Chapter 311

When Mu Niange heard the words, her steps stopped, and she subconsciously glanced at Mu Yuanling beside her. Mu Yuanling gave Mu Niange a comforting look, and motioned for Mu Niange to take a look, but Mu Niange hesitated After a while, he finally picked up his steps and walked towards Lu Yanche.

What Mu Yuanling said made Mu Niange very concerned.

Thinking of the past, Mu Niange felt depressed and uncomfortable...

If Lu Yanche could pay attention a little bit, Mu Niange would not be so uncomfortable. Since Lu Yanche would be very concerned when he saw Mu Yuanling in contact with Mu Niange, then Mu Niange wanted to see it. When Lu Yanche was uncomfortable , what is it like.

Everything Mu Niange did was either intentional or deliberate...

Don't look at Lu Yanche, don't care about Lu Yanche, talk to anyone present, don't say half a word to Lu Yanche, if Lu Yanche wants to talk to Mu Niange, it depends on Mu Niange's mood, maybe Lu Yanche doesn't know , compared to Mu Niange's pain, Lu Yanche's current pain is nothing at all.

Lu Yanche felt a little ridiculous.

When he saw Mu Niange in contact with Mu Yuanling, he felt it was dazzling, but in a blink of an eye, isn't Mu Yuanling the most qualified person to be in contact with Mu Niange?

Lu Yanche is insecure. In Lu Yanche's eyes, Mu Niange is concerned about gains and losses. Her attitude is to turn around at any time. It seems that as long as Lu Yanche does something that doesn't go well with Mu Niange, he will be with him all his life. It is impossible for Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche knew that he deserved it, he wanted to make up, he wanted to make up, and he wanted to get along with Mu Niange.

But Mu Niange didn't give Lu Yanche such a chance, what Lu Yanche said and what he did was useless, Lu Yanche slowly closed his eyes, hiding the pain in his eyes.

He was obviously leaning on the soft sofa, but he couldn't feel any comfort. On the contrary, his heart was hurting, tingling after another. Lu Yanche didn't want to move, didn't want to open his eyes because of the pain. I want to maintain this posture and continue...

Ji Jingchen's voice came next to Lu Yanche's ear, followed by the sound of powerful footsteps.

Lu Yanche's heart moved, and he dared not open his eyes to look. He was afraid of being disappointed. He was afraid that the person who came was not Mu Niange. Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche a chance. It depends on Lu Yanche's performance. At this time, Lu Yanche should show a gentleman's demeanor , sent Mu Niange home, then kissed Mu Niange's forehead, let Mu Niange rest earlier.


Under the influence of alcohol, Lu Yanche wanted to wake up, but couldn't.

What was Lu Yanche thinking in his heart, Mu Niange didn't want to expose Lu Yanche's secrets, nor did he want to explore Lu Yanche's secrets, everyone should have a secret of their own in their hearts.

Mu Niange walked slowly into Lu Yanche, and found that Lu Yanche was leaning on the sofa motionless, a smell of alcohol entered Mu Niange's nose, Mu Niange frowned, quickened his pace, She pushed Lu Yanche's shoulder fiercely and said, "Hey, Lu Yanche..."

Lu Yanche opened his eyes, stretched out his long arms, grabbed Mu Niange's wrist, and pulled Mu Niange into his arms fiercely.

Lu Yanche's sudden action frightened Mu Niange. Mu Niange exclaimed and looked towards the door. Ji Jingchen and others all left the box at some point. At this moment, only Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were left in the box. Between the two of them, Mu Niange's head was firmly held in Lu Yanche's arms, and Mu Niange heard Lu Yanche's powerful heartbeat, and his heart was beating thumpingly.

Mu Niange's face turned red in disappointment.

She broke free from Lu Yanche, and wanted to get up from Lu Yanche's arms, but Lu Yanche was such a bastard, such a bastard, with such strength that Mu Niange couldn't break free...

Mu Niange got angry, looked up at Lu Yanche, gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Yanche, don't pretend to be drunk in front of me, I know you are sober, let me go!"

Lu Yanche was pretending to be drunk, and he was only willing to pretend to be drunk in front of Mu Niange.

Hearing Mu Niange's words, instead of letting go of Mu Niange, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange even tighter. He buried his head on Mu Niange's shoulder, allowing Mu Niange's Taste: "Recite a song..."

Lu Yanche called Mu Niange's name affectionately.

The deepest part of Mu Niange's heart was gently stirred by Lu Yanche's voice.

Mu Niange's struggle to break free stopped, and she nestled in Lu Yanche's arms in a daze. For a moment, she didn't know how to resist, let alone ask Lu Yanche, what was going on, she obviously felt it, what Lu Yanche revealed Slightly sad.

"Sing a song, I'm sorry."

Lu Yanche buried his head deeper on Mu Niange's shoulder, and kissed Mu Niange's neck lightly: "I finally understand, when you look at me with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, what is in your heart? How did it feel."

"It was a very powerless, powerless feeling. I really wanted to speak and resist, but I didn't know if I had the qualifications to say such a thing. When I said such a thing, how would the other party think of me? , I'm blind, I don't know how to estimate your feelings, I'm really sorry for reciting the song..."


It turns out that Lu Yanche came to this conclusion after watching Mu Niange get close to Mu Yuanling.

But, is it true that Lu Yanche is out of his mind?

Mu Yuanling is his elder brother, and even Mu Yuanling is jealous of Lu Yanche, so when Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao walked together, what kind of fluctuations did Lu Yanche have in his heart?
Mu Niange was suddenly curious and wanted to know...

Think about it, Mu Niange hasn't been in contact with Mo Yunhao for a while, Lu Yanche's sense of crisis is only here, and Mu Niange seems to need to add some difficulty to Lu Yanche.

"Let me go." Mu Niange didn't respond to Lu Yanche's question directly. She pulled Lu Yanche's hand away, wanting to get out of Lu Yanche's arms. The wrong posture made Mu Niange feel a little uncomfortable.

"Recite the song, you're blaming me after all."

Lu Yanche really doesn't want to let go of Mu Niange, only by allowing the smell of Mu Niange can Lu Yanche feel at ease...

Unprecedented peace of mind, as if Mu Niange's whole life belonged to Lu Yanche, and no one could take Mu Niange away.

"Lu Yanche, are you joking? You feel bad when you see me getting close to my brother, so don't I feel bad when I see you getting close to other girls? You don't think of yourself as a human being, Or do you not regard me as a human being? It is said that girls in love are so narrow-minded..."

(End of this chapter)

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