Chapter 310

Ji Jingchen, Lu Meiqi, and Mu Yuanling's intentional teasing, how could Mu Niange not hear it?

Lu Yanche's burning eyes fell directly on Mu Niange's body, as if waiting for Mu Niange's response. At the end, Mu Niange smiled lightly. She reached out and rubbed Lu Meiqi's hair, and said as a matter of course: "If you want to get in touch with the girl you like, shouldn't you take the initiative?"

"Meiqi, it's not that you enjoy my treatment, but that you have the capital to get this kind of treatment. For example... Ji Jingchen wants to ask you out, you can't easily agree, you have to give him some tests until you are satisfied, before considering Now, do you want to come out with him?"

There was something in Mu Niange's words, which seemed to be for Lu Meiqi to hear, but in fact, it was also for Lu Yanche to hear.

This time, Mu Niange asked Mrs. Mu to be Mu Niange's backer, and she wanted Lu Yanche to know that asking herself out was not an easy matter, Lu Yanche had to cherish every time alone together, Otherwise, Mu Niange couldn't guarantee when the next time he promised Lu Yanche to come out.

A smile curled up on the corner of Lu Yanche's lips.

He glanced at Ji Jingchen, nodded in agreement and said, "Mei Qi, what Nian Ge said is right, if anyone wants to ask you out, you have to give him some tests, think about it..."

Did Ji Jingchen get shot while sitting?
He was obviously helping Lu Yanche, why did it turn into Lu Yanche framing Ji Jingchen in the blink of an eye?Did Lu Yanche want to treat Ji Jingchen's kindness like a donkey?

"Hey, you inhumane people want to lock Meiqi at home, otherwise Meiqi will go out? If you want me to say, if I ask Meiqi to go out, Meiqi should agree to me unconditionally, and I will take Meiqi with her." , seeing all the most beautiful objects in the world.”

Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows and said proudly.

Lu Meiqi rolled her eyes, and said helplessly: "Brother Jingchen, in my opinion, you are the most unreliable, I think I should listen to my brother and sister Niange, before going out with you, you must Think twice……"

Ji Jingchen got angry, picked up the wine glass on the table, and took a sip.

Under the leadership of Ji Jingchen, the atmosphere is developing very well, but unfortunately... Mu Yuanling has never been a person who likes to join in the fun. In the past, when Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou came out, they sat around Lu Yanche on one left and one on the right. Talking this and that in Lu Yanche's ear, Mu Yuanling stood opposite them, watching quietly...

Mu Yuanling probably didn't mean it.

His thoughts wandered far away. He forgot how he felt when he saw that scene. Anyway, it was not very good, because Mu Yuanling knew that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche had been in a relationship before. At that time, were Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou and others also close like this?

As Mu Yuanling thought about it, his brows were furrowed...

He deliberately sat next to Mu Niange under Lu Yanche's gaze, and from time to time he leaned into Mu Niange's ear and whispered to Mu Niange. Yuan Ling did such a scene because he wanted to show it to Lu Yanche.

Mu Yuanling is Mu Niange's cousin, and it's perfectly normal for Mu Yuanling to be close to Mu Niange, but why did Lu Yanche feel so dazzling when such a scene fell into Lu Yanche's eyes?

Lu Yanche knew that he didn't have the right to stop Mu Yuanling, he was nothing but Mu Niange's suitor, Mu Yuanling was even more angry with Lu Yanche, and didn't treat Lu Yanche as a brother , unless Lu Yanche can handle his emotional problems well.

Lu Yanche was distraught, glass after glass of wine was running down his throat.

When Mu Niange saw Lu Yanche who was drinking hard, Mu Niange finally understood that Mu Yuanling's intention was.

When Mu Yuanling approached, Mu Niange said softly, "Brother, you actually don't need to do this..."

Mu Yuanling wanted Lu Yanche to be uncomfortable, and Mu Niange had thousands of ways to make Lu Yanche uncomfortable, and there was no need for Mu Yuanling to play.

Mu Niange was slow to react, Mu Yuanling had been doing this for so long, did Mu Niange happen?Mu Yuanling raised his eyebrows, glanced at Lu Yanche casually, and said with a smile, "I didn't deliberately show it to Ah Che, but you paid too much attention to Ah Che, so you think about me in that direction?"

Mu Niange's expression changed, and she gave Mu Yuanling a hard look...

It was not a good experience for Mu Yuanling to expose his concerns.

"Niange, when you looked at Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou so close to Lu Yanche, what kind of feeling did you feel in your heart? Are you like Lu Yanche, who would sit there and drink wine?"

Mu Yuanling's words lingered in Mu Niange's mind, she was stunned, unable to recover for a long time, she never thought that since Mu Yuanling thought of such a layer for herself, recalling the past I, with the former Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, besides laughing, I can only laugh, but this smile has a trace of bitterness...

No one can understand the feelings in someone's heart, only when you experience it yourself, you will understand.

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Under Ji Jingchen's leadership, Lu Meiqi entered a crazy mode. She drank some wine and fell into a state of intoxication. Ji Jingchen's original intention was not to drink Lu Meiqi, but just thinking, there are some things that Lu Meiqi must do. Give it a try, you can't go on in the old-fashioned way.

Ji Jingchen put Lu Meiqi on the sofa and let Lu Meiqi find a comfortable position to fall asleep.

He walked up to Lu Yanche's side, touched Lu Yanche and said, "Mei Qi is drinking, do you want to get her back first?"

Ji Jingchen also drank some wine. Although not as strong as Lu Meiqi's wine, he was still a little confused. When he touched Lu Yanche, he clearly felt a cold light from Lu Yanche shooting at him. Ji Jingchen trembled slightly, and he flinched. Body, stammering a bit: "I think it's getting late, why don't you go back?"

Hearing this, Mu Yuanling was the first to stand up from the sofa. He glanced at Mu Niange next to him, nodded and said, "Well, let's go back. My mother told me that before two o'clock, I must read the song. bring home."

"Let's go..."

Ji Jingchen nodded, walked over to help Lu Meiqi up, and looked at Lu Yanche, still sitting on the sofa, he was motionless, making people a little unpredictable...

"Recite the song, recite the song..." Ji Jingchen yelled at Mu Niange who was walking in front: "Go and see Ah Che, is he drinking? There is no movement at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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