Chapter 332

Only Mu Niange was an accident, a girl that Lu Yanche took the initiative to approach, even Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou could not compare with Mu Niange.

Xia Minmin gritted her teeth in hatred.

Xia Youyou talked about these past events for no reason, what exactly did she want?

"What you said makes sense..." Xia Youyou's expression darkened, and a bitter smile rose from the corner of her lips.

"Hurry up, Ah Che and Mu Niange are about to disappear." Xia Minmin pulled Xia Youyou, and quickly caught up with Mu Niange and Lu Yanche. Xia Minmin didn't want to get close at first, but after Xia Youyou said, Xia Minmin had no choice but to get close if she didn't want to get close.

She deliberately pushed Xia Youyou to the other side of Lu Yanche.

Xia Youyou didn't have the slightest precautions, bumped into Lu Yanche, Xia Youyou's face turned red, not because of shyness, but because she was uncomfortable, she shouldn't have to deal with Lu Yanche in such a way...

The purpose of her and Xia Minmin's coming here is obvious. What is Xia Minmin trying to do by making such a show?

Xia Youyou was annoyed that she agreed to Xia Minmin's request, she gave Xia Minmin a hard look, Xia Minmin smiled disapprovingly, stepped forward and took Xia Youyou's shoulders, and said naturally: "Sister, we finally met Ah Che and Nian Ge, of course we have to get closer to them, so as not to get separated later and don't know where to find them..."

Xia Minmin didn't let herself get close to Lu Yanche because she knew that Lu Yanche would mercilessly push herself away.

However, Xia Youyou is different...

Although Lu Yanche used to hate Xia Youyou very much and did all kinds of actions that hurt Xia Youyou, but after learning the truth, Lu Yanche never did anything to Xia Youyou again. In Lu Yanche's heart, he felt a little guilty towards Xia Youyou ...

Lu Yanche and Mu Niange lived so well in their world.

The appearance of Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou broke the tranquility. Lu Yanche's eyes turned cold, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes. When Xia Youyou approached, he subconsciously wanted to push Xia Youyou away, and was embraced by Lu Yanche Mu Niange in the middle glanced at Xia Youyou casually, but didn't say anything.

In the end, Lu Yanche did not push Xia Youyou away, but walked towards other places with Mu Niange...

Mu Niange was moved by Lu Yanche's actions. What Lu Yanche wanted to express, Mu Niange couldn't be more clear. She didn't speak, didn't look at Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, and didn't pay attention to the change in Lu Yanche's expression. Maybe it's because Mu Niange believed it in his heart.

Lu Yanche has changed, and will not let the deeds of six years ago repeat itself again...

Sure enough, what Mu Niange thought was right, Lu Yanche took Mu Niange away from Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's sight, on the one hand, he didn't want the two of them to fall into Mu Niange's eyes, which would affect Mu Niange's mood On the one hand, I don't want to give them the opportunity to make small moves.

Lu Yanche had experienced their methods more than once, but each time, Lu Yanche was so caught off guard and severely hurt Mu Niange beside him.

Lu Yanche laughed at himself in his heart...

It doesn't matter what kind of person he wants to become, as long as Mu Niange is happy, as long as Mu Niange is happy, that is Lu Yanche's pursuit and can satisfy Lu Yanche.

"Are you afraid that Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou will push me away from you, or are you afraid that if you don't have the strength to concentrate, you will trust Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou again and ignore me?" Mu Niange raised his eyebrows With a pick, he looked up at Lu Yanche and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche had a playful smile on his lips. He pinched Mu Niange's nose, and said dotingly, "What do you think?"

Mu Niange was taken aback by Lu Yanche's sudden action. Mu Niange, who couldn't react, looked at Lu Yanche with blank eyes. Lu Yanche hooked up her buried deep memory, remembering the past , Lu Yanche's two favorite movements are stroking Mu Niange's head and pinching Mu Niange's nose.

That doting eyes made Mu Niange feel sweet...

But later, when Mu Niange saw that Lu Yanche was stroking Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's head, Mu Niange didn't like the act of stroking the head anymore, and the only thing left was to pinch his nose...

Lu Yanche did it on purpose, he wanted to remind Mu Niange of the past and move Mu Niange's heart, and relying on Lu Yanche's hard work, then Mu Niange and Lu Yanche reunited logically.

Mu Niange laughed uncontrollably, she shook her head and said, "I don't know what you're thinking, and I'm not interested in knowing, the only thing I know is that today, at this time, you're going to do something that dissatisfies me , I think, there is no chance between us anymore..."

This can be regarded as Mu Niange's showdown with Lu Yanche.

He didn't want to give Lu Yanche extra opportunities, and he didn't want Lu Yanche to think that Lu Yanche was special and that he wasn't one of Mu Niange's suitors.

What Mu Niange said was deeply remembered by Lu Yanche. He didn't respond to Mu Niange, but looked forward.

Mu Niange's heart was torn into pieces by Lu Yanche bit by bit. Now, if Lu Yanche wanted to glue Mu Niange's heart together, it would naturally take a lot of time, but the bonded heart still had scars. Lu Yanche It is impossible to erase that scar, the only way to do things that move Mu Niange is to gradually bury that scar.

"Xia Minmin, I think we should go back..." Xia Youyou grabbed Xia Minmin's arm and stopped.

Xia Minmin was taken aback by Xia Youyou's words of running away. In the next second, she curled her lips and said with a sarcasm: "Xia Youyou, when I was going out, I asked you if you really want to help me. I came together, and now that the goal has not been achieved, you want to leave? Are you playing with me? Or are you playing with yourself? Your heart is not strong enough, and you are afraid that what you see next will be cruel. Hurt yourself? Didn't you give up on Lu Yanche? Then whatever Lu Yanche did for Mu Niange, don't care about your business, I should be sad, I should be sad, there is nothing wrong with you..."

Xia Minmin didn't give Xia Youyou time to hesitate. While she was talking, she supported Xia Youyou to walk. When they wasted a minute here, Lu Yanche and Mu Niange might disappear from their sight.

After losing Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's thoughts, wouldn't they all be in vain?
Xia Minmin is stimulating Xia Youyou, telling Xia Youyou not to run away. Xia Youyou understands Xia Minmin's painstaking efforts, but for some reason, she always feels that it is useless to follow like this.

(End of this chapter)

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