Chapter 331

"Are you stupid now?"

Xia Minmin looked at Xia Youyou up and down, and asked Xia Youyou...

This question left Xia Youyou speechless. She looked away from Xia Minmin and did not respond...

Seeing that Lu Yanche and the others were going to walk in batches, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou looked at each other, arm in arm, and followed behind Lu Yanche and Mu Niange. Yang Zhishuang was also quite soft-hearted. Well, on the one hand, I am worried that Mu Niange will be hurt.

and so……

In a crowded place, she took the initiative to let go of Mu Niange, and Lu Yanche took advantage of the opportunity to embrace Mu Niange into her arms. Lu Yanche looked at Yang Zhishuang, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Yang Zhishuang looked away unnaturally, she wasn't trying to help Lu Yanche, she was helping Mu Niange, and even stimulating Xia Minmin, and Xia Youyou, didn't they always follow behind?Let them see how deep the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche is, not everyone can compare.

Ji Jingchen put one hand on Yang Zhishuang's shoulder, and said very naturally, "I'm not so cruel, why did you say so? You also want to see that Nian Ge is getting better with Ah Che? In fact, Ah Che is really He likes reciting songs very much, for reciting songs, he can do a lot of things, but you have never experienced these things, you will feel that what Ah Che brings to reciting songs will always only hurt..."

Ji Jingchen glanced at Mu Niange and Lu Yanche walking away, and said helplessly.

Did Yang Zhishuang come to hear Ji Jingchen read Lu Yanche's words?
Yang Zhishuang gave Ji Jingchen a blank look, and said impatiently: "I really doubt that you are gay, and then Lu Yanche is the object of your crush, and you help Lu Yanche worry about everything, are you Lu Yanche's mother?"

Ji Jingchen's weak heart was severely hurt by Yang Zhishuang.

He simply shut up and stopped talking about Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche is Ji Jingchen's good brother and Yang Zhishuang is Mu Niange's best friend. Shouldn't Yang Zhishuang ask Ji Jingchen something about Lu Yanche?

Ji Jingchen made a big mistake, and forgive Yang Zhishuang for not being a gossip and mother-in-law.

If she wants to know, she will naturally know. When she doesn't want to know, no one can force Yang Zhishuang. This is Yang Zhishuang's personality...

Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange tightly in his arms, preventing people around him from touching Mu Niange, squeezing into Mu Niange, this feeling of being cared for by Lu Yanche is really long gone, long gone to Mu Niange The song was almost forgotten, but Mu Niange didn't say anything, just letting Lu Yanche hug him.

When Mu Niange saw the beautiful flowers, he broke free from Lu Yanche slightly, and motioned for Lu Yanche to let him go...

Lu Yanche understood Mu Niange's meaning, and cooperated with Mu Niange very well. Mu Niange's not resisting Lu Yanche's landing was the greatest gift to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche secretly smiled in his heart. When Lu Yanche turned around, he saw Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche When Xia Youyou's figure appeared, the original good mood was wiped out in an instant.

Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, the two lingering ghosts, always appear when Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are alone together...

What kind of thoughts they hold, Lu Yanche can't guess, let alone know, but what Lu Yanche knows will make Mu Niange very unhappy.

Therefore, after Mu Niange took a fancy to the flowers, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange into his arms, and hugged him even tighter. Mu Niange was almost out of breath. Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou had long been forgotten by Mu Niange , Mu Niange wouldn't have remembered it if he hadn't noticed Lu Yanche's abnormality.

Thinking of this, Mu Niange couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you nervous about?"

Lu Yanche's nervousness is so obvious that a fool can't see it...

"I'm nervous about you, worried that you'll be hit, or maybe I just didn't pay attention and you disappeared from my sight." Lu Yanche patted Mu Niange's head, and explained with a chuckle.

Lu Yanche's answer made Mu Niange slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but it was beyond Mu Niange's expectation. Mu Niange thought that Lu Yanche would say, this time, it is absolutely impossible for them to take the position from my side. The position where only you can stand.

Mu Niange lowered his eyes, feeling a little complicated...

"What, are you shy?"

Seeing Mu Niange like this, Lu Yanche couldn't help but want to tease Mu Niange, Mu Niange raised his head and glared at Lu Yanche, without responding.

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche walked very slowly, and Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, who were following behind, naturally also walked very slowly. The two entangled figures are so inseparable. It's really enviable to look at them, but at this moment The feeling that Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou felt in their hearts was not envy, but jealousy.

Jealousy is a bad emotion.

It will make you extreme and do some bad things.

But you can't control this emotion, you can only let her do it...

Xia Youyou laughed at herself and said: "Do you remember, once, Ah Che and Mu Niange walked like this, and then the two of us went up and separated them abruptly. At that time, you and I both Very proud, Mu Niange stood at the side with a look of helplessness, not knowing what to do, Ah Che wanted to hold Mu Niange's hand, but we stopped him, and in the end, we walked alone on Ah Che's side, Then Mu Niange followed behind, I don't know what kind of mood Mu Niange was in at that time, anyway, at this moment, I was very jealous, I was jealous that Mu Niange had Ah Che..."

"But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I feel that I deserve it. If we hadn't done that, Ah Che and Mu Niange broke up, and one of us might have a chance to be in charge..."

However, in this world, if there is no early knowledge, there is no if.

Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou were not only wrong, but also missed a very good opportunity...

You said, a person with such low self-esteem as Mu Niange has stayed by Lu Yanche's side for a long time, wouldn't he feel that he is not worthy of Lu Yanche?

At a certain point, Mu Niange broke out, and she and Lu Yanche were done playing with each other naturally, there was no need for Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou to fight, it was just unnecessary...

Xia Minmin chuckled, and sarcastically said: "Sister, are you fantasizing? Without our obstruction, the relationship between Ah Che and Mu Niange will only develop faster. You have eyes, you Can't you tell that Ah Che loves Mu Niange very much? If it weren't for the fact that we grew up with Ah Che and had a different friendship, Ah Che might have indulged us, circling around him, letting him Did Mu Niange ignore it?"

The answer is impossible...

It's impossible for Lu Yanche to do that.

Xia Minmin had seen girls who wanted to get close to Lu Yanche and even strike up a conversation with Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche mercilessly rejected them all...

(End of this chapter)

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