Chapter 312

"And you, you didn't treat me as a narrow-minded girl at all. Instead, you thought that I was very generous, so no matter what you did, I must tolerate you, accept you, and stood aside silently. Look, I feel uncomfortable, but I am uncomfortable, I have to admit it to myself, I can't let you know, let alone bear half of the burden for me, Lu Yanche, you are really a selfish person!"

"Yes, I am a selfish person. I want to take you as my own, so that there is no one around you. You belong to me alone. What you see in your eyes is only me. people!"

Lu Yanche didn't refute Mu Niange's meaning, but rather cooperated with Mu Niange's words.

He let go of Mu Niange from his arms, held Mu Niange's shoulders tightly with both hands, and looked at Mu Niange with deep eyes and said: "But it's because I am a selfish person , you like me, don't you? I admit that I have a lot of immaturity, and there are many things that need to be improved, but you can't doubt my sincerity to you. Hope, you quietly watch me with other girls, and then you are indifferent?"

What Lu Yanche didn't tell Mu Niange was that Lu Yanche had expectations in his heart...

In the past, every time Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou came out to look for Lu Yanche and asked Lu Yanche to go here or somewhere together, Lu Yanche expected Mu Niange to say to Lu Yanche: "Don't go, I don't like you being with them, I don't like you I just want you to be with me."

Even if Mu Niange said it once, as long as it was once, Lu Yanche would remember it deeply in his heart, and he would never go out with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou.

No matter what they say to Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche will not be moved, but Mu Niange is not, Lu Yanche is full of joyful anticipation, and what comes to expect is Mu Niange's far-fetched smile. Mu Niange said: "I don't want to go , go and play..."

Then, Lu Yanche really listened to Mu Niange's words, and went out to play with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou.

Lu Yanche had never confessed his feelings to Mu Niange in front of Mu Niange. Lu Yanche thought that Mu Niange understood, but it's a pity that Mu Niange didn't understand...

They are all looking forward to it, but they are afraid that what they expect will not be the same as what they expected, so they choose to remain silent, get hurt in silence, and suffer in silence.

"You are simply unreasonable!"

Mu Niange was in pain from being caught by Lu Yanche, she frowned and said to Lu Yanche fiercely: "You want to pretend to be drunk in front of me now, let me open a way for you, let you Walking through the back door, you no longer need to pursue me step by step, just to deceive me directly?"

"Lu Yanche, let me tell you, don't talk about doors, you don't even have windows. If you don't have the patience to walk step by step, you can just choose to give up. No one will force you, and no one will force you to stay ..."

What Mu Niange said was really hurtful enough.

When Lu Yanche left, Mu Niange would not force Lu Yanche to stay, let alone force Lu Yanche. After all, Mu Niange didn't care about landing Lu Yanche, otherwise, Mu Niange would not have said such a thing.

A gloomy look flashed across Lu Yanche's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

He shook his head and said firmly: "Nange, no matter what, I will never give up on you. You are talking so excitedly, I really think that it is you who want to give up on me and hate me... ..."

"This game was started by you. I don't allow you to stop if you say stop. At the very least, you respect my choice. When I didn't say give up, you can't force me to give up!"

and so……

What Mu Niange said to Lu Yanche just now was all nonsense. Lu Yanche just wanted to apologize to Mu Niange, to apologize for Lu Yanche's stupidity back then, to apologize to Lu Yanche for failing to see through Mu Niange's mind?
Bitterness spread in Mu Niange's heart...

Lu Yanche was at fault, but Mu Niange was not at fault. Mutual retreat has created today's situation. If Mu Niange retreats and Lu Yanche enters, or if Lu Yanche retreats and Mu Niange enters, there will be no separation between them. to such a step.

Mu Niange turned away from looking at Lu Yanche, she bit her lower lip with a complicated expression.

Lu Yanche slowly let go of Mu Niange, and Mu Niange stood up from Lu Yanche's arms. She turned her back to Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche couldn't see Mu Niange's expression clearly, Lu Yanche had a headache Rubbing between her brows, she said helplessly, "Recite the song, I think, I'm really drunk..."

"I don't like drunk people the least."

Mu Niange left a casual sentence, and quickly walked out of the box.

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche arrived at the entrance of the club one after the other. Ji Jingchen, Mu Yuanling, Lu Meiqi and others had already left. Not what Mu Niange hoped for...

Mu Niange only drank a sip of wine just now, driving is not a problem.

When Lu Yanche came up, she hurriedly said something to Lu Yanche, snatched the car keys from Lu Yanche, and walked towards the parking lot. When Mu Niange drove the car to the door of the clubhouse, Lu Yanche stepped forward, naturally He opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

He put on his seat belt, leaned back, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Seeing Lu Yanche like this, Mu Niange felt uncomfortable.

This is the first time for Mu Niange to see Lu Yanche drunk, and he doesn't know what's so good about drinking. As for making Lu Yanche so obsessed?
Mu Niange drove the car without saying a word, and drove towards the compound. Mu Niange drove the car directly to the door of Lu Yanche's house. After she got out of the car, she walked to the door of the co-pilot and got Lu Yanche out of it. After coming out, Lu Yanche was not really drunk, but he enjoyed the smell of Mu Niange approaching, so he simply regarded himself as a drunk person.

"Can you stand still..."

After Mu Niange got Lu Yanche off, Lu Yanche choked on his feet and almost wrestled Mu Niange. Mu Niange yelled at Lu Yanche angrily.

Lu Yanche hummed, wondering if he was responding to Mu Niange, the steps on her feet did not stabilize at all, but became more messy, Mu Niange was really going crazy, why did she agree to go out with Lu Yanche, and then help Lu Yanche cleaning up such a mess?

Mu Niange helped Lu Yanche to the door of Lu's house. He wanted to make a call and asked Lu Meiqi to come down to help. Lu Yanche took out his key one step faster than Mu Niange, and he waved it in front of Mu Niange: " open……"

(End of this chapter)

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