Chapter 330

Xia Minmin is a typical shameless person. Mu Niange is used to this kind of Xia Minmin, so she didn't care much about it. On the contrary, Yang Zhishuang couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up in a hurry, pointed at Xia Minmin and yelled: "I really I admire you very much. You can maintain this shameless attitude at all times. The world is fair. If you can't compete with others, you will naturally be pulled down. You want to play with Lu Yanche and the others, have you asked them? Opinion, do they want to see you? When they see you, will they have a disgusting reaction and want to vomit?"

Although Yang Zhishuang didn't say it to Xia Youyou, Xia Youyou was also involved in her words.

The expressions of Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou changed at the same time...

Xia Minmin strode forward, pushed Yang Zhishuang's shoulder and said, "What are you? What right do you have to make irresponsible remarks here?"

Xia Minmin's arrival was so sudden that Yang Zhishuang was caught off guard. Yang Zhishuang took a step back, Mu Niange's eyes turned cold, and she pulled Xia Minmin's hand that was holding Yang Zhishuang up and said, "Who gave you the guts to let you stand in front of me?" Are you bullying my friends in front of me?"

Xia Minmin laughed twice: "Do you think you are really a thing? I dare to bully you, let alone your friend..."

Xia Minmin talked quickly for a while, but forgot her purpose of coming here.

Xia Youyou was really speechless. She wanted to stop Xia Minmin, but also felt that if she came out at this time, her image would be damaged. She looked at Xia Minmin's mischief without the slightest emotion.

Yang Zhishuang became angry, and raised her hand to slap Xia Minmin, but Mu Niange stopped her, "Shuangshuang, don't..."

For Chinese New Year, Mu Niange doesn't want to make matters worse, and he doesn't want to embarrass Lu Yanche, himself, and Yang Zhishuang. How can I put it this way, this is a big courtyard, and the big courtyard has the rules of the big courtyard, just like Xia Youyou As said, they were originally together, Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange came in halfway.

Yang Zhishuang's hand hanging in mid-air reluctantly took it back...

She glared at Mu Niange to show her dissatisfaction.

Mu Niange smiled helplessly, and shook Xia Minmin's hand away. She was not looking at Xia Minmin, she took Yang Zhishuang's hand, walked towards the gate of the compound, and said, "We can't control other people's thoughts, but we can control our own. I don't want to be that kind of person without quality, so you and I have to restrain our temper, after is New Year's Eve, I don't want to make you feel unhappy because of me. "

Mu Niange said casually.

Yang Zhishuang listened, her heart was moved.

Mu Niange was like this, silently thinking about Yang Zhishuang, not letting Yang Zhishuang know what was going on...

Yang Zhishuang sighed, acquiescing to Mu Niange's meaning at the time and said: "You are right, there is no need to spoil my mood for some uneducated people, go away, go play."

Yang Zhishuang immediately became excited.

Because I'm going to the night market, it's very inconvenient to drive...

A group of six people, including Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou who came uninvited, a total of eight people, headed towards the night market. Xia Youyou and Xia Minmin walked to the back, no one paid attention to them, Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi was taken by Lu Yanche and others To protect in the middle.

They took taxis in batches and got off at the night market. There were so many people, it was really scary...

Mu Yuanling subconsciously wanted to protect Mu Niange in his arms, but who would have thought that Lu Yanche would take the first step, walked to Mu Niange's side, and made a move to protect Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang blinked her eyes as if Without knowing it, she continued to hold Mu Niange's arm.

Ji Jingchen stood on the other side of Yang Zhishuang very understandingly, and then, Lu Meiqi was pushed out, she gave Lu Yanche a look, and complained: "Brother, you are really a person who forgets friends after seeing sex..."

Although Lu Meiqi complained about landing on Lu Yanche, she was also happy for Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche finally knew that he was going to take the initiative instead of waiting for Mu Niange to come to Lu Yanche's side and let Lu Yanche do it. After a while, she gradually became acquainted with Mu Yuanling, and she treated Mu Yuanling as her elder brother.

She ran to Mu Yuanling's side, took Mu Yuanling's arm and said, "Brother, it doesn't matter if you don't care about me, there is another brother who cares about me."

As Lu Meiqi said, she giggled at Mu Yuanling and hugged her thigh.

Mu Yuanling touched Lu Meiqi's head, but didn't say anything. It seemed that this was the only way to go. What this brother Mu Yuanling did was really not easy...

Seeing that Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang and others had made the assignment, both Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou felt very uncomfortable. Xia Youyou felt her eye sockets heat up, and there was liquid swirling in them. She remembered last year's New Year's Eve, when Lu Yanche ignored herself So what?

At least she has Ji Jingchen's fat companion by her side. Now, she has nothing, and she has to follow Xia Minmin here to suffer.

Xia Youyou really didn't understand what she was thinking, did she want to seek guilt?

But thinking that Lu Yanche would be played by Mu Niange was very sad, and Xia Youyou couldn't bear it. It wasn't that Xia Youyou didn't believe in Mu Niange, but that Xia Youyou and Xia Minmin's harm to Mu Niange was enough to make Mu Niange Song has the heart to revenge.

You can never see clearly what the other person is thinking.

You can only try step by step...

When you find out what it is, you can further control it.

"Mu Niange, this bitch, doesn't make friends with any good people..." Xia Minmin glared at the backs of Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang, she subconsciously cursed, and the hand holding Xia Youyou's arm tightened slightly, as if she wanted to Vent the anger in my heart.

Xia Youyou frowned when she saw such Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin's emotions have always been better controlled than Xia Youyou's, what's going on now?

Being so eager to reveal what's on your mind?
Thinking of Xia Minmin saying that she just wanted to see if Mu Niange wanted to take revenge on Lu Yanche, Xia Youyou suddenly felt a little ridiculous, Xia Minmin didn't look like such a good person at all...

"Xia Minmin, let me warn you one last time. Don't think that you can still use me to achieve your goals. When you use me, the price you pay will definitely not be as small as you think."

Xia Youyou simply shook off Xia Minmin's hand, she said with a cold face, without any emotion.

Hearing this, Xia Minmin realized her gaffe. She smiled coyly, shrugged her shoulders disapprovingly and said, "Sister, is she scared and wants to run away?"

"What kind of person I am, I know in my heart, what purpose I have, and I also know in my heart, before, I was able to use you to deal with Mu Niange, because at that time you only wanted to land on Lu Yanche It would be yours to be so stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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