Chapter 339

In addition, Lu Meiqi feels that Mu Niange has disappeared, and Lu Yanche has a great responsibility. An apology is needed. Lu Meiqi is willing to give Lu Yanche such a chance. As for whether Mu Niange will accept Lu Yanche's apology, that is Mu Nian Song thing.

Yang Zhishuang refused to let go, seeing Lu Yanche standing at the door, she frowned, just about to ask if Lu Yanche did it on purpose, Mu Niange pulled Yang Zhishuang's arm away from her, Mu Niange Looking at Yang Zhishuang, he said, "You and my brother go in first, I have something to do."

What can Mu Niange do?

It's nothing more than staying and talking to Lu Yanche...

Yang Zhishuang didn't want to, but then she thought that when Lu Yanche was looking for Mu Niange, he was so active in looking for him, with an anxious look on his face, to give Lu Yanche a little face, and went into the house with Mu Yuanling, Ji Jingchen was the most conscious among them, When he arrived at the door, he didn't even look back. Before leaving, he only gave Lu Yanche an encouraging look.

When everyone was gone, there was silence between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche faced Mu Niange, Mu Niange faced Lu Yanche sideways, Lu Yanche stretched out his long arms, and pulled Mu Niange over, making Mu Niange face him head-on, Lu Yanche wanted to ask if Xia Minmin robbed Mu Niange The bag that reads the song?
All of a sudden, Lu Yanche couldn't ask again.

If Xia Minmin really did it, isn't it all because of Lu Yanche?

Lu Yanche slapped Mu Niange, no matter how sweet Mu Niange was, no one would pay attention to Lu Yanche.

"how do you feel?"

For a simple question, Lu Yanche seemed to have exhausted all his strength before asking. Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche and nodded. She could feel Lu Yanche's nervousness, Lu Yanche's bewilderment, Lu Yanche knew the reason of the matter in his heart , Mu Niange is equally clear in his heart, so...Mu Niange is a little more clear than Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche's uneasiness.

"I stand in front of you, you look at me, how do you feel about me?"

Mu Niange looked calm. After she nodded, she asked Lu Yanche back. Lu Yanche didn't expect Mu Niange to ask such a question back. He was stunned for a moment, and then he thought carefully about the question Mu Niange asked. How did he feel? There is something wrong with this question.

Mu Niange stood in front of Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange, and then, what kind of person did he think Mu Niange was?

In Lu Yanche's heart, Mu Niange is of course perfect. In Lu Yanche's view, Mu Niange's shortcomings are also advantages...

This cannot be described in words, but it needs to be felt by Mu Niange with his heart, but Mu Niange's question doesn't mean that Mu Niange didn't feel it from Lu Yanche?In the final analysis, what Lu Yanche did in front of Mu Niange failed very much. Failure did not happen once or twice, but a series of failures. Even Lu Yanche himself did not realize where he failed.

"I're not very good." Lu Yanche looked around Mu Niange up and down, and replied honestly.

Mu Niange frowned and said, "I'm not asking you how I look, but what kind of person I am in your eyes..."

Mu Niange asked very straightforwardly. This time, he didn't beat around the bush with Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche felt that Mu Niange had changed. He had really changed. Before, Mu Niange had never said such words to Lu Yanche. Now, six years later It's even more impossible. Before, it was because Mu Niange had low self-esteem, was timid, and didn't dare to ask, but now, it's because Mu Niange doesn't bother to know what kind of person she is in Lu Yanche's eyes.

just now……

The development of the matter reached the point where Lu Yanche couldn't control it. Lu Yanche was dumbfounded. He was worried about Mu Niange, wondering if there might be any harm on Mu Niange.

"Of course you are perfect."

Lu Yanche remembered what Ji Jingchen had said to himself before, to praise a girl's family, you must say that the other party is perfect, even if you know that the other party has shortcomings, you can't say it bluntly, you need to say it tactfully, otherwise, you will inevitably be caught. He slapped him hard.

Lu Yanche wanted to tell Mu Niange tactfully, think about it carefully, Mu Niange is perfect in Lu Yanche's eyes, there is no need to be polite.


The corners of Mu Niange's lips curled up into a mocking smile, Lu Yanche was startled by Mu Niange's smile, he opened his mouth, wanting to explain something to Mu Niange, watching Mu Niange turn his back to himself , Lu Yanche couldn't say anything when it came to his lips...

"In the past, if you said that I was perfect, I would definitely feel very sweet. Afterwards, I secretly felt inferior, thinking about myself, what should I do to become the perfect object in your eyes and mind?"

"Now, you tell me that I am perfect. What I have to say is that you have great vision, because I feel the same way, do you know why? Because Shuangshuang told me that I must be confident, a confident person , even if it’s not as good as I said it would be, one day it will become so good.”

"I have always insisted, always thinking that I can change, and then I changed... But in your eyes, I have not changed at all. What you keep in your heart is still me from six years ago, you Missing everything we have had, everything is beautiful to you, but it is not like this to me, we have different thoughts, different ideas..."

"Lu Yanche, you clearly know that I hate you very much. I hate you to the bone. Although I said I gave you a chance, I never once let you get closer to me. Do you really not mind at all?"

"What about those red envelopes you gave me? Inside each one, there are memories belonging to them. Do you really think that I will be moved when I see those notes?"

Mu Niange's emotions gradually became agitated, she turned to face Lu Yanche again, she questioned Lu Yanche, questioned fiercely, she approached Lu Yanche, made Lu Yanche back again and again, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange and reacted It's so big, I'm a little panicked...

He had no other intentions, but simply wanted to give Mu Niange, which Lu Yanche wanted to give to Mu Niange a long time ago, and has been dragging on until now. Lu Yanche is afraid that if he doesn't take it out, there will be no such thing in the future. Chance.

"Recite the song, things are not what you imagined."

"It's not what I imagined, so what? Do you dare to act like Lu Yanche? Since it's not what I imagined, you can tell me what it should be. I'll stand here and listen to you, Say it, say it..."

(End of this chapter)

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