There is only one image, in addition to being obedient, there is only obedience left.

What is Mu Niange's nature? So far, Mu Yuanling has not had a chance to experience it...

"Recite the song, come here."

Mu Yuanling stretched out his hand and motioned for Mu Niange to come over. Mu Niange walked up to Mu Yuanling and sat down without the slightest hesitation. Seeing this scene, Lu Yanche cursed Mu Yuanling inwardly, Mu Yuanling Didn't you help Lu Yanche land at Mu's house?

How did I get here, but hindered Mu Niange and Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche sat opposite Mu Niange and Mu Yuanling, his eyes were fixed on Mu Niange, every move of Mu Niange fell into Lu Yanche's eyes, it seemed that he was used to Lu Yanche's gaze, Mu Niange was not very old Sit intentionally about your own business.

Ji Jingchen and Lu Meiqi were tired from the quarrel, so he went back to the sofa and sat down.

Lu Meiqi pulled Mu Niange affectionately and said, "Sister Niange, this is the first time I've played with my brother and the others, it's really a novel experience..."

Lu Meiqi's eyes lit up, and she was very excited when she spoke. Mu Niange's eyes flickered slightly, and she hummed softly, which was a response to Lu Meiqi. Isn't it the first time for Mu Niange to come out with Mu Yuanling and others?
In the past, as long as there were gatherings related to Lu Yanche and others, Mu Niange did not show up. There was only one reason, Xia Minmin was blocking her. She said that Mu Niange was not used to such opportunities, and then Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange, He really thought that Mu Niange was not used to it, and he didn't want to force Mu Niange, so he left Mu Niange in the compound.

As everyone knows, how much Mu Niange longs to enter Lu Yanche's world...

Why didn't Lu Yanche ask Mu Niange a question?As long as Lu Yanche asked, Mu Niange would definitely answer truthfully.

Mu Niange's expression darkened.

Seeing Mu Niange's expression, Lu Yanche felt a pain in his heart, thinking of his previous stupidity, it must have been Mu Niange's various regrets, Lu Yanche was filled with guilt, and wanted to comfort Mu Niange, but he really didn't know how to comfort him.

Ji Jingchen is a rather nervous person.

Hearing what Lu Meiqi said, he cut it off, and said indifferently: "It's not just you, it's also the first time to read a song..."

Then, the anger suddenly turned into embarrassment.

Ji Jingchen realized that he had said the wrong thing, and even wished to cut off his tongue. Did Ji Jingchen want to bring Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou out to talk about it?
Ji Jingchen is really stupid...

"Ha ha……"

Ji Jingchen laughed dryly, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Lu Meiqi gave Ji Jingchen a hard look. What she wanted to say was that Ji Jingchen was a pig at all. Lu Meiqi didn't know the situation, so didn't Ji Jingchen know the situation?

"Hey, sister Niange and I finally have the same thing. If this is the case, you should stop such activities in the future and let me come and participate with sister Niange..." Lu Meiqi pointed to Ji Jingchen with a finger Said in an imperative tone.

Lu Meiqi was helping Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen naturally responded, and then, Ji Jingchen's eyes became a little ambiguous: "Meiqi, look at what you said, will I not ask you to read songs with me if there is an event?"

"However, I made an appointment to read the song, and Ah Che followed. I really can't guarantee if I can call out the song. Why don't you ask your brother to see if he has the ability?"

Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows, watching Erlang sitting on his legs.

Lu Yanche took a sip of his wine, he glanced at Ji Jingchen, and said nothing.

Ji Jingchen couldn't help swallowing, thinking of what Mu Niange asked Mu Yuanling to tell him, Ji Jingchen actually felt a little funny...

"Well, what you said makes sense. Not everyone can make an appointment for reciting songs." Mu Yuanling spoke at the right time, and Ji Jingchen cast a grateful look at Mu Yuanling, if it wasn't for Mu Yuanling With Yuan Ling's support, Ji Jingchen was really afraid that Lu Yanche would take revenge on him afterwards.


"Then next time, don't call me and Sister Niange to come out, you let my brother call us, and I will enjoy the treatment of Sister Niange."

Lu Meiqi is also on Mu Niange's side. Thinking of Lu Yanche's debt to Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi pretended not to understand and helped Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen gave Lu Meiqi a look that you are really good at, and Lu Meiqi did not hide it Responding with a look of course...

The rest is the silence of Mu Niange.

She picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip of the wine.

In fact, Mu Niange doesn't like drinking at all. When drinking, Mu Niange always has the urge to go to the toilet...

(End of this chapter)

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